• 有效部位包括身体以上任何部位包括头部

    And the target areas include any part of the body above the waist, including the head.


  • 生活那些日子危险事件包括头部会被天空下来的火箭零件击中。

    One of the hazards of living in those days will include getting conked by spare rocket parts falling from the sky.


  • 完全浸入水中(开头是完全的浸泡,包括头部),双眼感受热量渗入全身

    Once you are fully immersed (and you should go completely under, head included, at first), close your eyes, and feel the heat penetrating your body.


  • 马里克位红十字会成员只能着用消毒剂纱布和绷带处理十分严重伤口包括头部四肢残损的伤者。

    With only a few bottles of antiseptic, gauze and tape, Mr. Marek and several staff members attempted to treat deep wounds, including people who were missing parts of their heads or limbs.


  • 极端情况下使用巴拉克·拉瓦(全面),其中包括头部面部颈部一个眼睛和鼻子的小开。

    In extreme conditions, use a balaclava (or full hood) which covers the head, face and neck and has a small opening for the eyes and nose.


  • 使用RAS开发者能够资产封装一个元数据包中,包括头部属性例如资产名称版本描述请见1)。

    Using the RAS, developers can package each asset in a meta-data wrapper that includes top-level attributes, such as the asset's name, version, and description (see Figure 1).


  • 这种指向可能包括头部眼睛身体运动注意转移可能是头部、眼睛或身体保持不变的内隐注意转移。

    Orienting may involve overt movements of the head, eyes, or body, or covert shifts of attention whereby the head, eyes, or body remain stationary.


  • 添加模板 <xsl:templatematch="/"> —HTML模式包括头部底部

    Add the root templatethat is, <xsl:template match="/">—and fill it with the pattern of the HTML document, including both the header and the footer.


  • 我们演示一些练习方法,以便帮助提高蝶泳技术。其中包括头部位置的练习,配合时机的练习,分解练习,单臂练习等等。

    Then we are going to show you drills that help you enhance the stroke, whether it is head position, or timing, or take it apart, do one arm at a time.


  • 其他常见病因包括接触过量噪音头部耳朵受伤衰老服用耳毒性药物

    Other common causes include exposure to excessive noise, head and ear injury, ageing and the use of ototoxic drugs.


  • 忌讳包括触摸他人头部碰碰别人因为看作身体的最高部分脚是身体的最低部分。

    Taboos include touching someone "s head or pointing with the feet, as the head is considered the highest and the foot the lowest part of the body."


  • 其它选择设备包括单一切换设备、跟踪头部移动的设备,用于行动困难的可选择的键盘

    Other alternative input devices include single switch devices, devices that track head movements, and alternative keyboards for persons with mobility impairments.


  • 第4XHTML文档必须包括完整头部区域

    Line 4: XHTML documents must include a full header area.


  • 数据中包含一些头部包括ISO 8583消息长度

    This data contains some header values, including the length of the ISO8583 message.


  • 疾病包括各种头部颈部组织器官各种类型肿瘤长在唾液腺粘液上。

    The disease includes a range of tumour types occurring in the tissues and organs in the head and neck, for example salivary glands and mucus membranes.


  • 第一HTMLV4网站DIV 当作新的圣杯一样使用页面几乎每个需要略加修饰的元素都用上,包括限于头部

    The first HTML V4 sites adopted DIVs as the new holy grail and used them for almost every element in a page that needed a little decoration, including (but not limited to) page headers.


  • SS o用于通知浏览器何时ltpa令牌作为cookie包括http头部流中

    The SSO domain is used to inform browsers when to include the LTPA token as a cookie in the HTTP header flows.


  • 为了确保iPhone产生射频辐射在规定的范围内,工程师们专门建立了几个仿真人类头部模型,其中包括仿真大脑粘状物,来测定辐射对于大脑影响

    To make sure the iPhone didn't generate too much radiation, Apple built models of human heads — complete with goo to simulate brain density — and measured the effects.


  • 因此每个脚本包括一个头部这个头部设置执行命令所需任何变量

    For this reason, each script will contain a header in which you will set any variables necessary to execute the line commands.


  • 尽管目前30个受伤者接受重症监护,其中包括几个头部受损者,但如果列车正常速度行驶后果更加严重。

    Though 30 of the injured are in intensive care, including several with brain injuries, the toll could have been much worse if the train was traveling at normal speed.


  • SOAP规范描述了SOAP信封可以包括一个可选消息

    The SOAP specification describes that a SOAP envelope can contain an optional header part.


  • 食品可能引发不仅仅有偏头痛包括紧张头痛——感觉就像戴上“紧箍咒”,整个头部都疼

    Migraine and headache. Foods may trigger not only migraine but also tension type headache, which feels like tightening of a band around the head, making the whole head ache.


  • 长头型即头部窄的狗,包括萨摩耶西伯利亚哈士奇以及阿拉斯加雪橇犬

    Dolichocephalic, or more narrow-headed, breeds consisted of Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes.


  • 颜色只有一个黑色深色眼睛颜色补丁周围可能承认只要包括超过10%的头部

    Colour: Completely white; only one black or dark coloured patch around the eye may be admitted, provided that it does not cover more than 10% of the head.


  • 呼气时想象自己平和感受带入身体其余所有部分,包括胳膊腿部头部

    As you breathe out, imagine you are sending that peacefulness into all the rest of your body, including your arms, legs, and head.


  • 随后警察发生枪战中,包括被击中头部警察在内又有15受伤

    In a subsequent shootout with police, 15 people were wounded, including a policeman shot in the head.


  • header包括贯穿所有界面通用头部信息例如导航界面链接按钮

    Header: contains header information common across all the screens, such as links and buttons for navigation or screen names. The HTML file contains the following placeholder for the header.


  • 其他一些诱发因素包括耳垢中异物、耳朵头部损伤、耳部感染鼓膜穿孔以及其他一些可以引起中耳、内耳炎症因素。

    Other causes of hearing loss include earwax buildup, an object in the ear, injury to the ear or head, ear infection, a ruptured eardrum, and other conditions that affect the middle or inner ear.


  • 男孩玩具娃娃头部套件$ 750.00,额外的脸部$ 599.00,包括眼睛符合定制娃娃特点假发

    Boy Toy Head Kit is $750.00 Additional Faces are $599.00 and include the eyes and the wig appropriate to the character ordered.


  • 男孩玩具娃娃头部套件$ 750.00,额外的脸部$ 599.00,包括眼睛符合定制娃娃特点假发

    Boy Toy Head Kit is $750.00 Additional Faces are $599.00 and include the eyes and the wig appropriate to the character ordered.


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