• 一个极端存在这样的开发人员他们认为测试最好第三国家低等劳动力完成。

    On other extreme we have developers who think testing is best left for the monkeys from the Third World countries.


  • 第七节我们现已列举各种劳动方式这些方式中,用于外部自然劳动是从属于生产的。

    We have now completed the enumeration of the modes in which labour employed on external nature is subservient to production.


  • 马克思认为整个人类社会历史通过自己劳动自然生成的历史,人通过劳动实现确证自己自由自觉”的本质

    Marx thought that history of the whole human society came into being from the nature by means of man's own Labour, so man realized and proved conclusively his "free and conscious" essence.


  • 程恩富先生劳动价值论深化研究提出了“新的劳动价值一元论观点,在学术引起很大反响

    The viewpoint of "monism of new human labor value" put forward by Mr. Chen Enfu in deepening the studying of labor value has caused great repercussions in academic circles. According to Mr.


  • 同时,朱克·斯勒不得不关注有关GAP公司使用第三国家劳动情况的舆论和报道。

    Drexler also needs to keep an eye on averting controversy over the Gap's use of third-world labor.


  • 其次全面系统介绍国外学术关于农村剩余劳动转移理论研究成果;

    The most systematic and worthy theory on study of the agriculture surplus labor force transfer is the theory of Dualistic Structure.


  • 哈尼族社会生活生产劳动产生重要影响

    Such a world outlook has great impact on the social life, productive labor and other aspects of the Hani people.


  • 中国经济理论,一直存在资本雇佣劳动”和“劳动雇佣资本”以及“企业共同治理”之间的争论。

    In Chinese economic theory, there is a debate in "Capital employ Labour", "Labour employ Capital" and "Enterprises administer together".


  • 通过目前理论两种完全不同理论辨析,认为服务业劳动并不生产劳动非生产劳动可以创造价值

    Through the analysis of two different ideas at present, a conclusion is made that not all service trades are productive Labour, but non productive Labour can also create values.


  • 劳动要素分配的问题,引起了理论的高度重视

    Non-labor elements participating in distribution gave rise to attach great importance within theoretical circles.


  • 这一最大航空公司关注达拉斯中国大陆的服务项目但是成本结构劳动条件飞机类型生产持续性提供航班这些因素限制

    The worlds largest airline had eyed services from Dallas to greater China but was limited by factors including cost base, Labour conditions, aircraft type and product to sustainably offer flights.


  • 目前农村小学生劳动技术教育实施方面还存在一些需要研究解决问题学术方面的问题的研究还比较薄弱

    At present, there are some problems needs to be solved in the implement of rural primary students 'laboring and technical education, and it is the weak section for academia.


  • 美国现在面临基础设施日益沦落为第三世水平教育体系位居三流,同时劳动也极度短缺的局面。

    The us suffers with an increasingly third-world level of infrastructure, third-tier education system and enormous gaps in the preparedness of its workforce.


  • 这些广大劳动权利息息相关,故成为司法实务、行政机关劳资团体共同关心议题焦点

    These are highly related to the rights of multitudinous labors, certainly it would become issue concerned by the fields of academic, judicial operational, and labor-management groups.


  • 最近一个时期以来,理论围绕深化认识劳动劳动价值论问题进行了探讨

    Recently the theoretical field makes a discussion surrounding the problem of deeply understanding working and working value.


  • 商品价值量的大小是不是社会必要劳动时间来决定始终一个谜团一样,困扰着学术

    Whether the commodity value is decided by two kinds of socially necessary laber-time has always been a mystery which baffles the academic circles.


  • 人民币回归本位,美国找回工作吗?想一想吧,工作机会会来到第三国家那儿劳动便宜

    You think that just making yuan the deserved value will give your jobs back?Think again, jobs will just go to some other 3rd world country where labour is cheap.


  • 但是长期以来,学术地区农村劳动研究较少,社会资本角度开展实证研究更为鲜见。

    But for a long period of time, the academic community researches little about the rural labor force in this region, let alone the empirical researches from the perspective of social capital.


  • 展示了理论信息技术劳动生产率相关性研究成果

    The third lays out the principal empirical studies of the relationship between IT and productivity.


  • 苗族先民朴素宇宙生存论出发,认为自然包括天地日月不是上帝创造的,而是人类不断劳动创造的结果。

    From the simple point of universal survival, the ancestors of Miao nationality held that nature including the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon were created by human beings, not by God.


  • 苗族先民朴素宇宙生存论出发,认为自然包括天地日月不是上帝创造的,而是人类不断劳动创造的结果。

    From the simple point of universal survival, the ancestors of Miao nationality held that nature including the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon were created by human beings, not by God.


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