• 运动教练不得不介入使两个运动没有动起手

    The team coach was forced to step in to stop the two athletes from coming to blows.


  • 球队老板运动贪婪使球迷们完全失去了兴趣。

    Greed on the part of owners and athletes turns fans off completely.


  • 使运动生辉的最杰出运动之一

    She is one of the finest players ever to have graced the game.


  • 然而不论在家小朋友打篮球技术有多学校挑选运动,“矮子”耻辱总是跟随着使我无法如愿以偿。

    But no matter how well I performed at home with friends, during school recess the stigma of "short kid" stuck with me while they were choosing teams.


  • 科学家们并不确定穿红色衣服是如何使运动获得优势的,这种颜色暗含活力危险信号。

    Scientists don't precisely known how wearing red might give athletes an advantage. But the color delivers implicit messages of vigor and danger.


  • 沿海生活使澳大利亚水上运动空前发达,是其他国家运动无法可及的。

    The coastal living of most Australians has made the country’s athletes hard to beat when it comes to water sports.


  • 此次胜利使这位世界纪录保持者成为中国首位全运会三连胜的运动员。

    The victory made the former record holder become the first Chinese athlete to win an event in three straight Games.


  • 此次胜利使这位世界纪录保持者成为中国首位全运会“三连冠”的运动

    The victory made the former record holder become the first Chinese athlete to win an event in three straight Games.


  • 康复使美国残奥会运动员的身份2010年温哥华奥运会上参赛。

    His recovery led him to compete as a U.S. Paralympian at the 2010 Vancouver Games.


  • 坐在装满冰水浴缸不适感使一些运动对这个方法望而却步。

    The discomfort associated with sitting in a tub full of ice water scares off some athletes.


  • 使我们感动,为之高呼运动勇往直前、不落后精神如果没有这种精神,体育失去真正意义

    So we moved, to march forward courageously, athlete shouted is unwilling to lag behind the spirit, if not the spirit, sports will lose its true meaning.


  • 假如2008奥运会运动的话,我一定会加强身体的训练使自己强壮

    If I am an athlete in 2008 Olympic Games, I must exercise more so I can be strong.


  • 每日个小时训练使这个运动放弃了但是坚持下来赢得比赛

    The hours of training everyday make the athlete want to quit . but he hung in there and won the competition.


  • 天晚上大雨使我们观看世界最佳网球运动员比赛安排泡汤了,而且我们也很难得到关于网球比赛日程推迟应急计划信息

    And rain messed up an evening of watching some of the world's best tennis players, and we had difficulty getting information about postponement of the tennis schedule and contingency plans.


  • 那个运动对手冲去使扔下

    The player charged at his opponent, making him drop the ball.


  • 身高臂长使其他拳击运动员更具优势

    His height and reach give him a big advantage over other boxers.


  • 游泳使重新感到完整然而泳池中,健全运动已经无法构成威胁,因为腿部发力出发转向至关重要。

    Swimming made her feel whole again, though she wasn't competitive with able-bodied athletes in the pool, where the legs are vital for starts and turns.


  • 使名(普通的)足球运动成为一个在全球引人注目人物

    She was the person who turned him from a footballer into a global attractor.


  • 第三个人保存访问那些现代结构--鸟巢立方,――使想起成功我们中国运动奥运会

    The third is saved for the visit to those modern constructions -- the Bird's Nest and Water Cube, which remind me of the success of our Chinese athletes in the Olympics.


  • 竞技运动训练终极目的就是使运动获得最高竞赛成绩尽可能保持运动高水平竞技能力

    The ultimate aim of competitive sports training is to enable the athletes to achieve the best result in the competition and keep their superior competitive competence as long as possible.


  • 所有这些比赛项目使大量优秀运动员能够聚焦在一起,这种场面是世界上其他任何体育比赛都无法相提并论的。

    These sports and more, all combine to bring together a huge array of talented athletes, in a sports event spectacular unequaled in the world.


  • 服用兴奋剂能够时间内释放能量,耗尽运动的能量,使他们完全兴奋甚至疯狂

    Taking stimulants can release the energy within a short period of time, using up athletes' energy and making them totally excited, even crazy.


  • 旨在使田径运动训练适应赛制的要求,培养运动比赛适应性、形成持续保持良好的竞技状态,提高田径运动训练的整体效果

    It aims to let the track man adapt new match system, cultivate whose adaptability, keep being on whose game, improve the whole effect of track and Field training.


  • 体育心理学为帮助职业运动积极的心态参加比赛使他们取得个人最好成绩。

    Sports Psychologists spend time with professional athletes helping them approach competition with a positive mental attitude to enable them to achieve their personal best.


  • 体育心理学为帮助职业运动积极的心态参加比赛使他们取得个人最好成绩。

    Sports Psychologists spend time with professional athletes helping them approach competition with a positive mental attitude to enable them to achieve their personal best.


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