• 劳动自由流动城乡统一劳动市场,则决定非农劳动收入替代工资)。

    Or it depends on their income from nonagricultural industry, i. e. substitutive wage, in the united labor market of urban and rural areas, where labor force can flow freely.


  • 第17条:柬埔寨王国投资者可根据劳动移民法自身需要自由聘用柬埔寨国民外国公民

    Article 17: Investors in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall be free to hire Cambodian nationals and foreign nationals of their choosing in compliance with the labor and immigration law.


  • 而且虽然起来有些无情,但是多数获益于自由贸易技术进步的人,是把资本和劳动力转更加赚钱业务中去的。

    And, hardhearted though it may sound, most of the gains from trade and technology alike come from the way they redeploy investment and Labour to activities that create more wealth.


  • 女儿自由地坐交谈,不再蒙面他们,总能电视看到许多妇女劳动时也没带面纱。久而久之,他们觉得自己不带也没什么不妥了。

    But their daughters sit and chat uncovered because, they say, they have seen unveiled women at work or on television so much that at last it seems normal to them.


  • 现在当务之急进一步增强劳动服务能源市场自由度。

    The most urgent measures now needed are the further deregulation of labour markets, services, energy and so on.


  • 抛却一切每周都有晚上尽情娱乐;每一天都要有自己时间,可以看一部电视剧,或者听听莫扎特并且,每个周日安排家务劳动,以此享受周末自由

    Set aside one night weekly for active recreation; take time daily for you, whether it's a long shower or listening to Mozart; and schedule routine chores on weekdays so weekends are free.


  • 成员们提供一种载有各种服务项目清单,他们可以选择其中一些愿意支付费用的项目,通过这种方式获得资金用来支援对自由职业者更为有利劳动法案

    She would provide members with a menu of services that they could choose to pay for, thus generating the funds to spend on the union's advocacy of freelance-friendlier labour laws.


  • 2004年,所有欧盟国家允诺给波兰以及其他加入国家自由进入居住权(没有劳动权)。

    All EU countries granted Poland and the other newcomers in 2004 free rights of entry and residence (but not the right to work).


  • 极大的讽刺:所有到达这里的囚犯都会受到劳动使自由这块招牌欢迎,但是许多没有活着看到自己的解放

    Poignant: in a bitter irony, inmates were greeted with the sign 'work makes you free' but many people did not live to see the liberation.


  • 他们弗吉尼亚民兵115编队旗帜劳动这一蓝色旗帜上面用金色的大字刻着这样的箴言:不自由毋宁死

    They labored beneath the banner of the 115th Virginia Militia, a blue flag bearing a motto in golden letters: "give me liberty or give me death."


  • 麻省理工ThomasMalone表示,自动化、全球化自由化所带来的改变也许仅是大变革中的冰山一角,即脑力劳动的分类变化。

    Thomas Malone of MIT argues that these changes-automation, globalisation and deregulation-may be part of a bigger change: the application of the division of Labour to brain-work.


  • 基本上劳动合同法,雇用劳力或员工的合约不能自由了。

    Essentially what the new law says is that labor contracts are no longer free.


  • 货物服务劳动资本自由流动壁垒全球范围内打破,辅以沟通手段物流产业的显著进步

    Barriers to the free flow of goods and services, Labour and capital are being pulled down around the world, aided by huge improvements in communications and transport.


  • 作为自由劳动来源大型家庭农业国人们的首选

    Large families are preferred in agricultural countries as a source of free labor.


  • 经济合作发展组织一直在说教成员国中的发达国家,让继续推行自由贸易私有化富有弹性劳动和产品市场

    THE Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has long lectured its rich member countries about pursuing free trade, privatisation, and flexible Labour and product markets.


  • 转移具体模式来看,美国农村剩余劳动的转移属于自由迁移模式

    From the transfer of the specific model, the U.S. transfer of rural surplus labor migration patterns are free.


  • 把他们留给市场他们仍然可以自由通过贡献劳动追求意义的生活,从而与其他人生活接轨

    Left to the market, they remain free to pursue a meaningful life by making a productive contribution, however modest, to the lives of others.


  • 不过劳动市场更为自由国家爱尔兰表现同样糟糕。

    But countries with more liberalised Labour markets, such as Ireland, have done badly too.


  • 习语劳动创造自由”的确工作可以自由或者工作解放自己,但不是说工作是自由的。

    The phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei" actually means work will set you free or work is liberation, not work is freedom.


  • 自由金融市场更加灵活劳动市场最近取得巨大进步的信息技术增强了我们吸收破坏力自我恢复能力

    Deregulated financial markets, far more flexible labor markets, and, more recently, the major advances in information technology have enhanced our ability to absorb disruptions and recover.


  • 尽管如此自由定价自由汇率自由贸易自由劳动市场私有化取得巨大成功

    Yet free prices, free exchange rates, free trade, free Labour markets and privatisation have proved a colossal success.


  • 打击支持劳动自由流动很难吗?

    Would it fight so hard to defend free movement of Labour?


  • 表示巴马并无提议重新磋商北美自由贸易协定希望审阅与此相关劳动环境标准

    He said Mr Obama had not proposed renegotiating the North American Free-Trade Agreement but wanted to review Labour and environmental standards in the accord.


  • 一方面自由、自得其乐和长了翅膀悠闲声音一方面是劳动声音。

    On the one hand, the sound of liberty, the careless happiness of the leisure which has wings; on the other, the sound of toil.


  • 因此会很自然想象自己被迫劳动时间越短自由娱乐的时间越好

    So that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.


  • 盗窃之后不长时间,这个声名狼藉的印有德国劳动获得自由”标志被分离

    The infamous sign with the German phrase "Work Sets You Free" was found shortly after the theft cut into three pieces.


  • TopCoder公司将IT项目切割很小一块而且提供全世界自由编码员劳动

    TopCoder chops up it projects into bite-sized chunks and then serves them up to a worldwide workforce of freelance coders.


  • TopCoder公司将IT项目切割很小一块而且提供全世界自由编码员劳动

    TopCoder chops up it projects into bite-sized chunks and then serves them up to a worldwide workforce of freelance coders.


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