• 影响水牛绵羊山羊其他动物

    FMD affects cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, swine and other cloven-hoofed animals.


  • 灵长类动物指甲相当于其它动物

    Nails are the primate equivalent of hooves and claws on other animals.


  • 马克博士观察其它动物比如鹿

    Dr Bracke also looked at other hoofed animals, such as deer.


  • 《利未11章提到肉类饮食教规,吃肉是有条件的,比如倒嚼动物;,只能倒嚼且分动物

    We also, in Leviticus 11, meat dietary laws ; that are governed by criteria such as cud chewing and having a split hoof; you can only eat animals that chew the cud and have a split hoof.


  • 不同文化区域人们都爱国内动物踝骨做游戏或者占卜

    People in various cultures have used the anklebones of domestic artiodactyls in games and fortune-telling for millennia.


  • 每年大量动物

    Wolves depend on a variety of large ungulates (hoofed animals) for food.


  • 动物的幼仔出生时处于发育高级阶段能够几天照料自己

    In ungulates, the young are born in an advanced stage of development and can fend for themselves in a few days.


  • 格兰人视觉敏锐,比起大多数种族,他们分辨更多颜色。格兰人食草的有动物进化而来,因此他们有多个

    The Gran have excellent vision, able to resolve more colors than most species. Gran have multiple stomachs, having evolved from herbivorous ungulates.


  • 尽管这种覆盖毛皮的动物看起来鼠,但是有些研究者认为现存物种中,事实上大象最近亲属(关于这点科学上存在激烈争论)。

    While the furry creature looks like a big rat, it's thought by some camps (there's a fiery scientific debate) that the hyrax is actually the closest living relative to the elephant.


  • 胶水:一种液体剂,通过胶原质的动物部分骨胳皮革,把它们煮动物然后加水而制的。

    A strong liquid adhesive obtained by boiling collagenous animal parts such as bones, hides, and hooves into hard gelatin and then adding water.


  • 疽,化脓性软骨其它动物软骨所患的一种炎症,特征为:组织退化形成死肉以及

    An inflammation of the hoof cartilage of horses and other solid-hoofed animals, characterized by degeneration of hoof tissue, formation of a slough, and fistulous sores.


  • 哺乳纲中的偶动物,是因四肢偶数而得名现存于世界上的包括这类反刍动物,以及骆驼等。

    Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order artiodactyla, a group of even - toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.


  • 疽,化脓性软骨其它动物软骨所患的一种炎症特征为组织退化形成死肉以及瘘管疼痛

    An inflammation of the hoof cartilage of horses and other solid-hoofed animals characterized by degeneration of hoof tissue formation of a slough and fistulous sores.


  • 但是真正老虎特别是华南虎耳朵很小正常情况下面朝向两侧,且所有食肉动物动物都是这样的。

    But the true tiger, especially the South China tiger, has small ears and, the auricle faces side as in the normally seen in all carnivores and ungulates.


  • 第一次夏天去那里时候,朋友玛丽亚优点和缺点了一番推心置腹的长谈,但是最后得出的结论是,鉴于我俩都不属于动物我们都没有肚量吃草。

    When I went in the summer, my friend Maria and I had a long conversation about the pros and cons of eating grass, but concluded that, not being ungulates, we didn't have the stomachs for it.


  • 属于关于某种哺乳动物犀牛奇数脚趾的踩着某人的脚趾。

    Of or relating to certain hoofed mammals, such as horses and rhinoceroses, of the order Perissodactyla, that have an uneven number of toes .


  • 一种已灭绝始新世更新世哺乳动物,其特征为有三爪,每爪有三

    Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed, three-toed feet.


  • 指甲爪的,相反用于动物

    Having nails or claws, as opposed to hooves. Used of mammals.


  • 野牛动物,背部有隆肉

    The bison is a hoofed animal with a humped back and long, coarse hair.


  • 哺乳纲中的偶动物,是因四肢为偶数而得名,现存于世界上的包括这类反刍动物,以及骆驼猪等

    Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.


  • 他们的结果证明,在现生哺乳类,鲸豚与类最亲近;骆驼河马羊等反刍动物属于类。

    Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order artiodactyla, a group of even - toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.


  • 蛋白蛋白质广泛存在人和动物表皮毛发以及动物、壳、爪、中,是一类性能优良天然生物复合材料

    Keratin, a kind of protein, exists widely in human and animal organs, including epidermis, hairs, wool, feather, hoof and horn. It is a natural compound material with good properties.


  • 最近出土化石使的祖先可追溯到一种外形像狗植食动物而且基因分析证实了现存动物中河马鲸的近亲

    Recently unearthed fossils trace whales to a doglike predecessor of hoofed plant-eaters, and genetic analysis has identified hippos as whales' closest living relatives.


  • 一种有哺乳动物,外貌相似有亲缘关系个子耳朵包括驯养

    Any of several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, resembling and closely related to the horses but having a smaller build and longer ears, and including the domesticated donkey.


  • 全世界首次使用任何有脚的动物(称为动物)的体细胞(不是精细胞卵细胞细胞)实现一成果。

    It is the first time in the world that this has been achieved using somatic cells (cells that are not sperm or egg cells) from any animal with hooves (known as ungulates).


  • 全世界首次使用任何有脚的动物(称为动物)的体细胞(不是精细胞卵细胞细胞)实现一成果。

    It is the first time in the world that this has been achieved using somatic cells (cells that are not sperm or egg cells) from any animal with hooves (known as ungulates).


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