• 最后给出动态复杂环境中AGV路径规划

    The final part proposes the local path planning of AGV under the dynamic unknown environment.


  • 传统液位测量方式在动态复杂环境存在分辨率精度、测量盲区缺陷

    The traditional liquid level measurement under dynamic states and complicated surroundings have potential defects that are low resolution, low precision and big dead zone.


  • 为了应对动态复杂环境推动组织变革高管团队可以通过创业型领导来保证公司创业实施和成功。

    In order to response the dynamic environment and promote organization change, the top management team can ensure the success of the corporate entrepreneurship.


  • 复杂情形软件开发这样的动态环境下,这种方式容易失败

    In complex, dynamic environments such as software development, this approach tends to break down.


  • 尽管可以编码中实现,但是规则管理环境构建这些片段就能够更好地控制管理重用,对于动态复杂规则尤其如此。

    While certainly attainable in code, building these fragments within a rule management environment allows better control and management of reuse, particularly where rules are dynamic or complex.


  • 为了增加竞赛复杂橙色动态的,并且整个环境不断移动的。

    To add some complexity to the competition, the orange balls were dynamic and constantly moved around the environment.


  • DLTK包含可扩展框架这些框架旨在降低PHPPerl动态语言构建功能全面地开发环境复杂

    DLTK comprises a set of extensible frameworks designed to reduce the complexity of building full-featured development environments for dynamic languages, such as PHP and Perl.


  • DLTK 包含可扩展框架旨在降低动态语言(PHPPerl Ruby)构建功能开发环境复杂

    DLTK comprises a set of extensible frameworks designed to reduce the complexity of building full-featured development environments for dynamic languages like PHP, Perl, and Ruby.


  • 研究表明食物链结构种群迁入迁出环境噪音都会对种群的复杂动态特征产生影响

    It has been proved that structure of food chain, immigration and emigration, environment noise can influence the pattern of complex population dynamics.


  • 全球市场环境动态复杂使跨国公司传统经营机制已不能有效地指导全球经营活动

    The dynamic complexity of the global market environment makes transnational corporations' traditional operating mechanism unable to guide its global business activities effectively.


  • 智能系统的智能体大都处在复杂、时变、信息动态完备环境中。

    Agents in multi-agent system are always in complex, dynamic and not self-contained.


  • 主要用来研究多个智能体组成的群体复杂动态环境如何实时地处理知识的问题。

    It is mainly used to study how a group consisted of multiple agents manipulate knowledge in real time under a complex dynamic environment.


  • 摘要矩阵式管理模式能够很好的石油工程企业所处动态复杂环境适应

    Abstract: : Matrix management model can well adapt to the dynamic and complex environment that petroleum engineering enterprises face.


  • 方法用于合成物体发生相对复杂运动时动态环境片效果。

    The method can be used in synthesizing dynamic environment matting in random motions.


  • 随着机器人应用范围不断扩展,机器人所面临的工作环境越来越复杂,多数未知的、动态结构化的。

    As the robot application range extends constantly, its working condition is getting more complex, which is always unknown, dynamic and unstructured.


  • 第三主要阐述了高技术企业相关概念特征以及复杂动态环境的相关理论

    In chapter three, the conception related to high-tech enterprise, features and theory of complex dynamic environment are expatiated.


  • 管理对象特点始终处于一种动态的竞争博弈的环境下,因而管理永远都复杂富于挑战活动

    Due to the characteristics of the objects, management is always in a dynamic state of competition, and is an activity full of complexity and challenges.


  • 今天项目管理环境动态复杂

    Today's project management environment is both dynamic and complex.


  • 企业战略环境动态复杂性使得传统战略管理理论解释现有企业竞争战略存在一定缺陷

    Traditional strategic management theory has a certain defect in explaining the existing competitive strategies because of the dynamics and complexity of enterprises' strategy environment.


  • 目前关于复杂战场环境动态地形表示动态地形多分辨率实时可视化问题研究在国内外极不成熟

    The research on the representation and visualization of multiresolution dynamic terrain in the complex battlefield environments is not so mature at present.


  • 通过一个网络资源管理实例分析证明复杂动态环境框架有效地实现扩展适应性系统管理。

    Through analyzing an instance of a network resource management, it is shown that the extendable adaptive system management can be realized by the proposed framework in dynamic and complex environment.


  • 面对复杂动态竞争环境企业竞争战略研究实践必须随之变得越来越动态

    Facing the complex and dynamic competition environment, enterprise competition strategy research and practice must be more and more dynamic.


  • 由此许多公司纷纷采用一种采取动态灵活组织结构——团队适应当今纷繁复杂竞争环境

    Thus, in order to adapt to the complicated competition environment, many big corporations have adopted a sort of organization constructionteam, which is dynamic and agile.


  • 虚拟企业应对复杂动态环境柔性企业的典型形式,可以适应不断变化的市场环境

    Virtual enterprise is a kind of representative flexible enterprise that can reply complicated dynamic environment. It can fit the changeable market environment.


  • 机器人足球比赛主要解决分散存在的多智能体,复杂动态环境通过相互通信协作,以实时方式进行知识处理问题。

    The Robot Soccer Tournament must solve real-time knowledge processing of some dispersive multi-agent via communication and cooperation one another in complicated dynamic environment.


  • 由于相互作用一个复杂地理过程具有时空动态传统方法环境效应预测具有一定的难度

    The interaction of water and rock mass in reservoir is a complicated geographic progress with spatial dynamic so it is difficult to predict the environmental effects in bank with traditional ways.


  • 由于资源具有异构动态特性计算网格环境调度就成了一个非常复杂具有挑战性问题

    Since the resource has the characteristics of dynamics and heterogeneous, task scheduling becomes a very complex and challenging problem in the grid computing.


  • 监测点设置位置明显影响监测结果,监测点包括果园果园;选择较大环境复杂区域作为监测点可获得更明确的年发生动态规律。

    Because of the obvious difference in the male dynamics between different positions inside and outside orchards, the monitoring area should include both the orchards and the neighboring places.


  • 但是铁路运输作为一个复杂动态系统,其运行受到多种因素共同作用,其中显著影响来自国民经济宏观环境

    But the railway transportation system is a complex dynamic system affected by many factors in which the most important influence factor is national economy macro-environment.


  • 但是铁路运输作为一个复杂动态系统,其运行受到多种因素共同作用,其中显著影响来自国民经济宏观环境

    But the railway transportation system is a complex dynamic system affected by many factors in which the most important influence factor is national economy macro-environment.


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