• 所以动物摄像机鲨鱼身上–一种配备卫星标签水下摄像机

    So he's attached crittercams to the sharksunderwater cameras equipped with satellite tags.


  • 他们没有打算利用红外热成像摄像机快速鉴定可能受到感染动物方法成为一种诊断性检测方法。

    Their method, which USES IRT cameras to quickly identify potentially infected animals, is not intended to be a diagnostic test.


  • 隐秘世界野生动物基金摄像机拍摄下了印度尼西亚BukitBetabuh森林中的一只稀有苏门答腊虎的足迹。

    In Indonesia, a hidden WWF camera shot footage of a rare Sumatran tiger in the forests of Bukit Betabuh.


  • 觉得中的摄像机动物一体的,而这也是系列视觉特征

    The visual signature of the series is that you feel like the camera is with the animals.


  • 苏格兰柯库布里加洛威野生动物保护公园只刚刚出生4个星期的双胞胎粉红小熊猫接近摄像机镜头,正眨巴、眨巴大眼睛看这个世界呢!

    One of the two 4-week-old twin red pandas gets close to the camera at Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park near Kirkcudbright in Scotland.


  • 老虎领域正在不断缩小,经常出没地区安装的无人遥控摄像机摄影记者迈克尔.尼科尔斯抓拍到许多濒临灭绝猫科动物

    Unmanned remote cameras helped photographer Michael Nichols capture startling images of the endangered cats in their shrinking range.


  • 这个实验我们平行固定的台同步摄像机定位系统跟踪一个空间中的

    In this experiment we use a stationery system with two identical cameras with parallel axes to track a moving object in three dimensional space.


  • 首先如果使之远离摄像机强制用户平时更多聚集他们眼睛(的视线),可能导致眼睛疲劳

    First, this will force users to converge their eyes more than usual, which could lead to eye strain if you do not move objects farther away from the cameras accordingly.


  • 通过平衡摄像系统截取同一瞬间图像,两台摄像机帧。

    Consider two frames, one from each camera, capturing the moving object at the same instant by a parallel axis camera system.


  • 对于输入组由静止摄像机捕获MPEG -2视频流算法不需对进行解码即可对场景中的直接进行目标跟踪。

    The input of the algorithm is MPEG 2 video stream captured by a stationary camera. Then the algorithm tracks moving objects in the stream without decoding it.


  • 所谓摄像机陷阱”———只有动物触发传感器才会启动的摄像机——则能拍到雪豹行踪不定动物距离镜头。

    Something called "camera traps"–cameras that switch on only when animals trigger their sensors–also helped get close-up shots of *elusive creatures such as snow leopards.


  • 机器人可以负载更多设备高级摄像机侧扫声纳等,他们还可以防止人类动物潜在生命危险。

    The bots have the advantage of being able to carry more equipment, like advanced cameras and side-scan sonar, and they also prevent the potential loss of life.


  • 基于主动轮廓的跟踪方法广泛应用于移动摄像机下运轮廓的跟踪。

    Active contour-based tracking has been widely used for tracking contours of objects with moving cameras.


  • 老鼠星系因为有和啮齿动物明显相似尾巴而得名它们哈勃空间望远镜新的高级观测摄像机令人吃惊细节捕捉到的。

    The Mice galaxies, named after their distinct rodent-like tails, were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 活动轮廓和光模型相结合用于动物体图像实时跟踪抽取物体图像边缘信息,并以此信息控制摄像机的运动,达到机器人定位、跟踪等目的。

    A robotic visual servo control based on active contour is presented, which combines the active contour with the image optical flow for tracking image contours related to the object of interest.


  • 成都卧龙两个方案预计训练大熊猫生活自己野生动物工作人员同时通过监视摄像机观察他们

    Under both programs in Chengdu and Wolong, pandas under training are expected to live in the wild on their own, while zoo workers will observe them through surveillance cameras.


  • 本文CCD电视摄像机目标瞬时位置测量精度的几个问题进行讨论。

    CCD camera is widely used in position measurement for motion objects. In this paper, some problems in instantaneous position measurement with CCD camera are discussed.


  • 早餐之后,斯摄像机照得眼光缭乱,它还是往常一样,有礼貌地坐在卡斯动物保护协会写字桌上,文雅地,向人炫耀西它的礼物——皮带

    After breakfast, dazed by the camera but, as always, polite, Snoopy sat on a desk at the Casper Humane Society and obligingly3 cocked her head and showed off the new leash that was a gift from Cathy.


  • 文章研究光学镜头摄像机线性动物退化图象恢复问题。

    This paper deals with restoration and rectification of linear motion degradation image from lens camera.


  • 本文采用了基于跟踪系统框架,并利用背景建模方法,配合静止摄像机检测视野中的

    The framework that I choose for the surveillance system is based on tracking. I only deal with static camera at this moment, so background modeling is a suitable way to detect the moving objects.


  • 张非洲非洲金猫属非洲金猫种)照片数字红外摄像机捕捉到的,这架摄像机由这位研究野外食肉动物行为人类学家,加里 。阿龙森于去年安放的。

    The images of the African golden cat (Profelis aurata) were taken by a digital infrared camera trap set last year by the anthropologist who was studying primate behavior in the wild.


  • 张非洲非洲金猫属非洲金猫种)照片数字红外摄像机捕捉到的,这架摄像机由这位研究野外食肉动物行为人类学家,加里 。阿龙森于去年安放的。

    The images of the African golden cat (Profelis aurata) were taken by a digital infrared camera trap set last year by the anthropologist who was studying primate behavior in the wild.


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