• 包括本人在内的许多赛跑选手都是喜欢独来独往的人

    Many runners, myself included, are loners.


  • 非常喜欢喝酒包括一些高热量鸡尾酒

    I also really enjoy drinking alcohol, including some high-calorie cocktails.


  • 一些人(包括在内)喜欢学习所有内容后开始编码

    Some, myself included, like to study all they can before beginning to code.


  • 其他缺点包括不能(喜欢本书那样拿着上网本),以及不能设置黑底白字。

    Other shortcomings include the inability to flip the screen (I'd like to hold my netbook like a book) and the inability to make the text white with a black background.


  • 不能喜欢亨利野心促使去利用所有对有利的包括真是个大错特错做法

    I can't say that I really liked Henry; his ambition was such that he rubbed those who were beneath him, including me, the wrong way.


  • 真的很喜欢所完成的功能,包括通知、离线支持以及一种很简便的可以项目团队成员联系方式

    I really like what they've done with support for notifications, offline support, and an easy way to contact team members on your project.


  • 有这么多人喜欢作品包括学者非常感激高兴

    I’m very grateful and happy that different kinds of people, including academics, enjoy my work.


  • 比较喜欢支持17种不同组件包括菜单网格状结构日历

    What I like about Lucid Spec is that it supports 17 types of widgets for screen design including Menus, Grids, Trees, and Calendars.


  • 喜欢每周通报项目状态包括成本计划风险问题

    I personally like doing a pointed weekly status which focuses on cost, schedule, risks and issues.


  • 自由贸易者(包括)喜欢一项研究然后发现一个ipod产品自身更多价值美国创造的而不是中国。

    Free traders (including me) loved to cite the research that finds far more of the value in an iPod is added in America than in China.


  • 人们喜欢iPod包括一家四口过去几年里买12个iPod)。

    People love iPods (including me; my family of four has purchased 12 iPods in the past few years).


  • 由于城市高中理查德了解不多知道积极每个人都喜欢其中包括老板,这所高中的校长。

    Relatively new to this large urban high school, I knew little of Richard, except that he was active and well liked by everyone including my boss, the directing principal.


  • 个人喜欢无论什么时候返回,都包括一个返回消息因为发现额外细节使一个序列变得更容易阅读

    I personally like to include return messages whenever a value will be returned, because I find the extra details make a sequence diagram easier to read.


  • 喜欢作者包括研究部主管罗宾·哈里斯位撒切尔主义者愿向时下制度妥协的人。

    I should have loved a piece by the former director Robin Harris, a Thatcherite not reconciled to the current dispensation.


  • 因为研究过更好欣赏他的音乐——更热情地聆听他的作品包括喜欢的,有它们,我喜欢那些歌才显得越加好听。

    I think my appreciation has made me a better fan—has deepened my enthusiasm for his work, including the stuff I don't like because it makes the stuff I do like all the better.


  • 关于自己这个世界上喜欢东西包括时间家人在一起,写作跑步

    For myself, my favorite things in the world include spending time with my family, writing, reading and running.


  • 然后喜欢参数构建弹出对象包括大小位置标题部件从中获取显示内容页面URL

    Then, I build the pop object with the parameters I like, including the size, the location, the title, and the URL of the page from which the widget should get its content.


  • 那些致力于儿童保护的人,包括妻子都不喜欢家庭生活非必要的干预。

    Those who work in child protection - my wife among them - abhor intervening unnecessarily in family life.


  • 安装工具侧边栏来放置一些桌面小工具,可以看到里面包括一个超酷幻灯片放映工具显示喜欢电子艺术图片

    As you can see, I'm using a screenlet-sidebar with a few screenlets onit. This includes also a cool slideshow of my favourite digital art images.


  • 那些错误都是自己的- - - -出于无知害怕还有希望所有人都喜欢自己的愚蠢愿望——没有了它们生活工作就会少的压力更多快乐(当然包括成功)。

    I made them myself-through ignorance, fear, and a dumb wish to have everyone like me-and life and work would have been less stressful and more enjoyable (and certainly more successful) without them.


  • 清单也许包括:“待人友善,喜欢孩子热爱阅读计算机数字擅长提出营销概念问题解决者。”

    Your list might include: "I'm really good with people, I love kids, I love to read, I love computers, I love numbers, I'm good at coming up with marketing concepts, I'm a problem solver.


  • 读过莱德并且喜欢然而视频训练却让收获更多原本以为是他的书籍的一个视频版本,但令吃惊虽然这个视频训练包括很多和书里相同的内容,但是的感受却完全不同。

    I read Brad's book and loved it; however, I gained much more value from his Virtual video Coach. I was a bit surprised because I figured it would simply be a video version of his book.


  • 喜欢而且尊重几乎所有同事他们中的大多数人也是如此,”,“只是有几个方面还不太满意,”其中包括公司离家较远。

    I like and respect nearly all my co-workers, and most of them feel the same way about me, 'she says.


  • 喜欢而且尊重几乎所有同事他们中的大多数人也是如此,”,“只是有几个方面还不太满意,”其中包括公司离家较远。

    'I like and respect nearly all my co-workers, and most of them feel the same way about me,' she says.


  • 喜欢各种体育运动包括滑冰

    I like all kinds of sports, including skating.


  • 那些习惯于文件夹为基础的邮件系统的用户,使用标签功能的时候,需要花费一些时间适应。但是知道大多数的用户,包括慢慢的喜欢上了这个功能。

    They do take a little getting used to, coming from a folders-based system, but most people I know, myself included, have come to prefer them.


  • 非常喜欢喝酒包括一些热量鸡尾酒

    I also really enjoy drinking alcohol, including some high - calorie cocktails.


  • 包括在内的很多喜欢葡萄酒所以才说'如何使白葡萄酒拥有有利于心血管疾病健康效应

    Many people, including me, like white wine. So I said, 'How can I prepare white wine ... with this beneficial health effect on cardiovascular diseases?'


  • 喜欢很多组成家庭包括祖父母父母姑姑叔叔还有孩子们

    I like a family composed of many people. It includes grand parents, parents, aunts and uncles, and children.


  • 喜欢很多组成家庭包括祖父母父母姑姑叔叔还有孩子们

    I like a family composed of many people. It includes grand parents, parents, aunts and uncles, and children.


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