• 然而现在对于这块肉的味道如何没有任何显示因为严格规章制度阻止任何一个人去品尝实验室动物生成培育出来的组织

    There is no indication yet of how the meat tastes because strict regulations prevent anyone from consuming tissue grown in a lab which has been fed on animal products.


  • 火烈鸟一样,吃一些甲壳类动物在体内生成胡萝卜素,就形成了鲜艳颜色

    The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotene derived from a diet of crustaceans.


  • 但是通过动物之间通讯计算机化,这套系统生成很多有关动物本身它们特定任务指令反应数据

    But by computerizing the communications between animal and handler, the system will also generate a lot of data about the animals themselves and the way the respond to certain tasks and commands.


  • 海马体前部齿动物研究中,齿状回神经元生成的部位,我们这一部位组织学检查以及染色等等

    We know that an area of the anterior hippocampus is the dentate gyrus, and that's where the new neurons are born in the animal studies. We can do the histology and the stains and so forth.


  • 海马体前部齿动物研究,齿状回是神经元生成的部位,我们部位组织学检查以及染色等等

    We know that an area of the anterior hippocampus is the dentate gyrus, and that's where the new neurons are born in the animal studies.We can do the histology and the stains and so forth.


  • 老鼠的研究显示腿上肌肉只有它们在剧烈收缩才会生成这种分子。(例如动物走来走去时)。

    Studies in rats show that leg muscles only produce this molecule when they are actively being flexed (for example, when the animal is standing up and ambling about).


  • 对于动物生成可再生柴油来说,高温高压动物脂肪氢气作用发生氢化反应

    For renewable diesel made from animal fat, fats are hydrogenated by reacting the tallow with hydrogen under high pressure at high temperature.


  • 我们知道海洋酸化越来越严重,这会破坏甲壳类动物(例如贻贝)生成外壳能力

    We knew that the seas were getting more acidic and this would disrupt the ability of shellfish - like mussels - to grow their shells.


  • 这项应激反应机制和孢囊生成维持联系起来的发现不仅新药开发提供可能靶点同时可能引向动物预防性疫苗的研发。

    The discovery linking this stress-response mechanism to cyst formation and maintenance not only offers a possible target for new drugs, but it could also lead to a preventative vaccine - for animals.


  • 艺术部门重新设计了这些异族人,使他们电子动物面具不是计算机生成图形来实现

    The art Department instead redesigned the aliens to be realized by animatronic masks rather than by computer-generated imagery.


  • 原本健康肿瘤以后经常可以自我康复这种康复都是肿瘤生成了几个月后在此期间肿瘤很可能传染其它动物身上

    Healthy dogs who develop the tumor often recover on their own, but not before expressing the tumor for several months and possibly spreading it to other animals.


  • 目的建立下颌骨牵拉成骨动物模型研究了解颅面部牵拉骨生成规律。

    Objective To establish the animal models of mandibular distraction osteogenesis in rabbits and study its osteogenetic mechanism.


  • 注意动物农产品价格冬青更新发生更新生成项目上,在更新之前已经存在物品仍然会是原来的状态。 。

    Note: : animal product prices and edibility of Holly will only take effect on items generated after the update. items that already existed before updating will still have the old prices/edilbility.


  • 通过临近生成p 16ink4a基因动物dna中写入第二个基因,因为位置靠近,所以可以相同遗传切换控制

    He did this by inserting into the animals' DNA, near the gene for P16INK4A, a second gene that was, because of this proximity, controlled by the same genetic switch.


  • 胡索瘤胃微生物促进作用可能提高纤维分解减少生成,因而产生有利动物的作用。

    Fumaric acid can enhance rumen microorganisms, with a possibility to increase fiber degradation and reduce ammonia production. These effects favor animal performance.


  • 水槽进行分层流体中运动物生成重力自由相互作用实验研究

    The experimental research of the interaction between a free surface and the internal wave generated by a towed sphere in a stratified fluid is conducted in the water tank.


  • 然而我们推测严重不利副作用发生可能性由于减少动物人群中血管生成样蛋白2表达治疗水平太低了。

    Therefore, we speculate that the possibility of the occurrence of a serious unfavorable side effect due to treatments that decrease Angptl2 expression in animals or people is low.


  • 红细胞生成可以有效提高化疗荷瘤动物红细胞免疫功能作用剂量明显相关。

    The erythropoietin can also improve the erythrocyte immune function of bearing tumor animal effectively after the chemotherapy and there is no dose-effect relationship either.


  • 茸毛与毛发相似细丝状突出物比如节肢动物刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成

    A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.


  • 本文给出了生成基本方程组对应方程组。

    A basic equation of internal waves generated by moving body and its corresponding spectrum equation are presented in this paper.


  • 茸毛与毛发相似细丝状突出物比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成

    A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.


  • 依拉鲁刺激啮齿类动物的C细胞使降钙素生成增加部分实验动物发生肿瘤未观察到有人类发生此类严重副作用。

    Liraglutide stimulates C-cells in rodents, causing an increase in calcitonin and there were few cases of cancer in these animals, but there were none in nonhuman primates nor in any humans.


  • 体外细胞培养动物实验证明促红细胞生成缺血损伤具有神经保护治疗作用

    It has been proved that erythropoietin has neuroprotective effect and therapeutic action on cerebral ischemia in vivo and in vitro.


  • 生成一类蛋白质生长因子动物包括人类)生长发育过程中组织器官决定分化起重要作用。

    Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are growth factors that involved in the growth, differentiation and repair of a wide variety of tissues.


  • 葡萄糖氨是甲壳类动物帮助中几质的生成促进生长

    Glucosamine can help to synthesize chitin in crustacean shells, which AIDS growth.


  • 血管生成研究一个重要实验进展出现20世纪20年代当时透明首次用于实时观察进入动物肿瘤血管增长

    An important experimental advance in angiogenic research came in the 1920s, when transparent Chambers were first used to observe the growth of vessels into tumors in animals in real time.


  • 这座发电厂动物慕尼黑议会合作兴建的,的工作原理是首先将那些粪便发酵,待生成甲烷后再将其燃烧即可获取人们所必须的各种能源了。

    The plant, launched in co-operation with Munich city council, operates by fermenting the manure. This produces methane which is burnt to provide energy.


  • 这座发电厂动物慕尼黑议会合作兴建的,的工作原理是首先将那些粪便发酵,待生成甲烷后再将其燃烧即可获取人们所必须的各种能源了。

    The plant, launched in co-operation with Munich city council, operates by fermenting the manure. This produces methane which is burnt to provide energy.


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