• 名士兵袭击中死亡包括平民在内几个受伤

    Two soldiers died in the attack and several people were injured, including civilians.


  • 这些禁令包括平民穿靴子规矩贵族妇女的仪态等。

    These laws ranged from restrictions on boots (with lower classes banned from wearing spikes or points) to a way of distinguishing prostitutes from respectable women.


  • 据报道阿富汗北部都兹市,包括平民在内多人死于北约空袭

    In Afghanistan, scores of people, including civilians, were reported to have died in a NATO air strike in the northern province of Kunduz.


  • 同时美国阿富汗高级指挥官称相信北约空袭中包括平民伤亡

    Meanwhile, the top US commander in Afghanistan says he is convinced civilians were among those killed in a NATO airstrike.


  • 韩国海岸警卫队建筑工人。两名士兵袭击死亡包括平民在内几个受伤

    The South Korean coastguard service said the two men were construction workers. Two soldiers died in the attack and several people were injured, including civilians.


  • 除了实际费卢杰作战的海军陆战队员合作,游戏开发者他们还访问了亲历战斗伊拉克人,包括平民游击队

    In addition to working with actual Marines who fought in Fallujah, the game's developers said they were talking to Iraqis who lived through the battle - both civilians and insurgents.


  • 除了实际费卢杰作战的海军陆战队员合作,游戏开发者他们还访问了亲历战斗伊拉克人,包括平民游击队

    In addition to working with actual Marines who fought in Fallujah, the game's developers said they were talking to Iraqis who lived through the battleboth civilians and insurgents.


  • 每个人都预测到各方流血增加这也包括身陷交战两中间平民

    Everyone expects the bloodshed on all sides to increase, and that includes the civilians caught in the middle.


  • 莫兰现在摆在我们面前有几个选择包括分阶段停止维和任务以及任务移交平民波斯尼亚士兵

    Morin said several options were now on the table, including phasing out the operation and turning the tasks over to civilians and Bosnian soldiers.


  • 这些细节包括射杀逃离城市平民,对刺铁丝网路障一侧高举饥饿孩子母亲们的恳求坐视不

    Those include shooting civilians who tried to escape the city and ignoring the pleas of mothers holding aloft starving children on the other side of the barbed-wire barricades.


  • 阿拉伯联盟海湾合作委员会都呼吁采取紧急行动联合国安理会号令要采取一切措施保护平民包括设置禁飞区。

    The Arab League and the GCC called for urgent action, and the UN Security Council mandated all necessary measures to protect civilians, including a no-fly zone.


  • 死亡平民包括数十儿童还有更多伤残

    Civilian deaths include dozens of children, with many more injured.


  • 无论如何官方调查后媒体报道出现更为接近真相死亡数字—包括3070个平民

    Media reports followed by official inquiries, however, established something closer to the real death toll. It included 30 to 70 civilians.


  • 以色列拒绝释放哈马斯要求释放所有巴勒斯坦在押人员之后,双方的谈判破裂那些在押人员包括一些卷入杀害以色列平民恐怖攻击

    Talks broke down when Israel refused to hand over all of the Palestinian prisoners that Hamas wanted released - some of whom included people involved in terror attacks that killed Israeli civilians.


  • 德国决定参与反对卡扎菲效忠者军事行动其中包括用来保护平民禁飞区

    Germany decided not to take part in the military operation against Gadhafi loyalists, which includes a no-fly zone designed to protect Libyan civilians.


  • 表示包括那些中国人在内,所有平民伤亡都是交火中发生的。

    Any civilians killed - including the Chinese - were in the crossfire, he said.


  • 成员国重申人道工作者安全关切,呼吁各方停止平民攻击包括空袭

    Members also reiterated their concerns about the security of humanitarian workers and called for an end to attacks on civilians from all quarters - including aerial bombings.


  • 太空飞机应运而生促使数百进入航空轨道包括没有军事背景平民

    The space shuttles came next, enabling hundreds of people to fly into orbit, including men and women without military backgrounds.


  • 攻击导致岛上房屋山坡燃起大火有四韩国人,包括平民两名士兵丧生20人受伤

    Four South koreans-two civilians and two marines-were killed in the onslaught that left houses and hillsides in flames, and about 20 injured.


  • 穿着平民开着没有什么明显特征的汽车,其目标五花八门,包括乱丢垃圾乱发传单者,还有愿将爱犬的排泄物地上捡拾起来巴黎

    Dressed in civilian clothes and driving an unmarked car, he tickets everyone from litterbugs to people handing out unauthorized flyers to Parisians who don't pick up after their dog.


  • 卡尔德龙先生本人建议一些罪犯移交平民司法程序,而其他人——包括法外处决的案件,留给军事法庭来裁决。

    But Mr Calderon himself has suggested placing only some crimes under civilian jurisdiction, leaving others-including extrajudicial execution-to the army.


  • 超过300名泰米尔平民包括许多猛虎组织成员家庭关系的,Jaffna一次性杀害

    More than 300 Tamil civilians, including many with family links to the Tigers, have been murdered in Jaffna alone.


  • 哈马斯控制加沙地带,巴勒斯坦医护人员以色列在加沙附近进行的空袭至少炸死3名巴勒斯坦平民包括名少年

    In the Gaza strip, ruled by the Islamic militant group Hamas, Palestinian medical workers said an Israeli air strike near Gaza City killed at least three Palestinian civilians, including a teenager.


  • 3月21日英国皇家空军的旋风式战机在接到空袭目标周围有平民(包括一些外国记者)的警告后,在抵近的黎波里后返航。

    On March 21st an RAF Tornado aborted its mission close to Tripoli after it was warned that civilians, including some foreign journalists, were close to its target.


  • 另有10名以色列人死亡包括3个平民

    Ten Israelis have been killed, including three civilians.


  • 巴勒斯坦方面统计是1400人死亡以色列方面死亡统计数字是1166,包括不幸死亡的295个平民

    Palestinians counted 1, 400 dead but Israel put the death toll at 1, 166 and estimated 295 fatalities were civilians.


  • 很多集束炸弹并没有立即爆炸可能潜伏长达数年甚至冲突结束数十年后,炸死炸伤平民其中包括儿童

    Many of them fail to explode immediately and can lie hidden for years, killing and maiming civilians, including children, even decades after the original conflict is over.


  • 很多集束炸弹并没有立即爆炸可能潜伏长达数年甚至冲突结束数十年后,炸死炸伤平民其中包括儿童

    Many of them fail to explode immediately and can lie hidden for years, killing and maiming civilians, including children, even decades after the original conflict is over.


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