• 编辑功能有用的包括打开创建保存音轨

    Editing feature that are useful include open, create, save audio tracks.


  • 可以改变不同水平的事物甚至包括打开DNA关闭dna。

    This can change things on many levels, even including turning DNA on or off.


  • 这些设施包括打开文件句柄(文件描述符)、共享内存进程同步当前目录

    Facilities include open file handles (file descriptors), Shared memory, process synchronization primitives, and current directory.


  • 通常过程包括打开关闭开关对象更改跟踪级别然后重新启动应用程序。

    Typically this involves turning the switch objects on and off or by changing the tracing levels, and then restarting your application.


  • 说明:MFC灰度图像处理包括打开显示滤波二值化直方图几何变换

    MFC gray-scale image processing, including open display, filtering, binarization, histogram, geometric transformations, etc.


  • 访问相机子系统资源包括打开配置相机设备基于客户端(访问者)进程优先级。

    Access to camera subsystem resources, including opening and configuring a camera device, is awarded based on the "priority" of the client application process.


  • 这些任务包括打开关闭车门开动引擎红绿灯面前停车,为车加油进行定期的养护

    Such tasks include opening and closing the garage door, starting the engine, and stopping at traffic lights, in addition to putting oil and gas in the car and performing periodic maintenance.


  • 其中包括打开关闭高速缓存功能选项(现在默认关闭的),还包括所有上下文设置默认属性。

    These include an option to turn caching on and off (the default is now off), and the ability to set default properties for all Contexts.


  • 收集选项包括打开关闭跟踪指定跟踪缓冲区大小;指定或更改跟踪选项;转储跟踪信息;以及清除跟踪缓冲区。

    Collection options include turning a trace on or off; specifying the trace buffer size; specifying or changing trace options; dumping a trace; and clearing the trace buffer.


  • HAManager完成工作包括打开核心组成员之间连接发现监视失败连接(故障检测)。

    The "work" done by HA Manager consists of opening connections between members of the core group (discovery) and then monitoring those connections for failures (failure detection).


  • 整套玩具内有很多真实细节包括打开,屋顶聚光灯塔楼指挥部,可的后院门,等更多细节设计。

    Set has lots of realistic details, including gates that open, spotlights on roof, command base tower, garage doors that slide open and more!


  • 这个发现包括大量其他、法老王相关铭文,“打开了那个时代许多秘密大门有助于改写西奈半岛历史。”马克苏德表示

    The find, including inscriptions relating to an array of other gods and Kings, "opens the door to many secrets of that time and could help rewrite Sinai's history," Maksud said.


  • 先前版本相比,增加了一些新的可用性特性包括添加构建路径打开类型访问改进了代码帮助的功能。

    It includes many new usability features over the previous version, including the ability to add a build path, open types, and access improved code assistance.


  • 现在每个打开窗口都会单独包括预览

    Now, every open window in that program is included separately in the preview.


  • 相反阅读器打开RSS订阅,预载页面元素包括背景广告

    Instead the reader opens pages from your RSS feeds and preloads the page elements, including ads, in the background.


  • 其他改装包括一个看似像SIM实际上是可以打开查看内部电路翻盖。

    Other parts include a flap which appears to be a giant SIM card cover, but actually opens up to let you look at the circuitry inside.


  • 点击“开账单给我”选项,打开一个新页面,输入需要信息包括账单地址社会安全号码最后四个数字出生日期

    Enter the required information. This includes a billing address, the last four digits of your Social Security number and your date of birth.


  • 注意对于游标声明打开游标次数包括该游标数据的次数

    Note that in case of a cursor declaration the value is the number of times the cursor was opened. It does not include the number of fetches made by the cursor.


  • 打开txtcommon.c,修改下面这一代码,使之包括用户ID密码

    Open txtcommon.c and modify the following line to include your user ID and password.


  • 透视图打开初始化视图包括PluginDatasheet视图这个视图将用JFacetexttextviewer显示数据

    The perspective opened its initial views, including the Plugin Datasheet view, which USES the JFace Text class TextViewer to display its data.


  • 第二include使用包装器打开Phar归档并且归档中包括指定文件

    The second include USES the stream wrapper to open the Phar archive and only includes the specified file inside the archive.


  • 详细输出列出已经打开所有JAR文件包括这些JAR完整路径

    Verbose output lists all the JAR files that have been opened and includes the full path to those JARs. Here's an example.


  • 一个方法是以root 身份运行尽可能打开需要特权端 口然后永久去除 root 特权(包括进程所属任何有特权组)。

    One approach is to run as root, open the privileged port as soon as possible, and then permanently drop root privileges (including any privileged groups the process belongs to).


  • 第2第4包括Lua标准函数几个所有lua中都会使用方便函数以及用来打开库的函数。

    Lines 2 through 4 include the Lua standard functions, several convenience functions that are used in all Lua libraries, and functions to open libraries, respectively.


  • 了解月球形成探索包括地球在内类地行星在形成的面貌打开Zuber补充道

    Understanding how the moon formed provides a window into what terrestrial planets, including Earth, were like shortly after they formed, Zuber added.


  • 这些方式包括等待直到cookie过期、等待直到关闭Firefox或者每次打开要求Firefox进行询问。

    You can wait until the cookies expire, wait until you close Firefox, or have Firefox ask you every time it opens.


  • 更改分析视图选项卡打开,并且报告以下更改,其中包括BO1增加属性 Address。

    The changes analysis view tab opens with the following changes reported. Some changes are viewed such as the addition of new attribute Address in the BO1.


  • 浏览器打开OpenBrowserAt指定URL(包括许多这个调试会话配置调试参数)。

    The browser opens the URL you specified for open browser At (with a long list of parameters to configure the debugger for this debugging session).


  • 执行数据库监视活动时,将监视分配内存这些活动包括拍摄快照打开监视器开关重置监视器或激活一个事件监视器。

    Memory is allocated from the monitor heap when you perform database monitoring activities such as taking a snapshot, turning on a monitor switch, resetting a monitor, or activating an event monitor.


  • 执行数据库监视活动时,将监视分配内存这些活动包括拍摄快照打开监视器开关重置监视器或激活一个事件监视器。

    Memory is allocated from the monitor heap when you perform database monitoring activities such as taking a snapshot, turning on a monitor switch, resetting a monitor, or activating an event monitor.


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