• 通过页面缓存Rails可以用来构建动态 HTML将此页存储公共目录这样应用程序服务器可以服务其他静态页面一样来服务这个动态页。

    Using page caching, you allow Rails to build a dynamic HTML page, and store it in a public directory, so your application server can serve it just as it would any other static page.


  • 事件处理生成一节中所述,HTML表单小部件每个输入字段动态创建接收事件

    As explained in the event handling and generation section, the HTML form widget dynamically creates receive events for each of the input form fields.


  • 某些时候动态HTML页面需要即时服务器更新以备随时显示-甚至使用后退按钮时候.例如显示银行帐号状态在线订单.

    Sometimes dynamic HTML pages need to be fetched from the server whenever they are displayed - even when the back button is used. For example, pages showing the state of a bank account or online order.


  • 本文中,展示如何构建一个自动填充控件来基于HTMLINPUT字段所输入动态填充表单字段

    Within the article, I show how to build an auto-populate control that dynamically populates form fields based on the value entered in an HTML INPUT field.


  • 如果PHPHTML页面变得更动态兴趣,部分适合您。

    If you took interest in PHP to make your HTML pages more dynamic, this bit is for you.


  • 可以后端业务逻辑中的动态程序数据置于HTML中的指定位置上。

    Dynamic program data from back-end business logic can also be placed at the specified location in the HTML.


  • 然后动态输出信息或者将该信息输出静态HTML文件显示

    You then output the information either dynamically or into a static HTML file to display it.


  • 为了每个表单输入字段动态创建事件首先需要所有表单输入字段HTML解析如清单10

    To create the events dynamically for each of the form input fields, you first need to parse the supplied HTML for all form input fields, as shown in Listing 10.


  • HTML代码包含元素,它显示静态 HTML页面URL,页面包含滚动字幕动态显示消息

    This HTML code contains an element that displays a URL to a static html page containing the message that dynamically appears within the marquee.


  • PDF表单可能通过门户用户HTML输入动态生成

    PDF forms can also be dynamically generated from a portal user' HTML input.


  • 服务器可以使用Velocity处理模板生成动态内容(HTMLXML)。

    On the server side, you can use Velocity to process templates and generate dynamic content (HTML, XML, and so on).


  • DynamicHTML (DHTML)开始时动态检索到内容结合使用

    Dynamic HTML (DHTML) was not initially used in combination with dynamically retrieved content.


  • 这种方式把每个HTML页面中的每个链接进行转换然后应用程序导航Tapestry动态页面之间开始工作不是在静态HTML模板之间。

    Convert each link in each HTML page in this manner, and your application navigation will start to work between the Tapestry and dynamic pages, rather than your static HTML templates.


  • 模板引擎扩展Web应用程序可以使用VelocityServlet处理动态生成HTML输出Velocity模板

    Extending the template engine to Web applications, VelocityServlet can be used to process Velocity templates that generate HTML output dynamically.


  • 清单15 中的第二代码片段使用HTMLselectBooleanCheckbox,以便动态处理禁用启用验证操作

    The second snippet of code in Listing 15 makes use of an HTML selectBooleanCheckbox to dynamically handle disabling or enabling validation.


  • 可以采用动态方式创建bean读取样式表中的定义然后转换成正确HTML标记

    Taking a dynamic approach, you could create a bean to read the class definition from the stylesheet and then convert it to the proper HTML tags.


  • 默认状态下,jsp页面具有一个8kb缓冲区满载动态生成HTML自动刷新

    By default, JSP pages have an 8kb buffer, which is flushed automatically when it's full of the dynamically generated HTML.


  • 使用AjaxWeb动态生成对象使页面每次加载时都产生不同HTML代码

    Using Ajax to dynamically generate the object on the Web can make the HTML code different each time a page is loaded.


  • HTML协调工作并且PHP代码经常会嵌入标准HTMLWeb页面内帮助实现动态内容

    It works harmoniously with HTML, and PHP code is frequently embedded within standard HTML Web pages to facilitate dynamic content.


  • ClosureTemplates是个客户服务器端的模板系统可以使用它动态构建可重用HTML与UI元素

    Closure Templates are a client - and server-side templating system that helps you dynamically build reusable HTML and UI elements...


  • 由于HTML5动态除非运行,否则无法观看网页的布局。

    Due to the dynamic nature of HTML it is often difficult to see how a web page is going to look unless it is running.


  • 这样可以验证件事能够读取XML能够根据xml动态创建HTML

    In that way, I can test two things: that I can read the XML and that I can create HTML from it dynamically.


  • 典型web开发动态创建HTML元素比较繁琐任务一次成为jQuery炫目的地方

    Dynamically creating HTML elements is one of the more tedious tasks in typical web development; once again, this is where jQuery shines.


  • 这个函数依赖简单servlet获取HTML片段(转换后XML),动态使用HTML片段替换DIV标记中的内容

    This function relies on the simple servlet to obtain the HTML fragment (which is transformed XML) and dynamically replace the contents of a DIV tag with that HTML fragment.


  • 这些表示组件动态生成全新html页面替代用户以前正在查看的页面,从而更新用户界面

    These presentation components update the user interface by dynamically producing a whole new page of HTML to replace what the user was previously looking at.


  • 通过使用动态压缩可以html页面大小减少70%。

    You can reduce HTML page size by 70 percent when using dynamic compression.


  • 另一个可供选择的办法使用xslt样式表,将信息动态转换成HTML

    Another alternative is to use an XSLT stylesheet and convert the information on the fly into HTML.


  • 篇文章中,介绍如何构建联式下拉控件,根据其他表单字段动态填充htmlSELECT控件中的值。

    Within the article, I show how to build a cascading drop-down control that dynamically populates values in an HTML SELECT control based on other form field values.


  • 标题左侧导航菜单静态页面正文内容可能jsp页面或者html页面,取决于内容动态还是静态的。

    The header and left navigation menu are static pages, and the body content will either be a JSP page or an HTML page, depending on whether the content is dynamic or static.


  • 令人惊奇的是对于这个站点静态HTML版本动态版本没有很大不同

    Surprisingly, there's not a tremendous amount of difference between a static HTML version of this site and the live site.


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