• 论文钻井工程和计算机科学技术紧密结合起来,编制钻井工程安全动态评价系统软件。

    The drilling dynamic security assessment system is founded with the method which integrates the drilling and computer technology.


  • 客观评价森林生态系统服务功能价值动态变化对于科学经营管理森林资源具有重要现实意义

    It has important significance for scientifically managing and running forest resources to evaluate the dynamic changes of the service function of forestry ecosystem system.


  • 为了更好分析各种控制系统性能评价不同控制算法的效果,文中介绍了一种通用锅炉非线性动态模型

    In order to analyze performance of different kinds of control systems and evaluate different control algorithms, an universal boiler dynamic model is introduced.


  • 提出闭式环路水源热泵空调系统运行能耗计算机动态模拟评价方法

    This paper presents a method, in which the computer dynamic simulation is used, to evaluate the energy use of WLHP (water loop heat pump) system.


  • 阐述手扶机动插秧机液压仿形系统功能特点、设计依据、动态分析数字仿真评价指标。

    The functions, distinguishing features, dynamic analysis and applications of digital stimulation of hydraulic position control system for a walking type transplanter are discussed.


  • 目的评价采用动态血糖监测系统CGMS)进行血糖监测期间,糖尿病(DMCGMS知识教育及加强护理观察重要性

    Objective To evaluate the importance of health education on diabetes mellitus(DM) and continuous glucose monitoring system(CGMS) during continuous glucose monitoring process.


  • 主要讨论了一种使用语音频谱动态特性倒谱距离测量通信系统通信设备进行客观音质评价方法

    This paper studies briefly a distance measure for objective quality evaluation of speech communication channels using instantaneous and dynamic spectral features.


  • 着重恢复过程生态系统动态定量化评价指标进行了初步研究。

    The paper stress on analysis dynamics of ecosystem and quantitative evaluation indexes in the process of the restoration.


  • 主要介绍了空调系统两种评价方法静态经济评价动态经济评价

    This paper mainly introduced two evaluation methods for ice-storage air conditioning, i. e. the static economic evaluation and dynamic economic evaluation.


  • 运用灰色系统理论提出评价林业企业系统安全一种灰色宏观动态预测评价方法

    According to the theory of grey system, this paper puts forward a dynamic predication method for evaluating system safety level of forestry enterprise.


  • 利用系统可以对回采过程工作面顶板动态进行科学预测,并可以对工作面顶板支护质量进行评价

    Using the expert system, we can ratiocinate the dynamic of the working-face roof scientifically in the process of extracting, we can evaluate the maintenance quality of the working-face roof, either.


  • 原型系统实现验证体系结构能够实现动态自动化可扩展定量业务质量评价

    Implementation of a prototype validates that the architecture can realize the dynamic, automatic, scalable and quantitative service quality assessment.


  • 结果表明地理信息系统有效地提高土地动态评价现实性准确性,应用取得了满意的效果

    The results showed hat land dynamic evaluation could be made more precisely and more timely by GIS, and some satis-fied results had been got in the application.


  • 应用rsGIS技术,采用综合指数评价,对区域各县生态环境质量及其动态变化进行了系统的综合评价和对比分析

    Using the comprehensive evaluation index method, the paper makes a dynamic evaluation and ordination of eco-environmental quality of all county in Xinjiang by taking RS and GIS technologies.


  • 评价模型充分考虑景观动态规划同时加入了景观规划设计师交互行为规划系统本身的交互功能

    The dynamic property of landscape is considered in this model adequately, and both the interactive behavior of designers and the interactive functions of the planning system are added into this model.


  • 编制了动态静态结合的系统软件并应用现场;评价动态水的效果。

    Finally, a dynamic and static secondary cooling control system was founded, ap - plied and evaluated.


  • 现代工程系统整个寿命周期内表现出明显动态特性,对系统进行风险评价进一步考虑动态特性。

    The modern engineering system behaves dynamically in its life cycle and this characteristic of dynamism should be considered in the risk assessment of the system.


  • 本文提出定量安全评价预测动态安全指标灰色逻辑代数,然后使用GM(1,1)给出了系统动态安全评价与预测方法

    Grey assessing and predicting safety in dynamic index system is raised. A method concerning the system is developed via the grey prediction model GM (1, 1) and based on the grey logic analysis.


  • 评价有人驾驶飞机操纵品质要求飞机系统一个动态特性等效系统代替

    Assessing the handling qualities of military aircraft, it requires using a low order equivalent system to substitute for the high order aircraft system.


  • 探讨制动传动系统滞后反应时间特性频谱分析引入到对气制动传动系统动态特性的分析与评价中。

    Finally take the relay valve for example, time lag characteristic of air brake actuating system is discussed and the spectrum analysis is introduced in…


  • 文中利用功率理论方法分析建立温室微喷系统的键图模型,为研究日光温室微系统动态性能、评价改进微喷系统的设计奠定了理论基础。

    Power bond graph models of a micro-spraying system in a sunlight greenhouse are analyzed and built up by means of theory and method of power bond graph in the paper, whi…


  • 文中利用功率理论方法分析建立温室微喷系统的键图模型,为研究日光温室微系统动态性能、评价改进微喷系统的设计奠定了理论基础。

    Power bond graph models of a micro-spraying system in a sunlight greenhouse are analyzed and built up by means of theory and method of power bond graph in the paper, whi…


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