• 甩,在肩上。

    He slung the bag over his shoulder.


  • 芬克尔斯坦小姐大拇指层敷料

    Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.


  • 种新的汉堡现在美国很受欢迎看起来其他汉堡,味道也样。

    A new kind of hamburger is now popular in the U.S. It looks the same as any other hamburger, and so is the taste.


  • 有些喜欢吃比萨他们归类垃圾食物油腻薯条片、汉堡包一

    Some people are not so fond of pizza. They classify it as junk food, along with greasy French fries, potato chips, and hamburgers.


  • 照片邮寄来

    A packet of photographs arrived with the mail.


  • 腋下夹

    She was carrying a parcel of books under her arm.


  • 出去香烟

    He went out to buy a packet of cigarettes.


  • 他们制造出式豆堡迅速销往国外的新食品。

    They produced the first vegetarian beanburger – an innovation which was rapidly exported.


  • 他们香烟价格下子提高了50便士

    They've slapped 50p on the price of a pack of cigarettes.


  • 几个

    I left my bags on one side.


  • 这个收音机只有盎司重香烟小。

    The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a pack of cigarettes.


  • 我会带来咖啡格兰诺拉麦片当早餐

    I'll bring you some coffee and a bag of granola for breakfast.


  • 在公文搜索取出文件

    He rifled through his briefcase and extracted a file.


  • 眼睛上方,挺的。

    The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye.


  • 每位入会者都会收到迎新

    All joiners will receive a welcome pack.


  • 零零碎碎东西走了。

    She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left.


  • 需要邮票吗?

    I need some stamps. Are there any in your bag?


  • 俱乐部赠送免费信息

    The club will send a free information pack.


  • 打开了的公文拿出了文件夹然后合上了

    He opened his attaché case, removed a folder, then closed it again.


  • 桨叶带子紧紧在了

    The blade of the oar had entangled itself with the strap of her bag.


  • 这个搜寻找到了她想要的东西然后门口走去。

    She rooted through the bag, found what she wanted, and headed toward the door.


  • 去买报纸照看吗?

    Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper?


  • 他们下子饼干吃光了。

    They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.


  • 折叠起来时底部重合了。

    When the bag is folded, the bottom overlaps one side.


  • 我们“免下车”餐馆停下来吃汉堡

    We stopped at a drive-in for a hamburger.


  • 沃尔玛出来手里拿着面条

    I came out from WallMart, with a bag of bumf and some noodles in my hand.


  • 汉堡

    I'd like to order a hamburger and an orange juice.


  • 可以得到薯片

    You can have a bag of crisps.


  • 可怕人影消失树林莉莉跑回了

    The terrible figure disappeared into the forest, after which Lily picked up her bag and ran all the way home.


  • 什锦蔬菜

    I picked up a package of mixed greens one day.


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