• 全文包括摘要正文结语

    The full text includes a summary of the body of four chapters and conclusion.


  • 关于10机遇信息包括摘要、提议请求(RFP)评估证书以及义务信息。

    The information on the opportunities includes a summary, estimated RFP release, and incumbent information.


  • 有效阅读策略包括摘要、自问、总结、视觉表象改进SQ3R技巧等。

    Efficient strategies include summary writing, enquiry, reflection, visual image, and the improved version of SQ3R.


  • 每个Reference元素包括摘要方法已识别资料资料物件计算得出的摘要

    Each Reference element includes the digest method and resulting digest value calculated over the identified data object.


  • 内容必须评价的正文,评价中的资料结论一致包括摘要之外任何信息参考文献

    The content must be consistent with the text, data and conclusions of the review and not include references to any information outside the abstract.


  • WBS应当包含详细活动包括摘要活动摘要活动可以往细分的活动,详细活动不能再往下细分)。

    Your WBS should contain both detailed and summary activities. (A summary activity is one that is broken down further; a detailed activity is one that is not broken down further.)


  • 年长工人拥有时间工作经历的工人需要推销他们最强的长处,包括摘要在内的履历提供了其所需要的足够重视

    Older workers: workers with extensive employment history need to sell their strongest credentials; inclusion of a summary section provides that focus.


  • 创建一个包含所有辛普森一家”剧集标题、集数、播放日期每集摘要XML文件(包括源代码下载中)。

    I put together an XML file (included in the source download) that contains all of the Simpsons episodes, their titles, season, episode number, air date, and an episode summary.


  • 然后一些有关物品传记信息包括标题URL摘要

    There is then some biographic information about the article including the title, URL, and summary.


  • 可能出现单词字段并不限于摘要描述注释而是包括附件标记工作物件相关用户名称

    The fields where the word can appear are not limited to summary, description and comments, but include attachments, tags or the names of users that are related to a work item.


  • 可能包括产生摘要作业输入转换

    It also may include transformations that produced the input to the digest operation.


  • 产生结果一个很容易格式化文章列表包括完整文章URL摘要信息每个条目分类信息。

    The result is an easily formatted list of articles or stories, with an URL (for the full article), summary information, and classification information for each item.


  • 相反计划工作包括关联一系列单个项目计划复审并且然后创建这些计划的一个摘要

    Instead, the planning effort involves conducting a series of reviews of the individual project plans, and then creating a digest of their contents.


  • 一般摘要不会多于200并且概括地介绍文章主要信息包括引言,方法结果讨论

    The abstract is usually less than 200 words and provides basic information from the paper's major sections - introduction, methods, results and discussion.


  • 1列出特性JAR文件插件JAR文件中的BUSINESS.SF文件示例内容包括版本签名算法J VM摘要信息

    Table 1 lists the sample content of BUSINESS.SF files in your feature and plug-in JAR files. The version, signature algorithm, JVM, and digest information are provided there.


  • 有关方面科学论述--包括一段有价值视频摘要- - -请参见最近一篇文章链接articleonawakerestin Neuron。

    For a scientific perspective on this - including a helpful video abstract - see a recent article on "awake rest" in Neuron.


  • WAS Overview提供一个WebSphereApplicationServer运行时摘要包括产品版本服务器名称节点单元以及已部署应用程序状态

    WAS Overview provides a summary of the WebSphere application server runtime, including product and version, server name, node, cell, and the status of the deployed applications.


  • 摘要包括数据库、数据库所有者分配大小dbspace创建日期

    The summary includes the database name, its owner, total size allocated, total size used, dbspace name, and date created.


  • 搜索结果作为一个列表显示其中包括作为超链接文档名称(DocTitle)文档摘要(characterization)。

    The search results are displayed as a list, which includes the name of the document (DocTitle) as a hyperlink and the summary of the document (characterization).


  • 这个字典可帮助追踪一切摘要细节活动包括一个简短描述WBS标号(1.1、,等等),以及效果评估。

    The dictionary helps keep track of all of the summary and detailed activities, including a short description, the WBS numeric identifier 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2.


  • 已经名为EmailSubscriber实用工具包括本文示例代码中,示例代码摘要某些复杂的内容。

    I have included a utility class called EmailSubscriber in the sample code for this article, which abstracts some of the complexity.


  • FOREST纯getWeb轮询用例引申而REST模式包括某些特定类型混搭比如feed聚合或筛选器,为其它网页创建摘要站点等等

    FOREST is a REST Pattern derived from GET-only or polling Web use-cases, including certain kinds of mashups for e.g. feed aggregators or filters, sites that create summaries of other Web pages etc.


  • 这些feed包括内容摘要它们提供一个详细的内容的链接AtomSyndicationFormatRSS流行的 feed规范

    The feeds contain only a summary of the content, but they provide a link to the detailed content. Atom Syndication Format and RSS are the most common specifications of feeds.


  • 业务图形一种容器其中包括标准的业务对象加上动词更改摘要信息

    A business graph is a container that includes a standard business object plus a verb and change summary information.


  • 报告完整版本提供摘要报告五个方案详细比较——其中包括项以最终完成火星轨道飞行为目标的计划

    The full version will provide a detailed comparison of the five options presented in the summary reportincluding one plan that would culminate in a trip to Mars orbit.


  • 结果包括链接查询匹配网页以及相关的富摘要信息(摘要加粗搜索

    The results include links to pages that match your query as well as relevant snippets (excerpts) with your search terms in boldface.


  • 这个过程包括发送生成消息摘要然后摘要加密创建数字签名

    The process involves the sender generating the message digest, then encrypting the digest using its private key to create the digital signature.


  • 此外该表包括图形,用于表示作业每个目标状态摘要

    In addition, the table includes a graphical representation summarizing the status of the job on each of its targets.


  • 门课特色学生团队公司实习案例摘要这些案例包括每家公司一系列建议以及经验中所学到教训反省

    This course features case abstracts from student team internships with companies. The cases include a set of recommendations for each company and reflections on lessons learned from the experience.


  • 如果所查论文不在指定阅读清单内,期末报告题目建议书应该包括它们摘要

    The proposal for the final paper topic should include an abstract of the paper or papers, if they are not in the assigned reading list.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定