• 拥有美国第一完整动力工厂工业反应堆

    The United States have the first complete nuclear power plant and industrial nuclear reactors.


  • 线粒体细胞动力工厂”,它提供机体所有生命活动和生化反应不可或缺能量

    Mitochondrions are "the plant of power" with cell, supplying the energy which body depends on all the time in every biology chemical reaction or action of livers.


  • 机场建造自己小型中央供热站动力工厂将会机场提供自己的热力电力支持。

    The airport will also build its own mini central heating and power plant which will provide the airport with its own heat and electricity supply.


  • 还有通用电气动力工厂提供的能源产品燃气涡轮机英特尔公司的电脑芯片洛克希德马丁公司公司的战斗机

    Then there are energy products like gas turbines for power plants made by General Electric, computer chips from Intel and fighter jets from Lockheed Martin.


  • 一项艰苦对于超过400个大脑组织样本进行分析研究表明帕金森细胞动力工厂(称为线粒体)的损伤之间具有关联性

    A painstaking analysis of more than 400 brain tissue samples has bolstered the link between Parkinson's disease and the loss of cellular powerhouses called mitochondria.


  • 年少的敬畏年长同事们描述地炸去工人动力工厂里地的生活持续忍受熏,高温无光而不休息所有的一切都是为了节省很少的一些家里

    The youngsters listened in awe as older colleagues described life in sweatshops, enduring fumes, high temperatures and blinding lights for weeks without rest, all to save a little cash to send home.


  • 连接蒸汽机上的旋转式发动机使轴承转动机器得以驱动从而使得利用蒸汽动力纺线织布工厂出现。

    A rotary engine attached to the steam engine enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven, resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton.


  • 这些动力带来干净的工厂生产出更高性价比产品,满足我们个人需求达成我们的愿望

    These forces will lead to cleaner factories, producing better goods at lower prices, personalised to our individual needs and desires.


  • 服装业这样劳动密集型产业,工厂动力廉价的。

    For labour-intensive businesses like garments, factory labour is cheap.


  • 培养习惯工厂工作动力并不容易

    The creation of a labor force that was accustomed to working in factories did not occur easily.


  • 欧洲生活城市人口比例总是小于工厂工作动力比例。

    In Europe, the proportion of people living in cities was always smaller than that of the workforce working in factories.


  • 高产农民越多意味着盈余可以供给城市反过来工厂创造了大量动力

    More productive farmers meant there was a surplus that could feed cities; in turn, that created a pool of labour for factories.


  • 生产力更高农民意味着可以养活城市剩余劳动力反过来工厂创造了一些动力

    More productive farmers meant there was a surplus that could feed cities; in turn, that created a pool of labor for factories.


  • 使社区接受焚烧炉氧处理器,各种激励提供给他们:可能是更便宜供热动力或者分享此类工厂营业税

    Communities will be offered incentives to accept incinerators or anaerobic digesters: perhaps cheap heat or power, or a share of business taxes paid by such plants.


  • 这一过程会产生大量沼气研究人员沼气将来可用废水处理工厂动力

    The process also produces excess methane, and the researchers say that gas can be used to power wastewater treatment plants of the future.


  • 现在农村一些企业家正在利用农村廉价的劳动力土地农村建工厂

    Now, some rural entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the lower rural costs to set up factories in the countryside.


  • 技术 - 包括节约动力发明工厂生产化石燃料驱动发动机 - 在西欧其他国家传播着,之后到了美洲

    The new technologieslabour-saving inventions, factory production, engines powered by fossil fuelsspread to other parts of western Europe and later to America.


  • 此外传统观念还认为,中国的农民更多的是从农村转移工厂与此相反,印度增长动力更多来自于呼叫中心编写软件服务业

    According to conventional wisdom, Chinese workers have shifted largely from farming to factories, whereas India's growth has been driven largely by services, from call centres to writing software.


  • 但是经济增长的动力来说,印度经济不仅需要洗发香波需要道路商店工厂发电厂

    But to motor along, India's economy needs not only shampoo but also new roads, shops, houses, factories and power plants.


  • 高兴许多美国拒绝进口那些靠剥削劳动力生产产品,那些危险工厂非法雇佣生产的产品。

    I'm glad that many Americans are repulsed by the idea of importing products made by barely paid, barely legal workers in dangerous factories.


  • 今年早期华南陷入“劳工”,制鞋工厂面对需要大量动力原材料产品订单,因无法生产而沮丧

    Early this year, southern China suffered from shortages of workers and shoe factories were discouraging orders of boots or any other product that required lots of work and materials.


  • 现在高墙里面萨姆布尔正在得到清理,准备一家印度斯里兰卡合资企业内,建设一个500万的煤动力工厂

    Today, inside the fence, Sampur is being cleared for a 500MW coal-powered plant in a joint venture between India and Sri Lanka.


  • 工厂2012年生产混合动力电式混合动力车。

    The plant also will produce a next-generation hybrid and a plug-in hybrid in 2012.


  • 西丝·帕金斯:第一位女性内阁成员。她提倡8小时工作制、更严格工厂安全法规以及保护妇女儿童动力法规。

    Frances Perkins the first woman cabinet member who advocated the 8 hour day, stricter factory safety laws, and laws for the protection of women and children in the labor force.


  • 有些工厂甚至抱怨动力短缺

    Some factories even complain of Labour shortages.


  • 中国沿海工厂雇主遭受动力短缺各种冲击

    Employers in China's coastal factories have suffered Labour shortages and strikes.


  • 由于爱尔兰拥有高素质的动力较低公司营业税尤其美国公司长期工厂厂址设在爱尔兰,在当地运行服务设施

    American firms in particular have long favoured Ireland as a place to set up factories and run service facilities thanks to its well-educated Labour force and low corporate-tax rate.


  • 由于爱尔兰拥有高素质的动力较低公司营业税尤其美国公司长期工厂厂址设在爱尔兰,在当地运行服务设施

    American firms in particular have long favoured Ireland as a place to set up factories and run service facilities thanks to its well-educated Labour force and low corporate-tax rate.


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