• 如今因为一些问题儿童剥夺这些以往一直都有的自由。这些问题包括犯罪、交通室外空间丧失以及关于什么孩子最好荒谬观点

    These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and odd new perceptions about what is best for children.


  • 一些孩子包括在内,乘坐卡车上后面暴露在天空下面,没有考虑天气怎样变化

    Some of the children, myself included, rode in the back of the truck, exposed to the sky and whatever weather might develop.


  • 解释一些我们遇到基本问题包括我们如何决策,我们为何喜爱我们孩子堕入爱河时会发生些什么等等

    I'm going to be trying to explain fundamental aspects of ourselves including questions like how do we make decisions, why do we love our children, what happens when we fall in love, and so on.


  • 为了解决这个问题,试着通过这些孩子安排一些同时进行宽泛训练包括教授字母读音单词及其语义模拟上述联系

    To get around this, she says she attempts to simulate these connections by engaging the kids in a wide range of simultaneous exercises, including teaching letters, sounds, words and their meanings.


  • 引起自闭症原因尚且不知尽管一些研究包括提交给国际自闭症协会那些文章暗示一些来自母亲方面因素可能导致孩子患上自闭症

    The cause of autism is unknown, although some research, including the papers presented at IMFAR, hint at some maternal factors that might contribute to a child developing the disorder.


  • 此外,开发团队还孩子甚至蹒跚学步的幼儿,制作了一些特别活动其中包括绘画拼积木

    There are even special activities for kids and toddlers, including an activity table for drawing and playing with blocks!


  • 另一个可能性现在临床医生正在诊断出更多处于孤独症谱系障碍轻微一段孩子包括一些具有较高认知能力孩子

    Another possibility is that clinicians are now diagnosing more children on the milder end of the autism spectrum, including children with higher cognitive ability.


  • 尽管如此,要第三孩子可能就意味着最高高达5800美元高额费用其他一些处罚包括失去维持生计的工作

    Having a third child, however, can mean steep fines as high as $5, 800 and other penalties that include the loss of a breadwinner’s job.


  • 客人们笔记本一些内容,然后保留它们斯基发现一些笔记本留在了餐桌上包括孩子

    Guests write in them and keep them, but Mr. Bucatinsky always finds that a few notebooks, including his children's, are left on the table.


  • 工作室收留了一些孩子综合体中,有助于确定设计元素包括砖墙颜色。

    Workshops held with the children who would live in the complex also helped to determine elements of the design, including the colouring of the brickwork.


  • 父母需要付清孩子账单包括他们日常饮食服装而且一些孩子要买昂贵玩具

    The parents need to pay off the kids' bill, including their daily diet and clothing, what's more, some kids want to buy the expensive toys.


  • 近些年一些水痘病例爆发包括纽约市传统犹太社区的出现,与父母拒绝为孩子接疫种苗密切相关

    Some measles outbreaks in recent years, including in the Orthodox Jewish community in New York City, have been linked to parents refusing vaccines.


  • 女儿参加过一些父母亲孩子们准备酒吧聚会,提供的包括啤酒葡萄酒混合饮料

    My daughter has been to parties where the parents provide a bar for the kids that includes beer, wine and mixed drinks.


  • 款应用包括一些保证孩子安全提示以及孩子不见几个关键小时里事项指南。

    The app also includes tips on keeping children safe as well as specific guidance on what to do in those first few crucial hours after a child goes missing.


  • 一些互动社会活动互联网上,其中包括聊天室在线游戏论坛电子邮件使孩子上瘾

    Some interactive and social activities on the Internet, including chat rooms, online games, BBS and emails, make kids addictive.


  • 来自密苏里普林菲尔德安东尼·约翰逊当时正和一些孩子一起宾馆泳池游泳其中包括弟弟克里斯托弗一位表亲,悲剧发生大约晚上9点半。

    Anthony Johnson, of Springfield, Missouri, was swimming in the hotel pool with a group of children including his little brother, Christopher, and a cousin at about 9:30pm when the incident occurred.


  • 儿童犯罪其他一些确凿原因包括学校挫折失败药物酒精更加容易得到,以及孩子受到虐待忽视越来越多

    Other identifiable causes of offensive ACTS include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect.


  • 奶嘴一些可以咬的玩具也是好的选择,但是需要确定这些东西包括拆卸部分,否则这些部分被轻易的拆下来造成孩子窒息

    Pacifiers and teething toys are also good choices. You need to make certain that there are no detachable parts that might break free and cause a baby to choke.


  • 几乎所有拍戏工作围绕孩子时间表来安排甚至包括最近的电影:由舞台剧《平常心》(TheNormalHeart改编一部片子,讲述的是艾滋病出现初期与之斗争的一些事情,今年五月HBO电视台播出

    Almost all of her acting 10 work is shot around their schedule, even her most recent: an adaptation of The Normal Heart, a play about the early fight against AIDS, airing on HBO this month.


  • 几乎所有拍戏工作围绕孩子时间表来安排甚至包括最近的电影:由舞台剧《平常心》(TheNormalHeart改编一部片子,讲述的是艾滋病出现初期与之斗争的一些事情,今年五月HBO电视台播出

    Almost all of her acting 10 work is shot around their schedule, even her most recent: an adaptation of The Normal Heart, a play about the early fight against AIDS, airing on HBO this month.


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