• 其他国家包括挪威瑞典丹麦在考虑类似的规定

    Other countries, including Norway, Sweden and Denmark, are considering similar rules.


  • 排在榜前十位的国家还包括挪威卢森堡瑞士芬兰英国

    Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Finland and Britain completed the top ten


  • 有6富国(包括挪威美国英国承诺为此首先支出45亿美元。

    Half a dozen rich countries, including Norway, America and Britain, have promised $4.5 billion for starters.


  • 上世纪三十年代开始,小须鲸遭到过大规模捕杀。时至今日,仍有包括挪威格陵兰日本在内的少数国家依然捕杀它们

    Minkes have been hunted extensively since the 1930s, and the few nations that still practice whaling-including Norway, Greenland, and japan-target them today.


  • 并非美国挑起的冲突包括挪威在内的42国家我们共同努力为的是保护我们其他所有国家不再遭受攻击。

    The other is a conflict that America did not seek; one in which we are joined by 42 other countries -- including Norway -- in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks.


  • 包括我们最亲密盟友——英国法国加拿大丹麦挪威意大利西班牙希腊土耳其——这些国家几十年来与我们并肩战斗。

    This includes our closest Allies - nations like the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey - all of whom have fought by our sides for decades.


  • 已经试图其他国家管理机构共同检查并且已经许多的国家这样了,包括英国挪威澳大利亚

    The commission has sought to do joint inspections with other countriesregulators, and has done them in a number of countries, including Britain, Norway and Australia.


  • 主要捐助伙伴包括澳大利亚加拿大丹麦德国冰岛挪威西班牙瑞典英国

    Key donor partners include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.


  • 沿着条路我们更多地了解自己挪威社会包括成功失败

    I think along the way we'll learn a lot about ourselves and Norwegian society, its failures and successes.


  • 享有保护渔业名声的少数几个地方包括阿拉斯加新西兰挪威纳米比亚,捕鱼在经济社会效益上都很重要的。

    In most of the few places that enjoy a good reputation for looking after their fisheries-including Alaska, New Zealand, Norway and namibia-fishing is economically or socially important.


  • 摩斯·塔菲应于昨天抵达挪威流亡生活并且继续客户争取支持,包括米迪。

    Mostafaei was due to arrive in Norway yesterday to begin a life in exile while continuing his campaigns on behalf of his clients, including Hamidi.


  • 婚礼来宾包括英国足球明星贝克·汉姆妻子维多利亚英国首相卡梅隆挪威国王以及英国歌星埃尔顿·约翰

    Among the wedding guests were English football star David Beckham and his wife Victoria, British Prime Minister David Cameron, the king of Norway and singer Elton John.


  • 工作之余,这位挪威艺术家钟爱各种棋类游戏包括多种角色扮演类游戏)、音乐当然,少不了是开怀畅饮啤酒!

    When he is not working the Norse artist enjoys all kinds of board games including the role playing variety, music, and, of course, the quaffing of copious amounts of beer!


  • 结果显示,芬兰位居第一,进入前十名的还包括瑞士、瑞典澳大利亚卢森堡挪威加拿大荷兰日本丹麦中国位列第59位。

    Right behind were Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Luxembourg, Norway, Canada, The Netherlands, Japan, and Denmark, and China only secured the 59th position.


  • 这样就让许多挪威能够拥有相当奢侈生活包括频繁出国旅游购置第二套房更大私家车也许还能拥有艘汽艇雪地汽车。

    That has enabled many Norwegians to embrace quite lavish lifestyles, involving frequent overseas trips, second homes, big cars and perhaps a boat or a snowmobile.


  • 11月10日紧随爱尔兰纽约挪威之后,苏格兰内阁就禁止公共场所吸烟进行了投票包括酒吧饭馆甚至私人会所

    On November 10th the Scottish cabinet voted to follow Ireland, New York and Norway in banning smoking in public places, including pubs, restaurants and even private members' clubs.


  • 其他新成员国包括比利时匈牙利吉尔吉斯挪威

    Other newcomers were Belgium, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan and Norway.


  • 许多投机者包括穆阿迈尔.卡扎菲(Muammar Qaddaf),每年足以覆盖挪威面积的速度抢占非洲耕地哄抬物价同时,使当地人无家可归

    Speculators, among them Muammar Qaddafi, are snatching up much of Africa's arable soil -- enough acreage to cover Norway in a single year -- driving up food prices and leaving locals homeless


  • 此前拿到13提名人气女歌手Lady Gaga一举摘得包括"年度录影带奖"在内8项大奖,成为本届颁奖最大赢家。 此番出征,Gaga拿到MTV音乐录影带奖的历史第2好成绩,平1986年来自挪威A-Ha摇滚组合

    The flamboyant singer led the field with 13 nominations, and tied Norwegian rock group A-ha, the big winners of 1986, as the 2nd most honored act on a single night.


  • 这本侧重于描述在自然栖息地保护重新引入濒危的物种。 照片包括意大利喷发的火山,克罗地亚美丽的瀑布,以及挪威冰天雪地中的野牛。

    The book focuses on conservation and re-introducing vulnerable species to their natural habitats.


  • 此外有些国家已经开始提供下一代4g服务其中包括瑞典挪威乌克兰美国

    Additionally, several countries have begun offering next-generation 4g services, including Sweden, Norway, the Ukraine, and the United States.


  • 共有11个国家和地区签署了该协议,其中包括巴西欧盟冰岛印度尼西亚挪威美国,并联合国粮农组织会议批准

    The first 11 signatories to the deal, approved by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s governing conference, include Brazil, the European Union, Iceland, Indonesia, Norway and the United States.


  • 然而大量研究表明很多国家牛奶的碘含量依然很高其中包括美国英国丹麦挪威意大利

    Nevertheless, various studies have shown there is still a significant level of iodine in milk in several countries, including the U.S., Britain, Denmark, Norway and Italy.


  • 北约成员国只有土耳其挪威苏联接壤土耳其亲西方立场使忽视了邻居其中包括很多曾经属于奥斯曼帝国国家

    Turkey and Norway were the only NATO members to border the Soviet Union. But Turkey's pro-Western stance led it to neglect its neighbourhood, including many countries once in the Ottoman empire.


  • 北约成员国只有土耳其挪威苏联接壤,但土耳其亲西方立场使忽视了邻居其中包括很多曾经属于奥斯曼帝国国家

    Turkey and Norway were the only NATO members to border the Soviet Union.But Turkey's pro-Western stance led it to neglect its neighbourhood, including many countries once in the Ottoman empire.


  • 多年的斡旋经历也让挪威总结出条经验,就是包括底层民众在内的各方都下来谈,不要任何人排除在和平谈判的程序之外。

    Yet a consistent principle runs through these efforts: that it is better to sit down with all parties, even those considered pariahs, than to exclude anyone from peace talks.


  • 或许会努力留在欧洲经济区内(EEA),这是一个包括冰岛挪威在内的自由贸易俱乐部

    It might try to stay in the European Economic Area (EEA), a free-trade club that also includes Iceland and Norway.


  • 有五百多名选手参赛其中包括澳大利亚挪威新西兰全国冠军

    More than 500 contestants, including national champions from Australia, Norway and New Zealand, attended.


  • 原来鼓舞人心挪威卡尔展示区。包括高层次教程文件

    Original, inspiring and crisp showcase for Norway based Karl Ward. Includes high-level tutorials and source files.


  • 原来鼓舞人心挪威卡尔展示区。包括高层次教程文件

    Original, inspiring and crisp showcase for Norway based Karl Ward. Includes high-level tutorials and source files.


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