• 模型动态特性对偶微分方程描述具有状态空间内任一初始找出多个稳定平衡点的能力。

    The dynamical property of this model is described by dual differential equations and it can find out several stable equilibrium points from any initial point in the state space.


  • 本文提出同时改善电力系统稳定装设点电压动态特性用于静止无功补偿器(svc)的结构控制器设计方法

    A variable structure controller for Static var Compensator (SVC) which can improve power Angle stability of power system and local voltage characteristics of SVC is proposed.


  • 仿真实验结果证实方案不仅可以获得很好的动态调节特性而且可以提高并机系统稳定

    The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control scheme not only can achieve good dynamic performance but also can improve system stability.


  • 所以研究结构动态特性提高刀塔的振性和稳定必要的也是必需的

    So study the dynamic characteristic of the knife towers and raise its ruggedized and stability is essential.


  • 车床动态特性主要车床抵抗振动能力包括稳定

    Dynamic performance of lathe mainly refers to the capacity of lathe's resistance to vibration, including resistance to vibration and stability.


  • 多馈入直流输电系统动态特性稳定控制分析进行了综述

    In this paper, the dynamic characteristics, stability control and analysis of multi-infeed HVDC transmission system are reviewed.


  • 对一个三相系统模型进行仿真,分析了感应电机动态负荷特性系统电压稳定影响给出改善电机节点电压性能措施

    The paper simulates a three-phase system, analyzes influence of induction motor dynamics on voltage stability, and gives methods to improve voltage stability of induction motor nodes.


  • 扰动感应电动机动态电压稳定进行了仿真运用负荷特性对仿真结果进行了分析

    Simulation of dynamic voltage stability of induction motor in the context of small disturbances and analyses of the simulation results with its load characteristics.


  • 车架动态特性设计不好,对摩托车乘坐舒适性操纵稳定安全性以及零部件的可靠性有不良影响

    The dynamic characteristic of the frame will affect the ride comfort, the control stability and the security of the motorcycle, and the reliability of the components.


  • 实测结果表明系统具有良好动态特性稳定

    Experimental results show that the system have better dynamic characteristics and stability.


  • 稳定概念含糊稳定又是动态系统基本特性各种控制系统正常运行前提条件

    Concept of stability is vague, but it is basic characteristic of dynamic system, and precondition that make all kinds of control system run normally.


  • 过程动态特性传递函数加纯滞后描述,分析了算法稳定并给出了稳定,仿真验证了算法的有效性

    The stability of the algorithm is analyzed by method in frequency domain, and the stable boundary of robustness is given. The effectiveness of this algorithm is verified by simulation.


  • 本文水田整机总体布置稳定牵引性适应性动态特性方面分析了存在问题

    This paper analyses the existing problems of paddy field tillage machines in terms of the overall arrangement, stability, tractive ability, suitability and dynamic characteristics.


  • 全国联网形势发电机励磁系统动态特性系统的稳定水平影响很大

    Under the circumstance of interconnection of power network, the dynamic characteristic of generator excitation system has significant effect on power system stability.


  • 针对着陆过程动态方程非最小相位特性利用在线稳定产生用于着陆轨迹精确跟踪的前馈输入状态参考轨迹。

    Taking the problem of autonomous precise landing as an integration of trajectory tracking and robust control, precise landing control law was designed based on online stable inversion and SMC.


  • 船舶电站电压稳定性主要取决于同步发电机调压系统动态特性

    The voltage stability of a ship power station is decided by the dynamic characteristic of its synchronous generator voltage regulation system.


  • 本文讨论了一类联想神经网络学习过程中结构变化引起网络平衡点状态变化动态特性研究了网络的指数稳定性质;

    The exponential stability and trajectory bounds of the motions of equilibria of an associative neural network under structural variations while learning a new pattern are investigated.


  • 结果表明采用阀门特性机组采用其它阀门特性的机组具有更好的空载稳定更小动态超速;

    The results show that the sets using fast closing valves have better stability and smaller over-speed on load rejection than those using other valves.


  • 研究含TCSC电力系统稳定动态特性及设计TCSC实用化控制策略,提出了计及电抗器支路电阻影响结合动态相量法的TCSC建模方法。

    To better understand and control the interactions between TCSC and power system, a kind of dynamic phasors model of TCSC considering resistance influence of reactor branch is proposed.


  • 动态神经网络具有复杂力学系统特性决定了实际应用前提具有较好的一些定性性质稳定收敛性等。

    Neural networks has the properties of a complex dynamic system, the prerequisite condition of it been used in many field is that it has some qualitative properties such as stability, convergence.


  • 功率变换器主电路采用电压电流双闭环瞬时值反馈控制方式,电容电压电流瞬时值控制环提高系统稳定、硬特性稳态特性动态特性

    The voltage and current real-time feedback control method is adopted, which improves the stability, the stiffness, the static characteristics, and the dynamic characteristics of the system.


  • 适应模糊控制对系统的调节作用是明显的,能使系统很快在平衡位置达到稳定改善了系统的动态特性

    The result shows that self-adaptive fuzzy control has better static and dynamic performances than routine fuzzy control.


  • 两个散布有弹性动态)和扩散影响直接取决于的那样表现一个阶段的特性热力学参数说明稳定详细考虑。

    The effects of both light scattering (elastic and dynamic) and diffusion, as directly depending on the thermodynamic parameters characterizing the one-phase state stability, are considered in detail.


  • 四种稳定工况动态特性进行计算机仿真,得出整个输送机任意点的位移速度加速度动张力

    Finally, computer simulation is applied to get the displacement, velocity, acceleration and tension of the anyplace on the scraper conveyor for the four special working condition.


  • 分析主要参数稳定动态响应特性影响

    The effects of some main parameters on the stability and dynamic response characteristics have been discussed, and some significant conclusion have been acquired.


  • 结果表明一定负载转动惯量下,控制系统具有较好的动态响应特性准确性稳定

    Results show that the control system has better characteristics in a certain moment of inertia of the load such as responsibility, accuracy and stability.


  • 讨论了整个测量系统动态特性滤波特性、测量的稳定重复性等特性

    The dynamic characteristic, the filter characteristic, the stability and the repeatability of the system are also discussed.


  • 本文提供了椭圆轴承较详尽静态动态特性稳定资料

    The static and dynamic characteristics as well as the stability data of elliptical bearings are presented in considerable detail.


  • 结果表明之二转向汽车四轮转向汽车大幅度的提高汽车方向盘输入动态响应特性具有更好的机动性能和稳定性能。

    And the results show that four-wheel steering vehicle can improve the dynamic responses to the same steering input. And it has far better handling stability than two-wheel steering vehicle.


  • 结果表明之二转向汽车四轮转向汽车大幅度的提高汽车方向盘输入动态响应特性具有更好的机动性能和稳定性能。

    And the results show that four-wheel steering vehicle can improve the dynamic responses to the same steering input. And it has far better handling stability than two-wheel steering vehicle.


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