• 所以,“动物工厂”就产生了。

    Therefore, "animal factories" came into being.


  • 彼得·辛格吉姆·麦森两人的才华创作的《动物工厂一书,把动物工厂农场系统中的可怕状况暴露

    When Peter Singer and Jim Mason combined their talents to create the book animal Factories, they exposed the horrible conditions of animals in the factory farm system.


  • 事实上畜产品生产不是一小动物家庭农场而是类似大型有组装线的工厂

    The truth is that farm production does not depend on the family farmer witha small herd of animals but instead resembles a large, assembly-line factory.


  • 即使工厂[例如屠宰场]里屠夫明白对着动物喊叫、惊吓会让他们损失,他们仍旧会那样做。

    "Even when plants [i.e., slaughterhouses] know they're losing money by shocking and yelling at the animals, they still do it, " she says.


  • 这些动物-奶牛火鸡-绝大多数可怕拥挤工厂环境中饲养的。

    The overwhelming majority of those animals - cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lambs - are raised in hideous, overcrowded factory conditions.


  • 系统还有探测各种来自动物工厂不良气味的功能,并且能够按照需要自动打开换气装置。

    The system will also be able to detect various other bad smells - such as from animals and factories - and will automatically switch the ventilation on if required.


  • 还有工厂式农场径流是的,我动物粪便,正在制造径流污染危机威胁我们河流海洋

    Also, factory farm run-off a yes ia m talking about all that animal waste - is creating a run-off pollution crisis that is threatening our rivers and oceans.


  • 动物权利而言,一想到现如今工厂农场里动物如何遭到虐待不寒而栗

    With regards to animal rights, I shuddered to think of how animals are abused on today's factory farms.


  • 脱水工厂内部卫生条件可以控制的,旷野上,受灰尘昆虫鸟类齿动物污染主要问题

    Sanitary conditions are controllable within a dehydration pant, whereas in open fields contamination from dust, insects. birds and rodents are major problems.


  • 地球绕索细线承本,开花而且水果岩石水中的外传布进入工厂动物之内向上升起

    Earth is the serving bearer, blossoming and fruiting, spreading out in rock and water, rising up into plant and animal.


  • 写过《真相大白》、《》等著名作家基于工厂养殖为期3年的调查出版了《动物这部引人注目的书。

    Celebrated author of Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close publishes Eating Animals a riveting book based on a three-year investigation of factory farming.


  • 那些养来用于人类消费动物仍然工厂农民屠宰场工人手下遭受巨大的痛苦。

    Animals who are bred for human consumption still suffer greatly at the hands of factory farmers and slaughterhouse workers.


  • 工厂剧毒人类动物

    The plant is highly toxic to both humans and animals.


  • 兔子宠物后,就另一只从兔子工厂补充过来,领养动物收容所里无家可归的兔子是最好的方法。

    An animal who is purchased at a pet or discount store will be replaced by another one from these rabbit mills, leaving one less home for a bunny already in an animal shelter awaiting adoption.


  • 嘉兴市工厂加工各类动物皮毛,比较昂贵的有狐狸皮貂皮比较便宜的有其他哺乳动物的皮毛。

    Factories in Jiaxing process a variety of animal pelts, from the expensive furs of foxes and martens to more affordable types like rabbits and other common mammals.


  • 今年夏天,数名来自动物权益保护组织——善待动物组织(PETA)成员,潜入一家马仕提供鳄鱼的‘短吻鳄工厂’做卧底,将这些鳄鱼所处的极糟糕的环境曝光

    This summer, members of the animal rights group PETA went undercover at an 'alligator factory' that provides skins for Hermes, exposing that the creatures were kept in terrible conditions.


  • 文章介绍应用ie基本原理方法改进了动物蛋白饲料厂米粉工厂布置工艺流程情况。

    By applying the IE principle and method, the factory decoration and the technological process are improved in the animal protein feed processing plant and the rice plant.


  • 工厂废弃物制成堆肥或者动物排泄物混合作为建筑物燃料

    Waste from plants will be either composted for fertilizer or will be combined with animal waste and used as a fuel within the building.


  • 工厂农场里动物牛奶鸡蛋制造机器一样对待。

    Animals on factory farms are treated like meat, milk, and egg machines.


  • 为这些仓鼠工厂照相之前,这些动物必须全部事情就是用力咀嚼牠们的食物——专门浓缩植物性废料然后排出除粪便

    Before you get images of hamster-wheel factories of, all the animals have to do is munch on their diet of specially enriched plant waste, and then poop it out.


  • 西方国家大部分动物饲养在“工厂式牧场”里,设计是以最少费用生产最多量的动物屠宰

    In the western countries, most livestock are raised in "factory farms" which are designed by the idea that is producing the most animals to slaughter by the least cost.


  • 那时宁愿一个工厂工人,也不愿做动物饲养员,”说道

    "At that time, I would rather have been a factory worker than an animal keeper," he said.


  • 这家生产动物饲料工厂经理,多年都有把一小部分的三氰胺废料添加到在饲料中。

    The manager, who works at a small animal feed operation here that consists of a handful of storage and mixing areas, said he has mixed melamine scrap into animal feed for years.


  • 工厂哪些地方使用动物产品

    Where are the animal products used in the facility?


  • 动物权力保护分子反对任何哺乳动物作为器官工厂

    Animal rights activists oppose using any mammal as an organ factory.


  • 本文指出制革厂皮革工厂也是动物蛋白生产厂。

    This paper points out that a tannery is also a factory for producing animal protein in the leather processing.


  • 其中的道理在于:植物动物真菌那种复杂细胞有着包括一个信息中心细胞核能量工厂即线粒体在内的特殊功能腔室

    The reason is that complex cells like those of plants, animals and fungi have specialized compartments including an information centre, the nucleus, and power stations - mitochondria.


  • 其中的道理在于:植物动物真菌那种复杂细胞有着包括一个信息中心细胞核能量工厂即线粒体在内的特殊功能腔室

    The reason is that complex cells like those of plants, animals and fungi have specialized compartments including an information centre, the nucleus, and power stations — mitochondria.


  • 其中的道理在于:植物动物真菌那种复杂细胞有着包括一个信息中心细胞核能量工厂即线粒体在内的特殊功能腔室

    The reason is that complex cells like those of plants, animals and fungi have specialized compartments including an information centre, the nucleus, and power stations — mitochondria.


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