• 这些人物自身那些畸形脑袋动物状的耳朵残缺肢体像是潜意识的投影。

    The figures themselves, with their misshapen heads, animal-like ears and half-formed limbs are also likeapparitions out of the subconscious.


  • 有趣对于小型哺乳动物啮齿类动物岛屿规则相反的,因为条件下,巨头主义是有利的。

    Interestingly, the island rule is reversed for small mammals such as rodents, for which gigantism is favored under insular conditions.


  • 有趣的是对于啮齿动物这样小型哺乳动物来说,岛屿法则推翻了因为环境下,巨大的体型最受欢迎的。

    Interestingly, the island rule is overturned for small mammals such as rodents, for which gigantism is favored under insular conditions.


  • 北美洲生活着各种各样兽,猛犸象乳齿象是长着巨大象牙的象动物还有骆驼巨大的树名单待续。

    North America was populated by a wide variety of great beasts, like mammoth and mastodons, both elephant-like creatures with big tusks, and camels, giant sloths, the list goes on.


  • 亚马逊河豚我们钟爱的动物一点儿都不像。

    Amazon dolphins bear little resemblance to our beloved Flipper.


  • 还有不能飞行鸟类翅膀,还有人类皮肤的毛发毛皮哺乳动物类似,这些都我们共同祖先证据

    Vestiges such as the stumpy wings of flightless birds, and the hairs that prickle on human skin just like the rising hackles on furry mammals, are further testimony to our Shared origins.


  • 这种古老的爬行动物背上有着标志性的船帆背鳍,它常常被误认为一种恐龙甚至出现恐龙玩具

    This reptile, with its iconic sail-shaped back, is often mistakenly identified as a dinosaur, and is even included in packages of toy dinosaurs.


  • 一些小动物甚至一个经典造型——把脑袋抬起侧向一边,摆出副非常严肃凝视

    Some even managed that classic pose of cocking their head to one side with an earnest gaze.


  • 不仅如此一个浪头即将把海豹险境之时,座鲸还利用的巨大肢(米长动物王国中最长)把轻轻地推了回来

    Not only that, but when a wave threatened to return the seal to danger, the humpback used its massive flipper (at five metres, the longest in the animal kingdom) to nudge it back on.


  • 这种鲨鱼状的动物属于神秘的银。 银蛟可能是现存古老鱼类之一,人类对它的研究少之又少。

    The shark-like animal belongs to the mysterious and little-studied chimaeras, perhaps the oldest group of fish alive today.


  • 动物研究已经发现身体活跃动物拥有更好记忆而且它们的海马突起有更多细胞

    Animal studies have found that physically active animals have better memories and more cells in their hippocampus.


  • 这种叫作牙形刺动物长有数相互咬合圆锥,像钉耙一样将猎物“耙”入口中。

    The animals, called conodonts, possessed rows of sharp, interlocking cone-shaped teeth that raked prey into their mouths.


  • 哈密尔顿推测,片内陆退去亚马逊河豚了下来,逐渐进化一种恐怖动物,与我们钟爱的动物,外貌上已大相径庭

    When this inland sea retreated, Hamilton hypothesizes, the Amazon dolphins remained in the river basin, evolving into striking creatures that bear little resemblance to our beloved Flipper.


  • 随着动物植物花朵之间精妙的部件匹配完成——长舌头可以深入狭窄的花毛绒绒的面部则埋入了多刺的刷花朵,传粉的问题很快迎刃而解

    Match the right animal and plant parts-long tongue poked into narrow tube, furry face pressed into sticky brush-and pollen is soon on its way.


  • 动物花粉转运系统一样,植物发生了惊人改变,有的变形瓣膜

    Flower receptacles, like the animals' transport systems, are wonderfully varied, from tubes and gullets to flaps, brushes, and spurs.


  • 虽然无毒蜈蚣让某些皮肤过敏,它们都是蠕虫状的动物

    Centipedes also carry venom that is not deadly but can be toxic to people who are allergic to other types of insect venoms. Both centipedes and millipedes are worm-like creatures.


  • 因为鸟类羽毛爬行动物鳞片包含素体——这是一种微小的结构,其中包含了各种各样的黑色素,于是很多古生物学家开始怀疑恐龙羽毛是否含有黑素体。

    Bird feathers and reptile scales contain melanosomes-tiny sacs holding varieties of the pigment melanin. Many paleontologists suspected that dinosaur feathers also contained melanosomes.


  • 已经灭绝6500万之久的菊石一种带有多螺旋外壳海洋动物,其小室之间的阻隔即缝合线就是一种复杂分形曲线

    Extinct for 65 million years, ammonites were Marine cephalopods that built chambered spiral shells. The walls between these Chambers, called sutures, were complex fractal curves.


  • 动物研究表明难辨芽孢杆菌,一种常见细菌性腹泻造成干扰

    Animal research with Sb shows interference with Clostridium difficile, a common bacterial cause of diarrhea.


  • 动物中的圆形扁平结构椎间盘。

    A round flattened platelike structure in an animal such as an intervertebral disk.


  • 环带,生殖带某些环节动物蠕虫表皮膨胀、含腺带,例如蚯蚓分泌粘性液体形成一层防护层。

    A swollen glandular saddlelike region in the epidermis of certain annelid worms such as the earthworm that secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for their eggs.


  • 有许多关于两种巨型动物之间一决胜负战斗故事,在抹香鲸身上见过吸盘状的伤口以及也发现过有巨型章鱼残余

    Many stories of deadly battles between these two massive animals exist, and sperm whales have even been seen with suction cup-shaped wounds and remnants of giant squid in their stomachs.


  • 黄昏丝毫没有使壁垒变柔和然而变冷气温上升的湿气诱使许多夜行动物浮现

    Nightfall does nothing to soften the spiny ramparts, yet cooler temperatures and rising humidity entice many nocturnal creatures to emerge.


  • 只秃鹫大肠里微生物群落主要粪便厌氧菌组成,即芽孢杆菌杆菌,这种菌类其他动物致命

    The microbial flora in a vulture's large intestine is dominated by two types of anaerobic faecal bacteria, Clostridia and Fusobacteria, both of which can be deadly to other animals.


  • 海豚种海豚海洋哺乳动物海豚,近似一般比鲸且有吻。

    Any of various Marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle - nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout.


  • 放射对称动物触角向外伸展的部位部位有关的,位于一部位的口腔所在部位的。

    Of, relating to, or located on the part of a radially symmetric animal from which the tentacles radiate or the side where the oral area is found.


  • 放射对称动物,囊身体刺样结构触须只有一个开口它们珊瑚水母形式出现

    Radially symmetrical animals having saclike bodies with only one opening and tentacles with stinging structures; they occur in polyp and medusa forms.


  • 放射对称动物,囊身体刺样结构触须只有一个开口它们珊瑚水母形式出现

    Radially symmetrical animals having saclike bodies with only one opening and tentacles with stinging structures; they occur in polyp and medusa forms.


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