• 那个士兵因的敢而授予枚奖章

    The soldier was awarded a medal for his bravery.


  • 中国微生物学家余向我们展示这座宽敞建筑里面课桌空空如也。他配有插图时间轴上详细描述中国南极探险活动上世纪80年代以来的快速增长

    Yong Yu, a Chinese microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of Chinas Antarctic operations since the 1980s.


  • 名送货司机。

    Wang Yong is a delivery driver.


  • 到这幕,帕感到非常难过。

    Payeng felt very sad when he saw this.


  • 特福德大学的专家安·霍玛就这点向许多父母和他们的孩子提出了建议。

    Ann Homayoun, expert from Hartford University, has advised many parents and their kids about this.


  • 1979年的天,16岁的帕在雅鲁藏布江岸边散步。

    One day in 1979, 16-year-old Payeng was walking along the bank of the Brahmaputra River.


  • 低头爬山不畏险阻,脚踏实地才能攀高峰——在训练很多时候跑步或者自行车训练,在这途中穿过各种高低不同山峰

    When you reach a hill put your head down and take it one step at a timeMost days of my training I was either running or biking and I would always come across hills of varying magnitudes.


  • 这种结果开着香烟冷饮小店、因而中事务了如指掌的(音)看来很明显

    The results are clear to Lang Yong, who keeps tabs on village affairs from his shop selling cigarettes and cold drinks.


  • 祝建仍然大中型公司工作,它们拥有更强实力可以抵御危机这些的确很难找到适合专业的工作。

    'I still feel like finding a job in a big or medium sized company with stronger capability to withstand the crisis, but it's really hard to find one that suits my major these days,' he said.


  • 所以阮晋正在同时接抛三个机率上来看其中可能落地

    So, he's juggling three balls and the odds are that it looks like one might be dropped.


  • 只好建筑工地上做泥瓦匠王莉低价从厂里买来针织机,在家里门口摆摊做起了简单的针线活生意。

    Chen had to be a mason in a construction site while Wang Li bought an old knitting machine and set a stand before her gate. She was very skillful in knitting.


  • 本来体质就,动了大手术以后体质急速下降整整没能下床。

    Chen, originally weak physically, declined rapidly after the operation. He had been lying in bed for nearly a month.


  • 祝建自己申请设计师职位由于缺乏经验觉得自己希望渺茫

    Zhu wanted to apply for a position as a shoe designer, he said, but with his lack of experience he thought his chances were slim.


  • 由于机队扩张速度继续超出需求航空公司加剧中国机场拥堵问题警告称:“我们现在飞机数量实在太多了。”

    As fleet expansion continues to outpace demand, carriers are adding to congestion problems at some Chinese airports. "We have just far too many planes now," Mr Xu warns.


  • 看着眼前消瘦憔悴想到自己付出王莉心里软,同意了陈军的要求

    Seeing the skeletal Chen and thinking of all he had done for her, Wang Li felt guilty and promised his requirement.


  • 今年发现奇怪的事情开始琐碎小事而发怒。

    Ding found that this year, something strange happened: he began getting irritated at the littlest things.


  • 通过氧化锌炉甘石洗液中的主要成分、金相宇以及他们同事制造出段夹两个电极之间纳米线

    Using zinc oxide, the main ingredient in calamine lotion, Young Jun Park, Sang-Woo Kim and their colleagues created a field of nanowires sandwiched between two electrodes.


  • 我们思索问题时,它会进入解析信息模式中,会被如般的大量信息瞬间冲晕了头。

    When we're working on a problem, our brain goes into the information assimilation mode and is quickly overwhelmed because of the flood of information.


  • 为了测试甲虫捕食两栖能力,两位研究人员设计了如同《末日战士破雷电堡》样的实验

    To test the beetle's amphibian eating ability, the researchers set up an experiment straight out of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.


  • (华西都市报):我国电子商务建立多年但是作为整体网上贸易的队伍仍不够强大

    Zhao Yong (Western China Metropolis Daily) : It has been several years since the inception of e-commerce in China, but the online market is not strong as a whole.


  • 网络销售获得的收入正在增加,张志对于渠道获得更大增长谨慎态度,因为中国消费者希望在购物网站上打折商品

    Revenue from the Internet is growing, but Mr. Zhang said he is cautious about pursuing larger growth in the channel, as China's shoppers expect to get only discounted products online.


  • “啊”的声,鲜血喷涌而出……王莉自己行为吓着了,松开了手中的失魂落魄地跌坐地上

    Chen shouted miserably and was bleeding nonstop. Wang was shocked by her own deed and dropped the knife on the ground, sitting there soullessly.


  • 觉得今年已经来不及采纳陈静意见了,打算今年春天起遵循建议。

    Ding says it may be too late for him to take Chen's advice this semester, but he plans on following it in the spring.


  • 家里三天,五天大吵,次激烈的争吵之后,王莉索性店里,整整没有再回家,也整日在外面以前工地上的群朋友借酒消愁

    Because of the frequent conflicts and quarrels, Wang moved to her shops and did not go home for nearly a month. Chen stayed with his friends for the whole day drinking.


  • 知道段婚姻已经无法挽回,心怀愤恨的决心不平等的离婚协议付出代价

    Knowing that this marriage could not be kept, with great grudge in heart, Chen decided to work out a divorce agreement that would make her pay the price!


  • 但是没想到军婚后想到自己受到的种种委屈,加上的无理取闹,王莉再也忍受不下去了。

    However, she did not imagine Chen would become another person later. Thinking of all the pains she suffered and seeing Chen making conflicts then, she could no longer bear it.


  • 拱廊上,叫彭世高个子老人在唱中国传统民歌

    In an archway, a tall elderly gentleman named Peng Shi Yong is singing a traditional Chinese ballad.


  • 目前标准普尔500家公司起诉时总会位令人尊敬投资人立“讼棍”潮头

    Nowadays, when S&P 500 companies are sued, a respected investor will almost always step forward to lead the disgruntled masses.


  • 目前标准普尔500家公司起诉时总会位令人尊敬投资人立“讼棍”潮头

    Nowadays, when S&P 500 companies are sued, a respected investor will almost always step forward to lead the disgruntled masses.


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