• 实质什么的空气动力学效果

    What is the essence of the aerodynamic effect?


  • 两种乳腺癌细胞株模型评价纳米粒介导细胞药物释放动力学机理及纳米粒包囊阿霉素治疗效果

    Kinetics and mechanism of nanoparticle-mediated cellular drug delivery and therapeutic efficacy of nanoparticle-encapsulated doxorubicin were evaluated in two model breast cancer cell lines.


  • 目的评价国产米力二尖瓣置换术低心排患者血液动力学改变的临床效果

    Objective To evaluate the hemodynamic effects of milrinone in patients after mitral valve replacement.


  • 动力学模型建立研磨效果预测指导研磨参数确定具有较大的意义

    The establishment of milling kinetics model has a great meaning on forecasting of milling effect and determining milling parameter.


  • 目的建立一种可以用于严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)干预措施效果定量评价传播动力学模型

    Objective to build an epidemic model of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) to be used to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of intervention measures.


  • 为了寻找肿瘤细胞ck2的特异性抑制剂研究观察黄芩体外重组蛋白激酶CK2抑制效果进行酶动力学分析以确定抑制作用类型。

    This study was to search specific CK2 inhibitors in tumor cells through observation of the inhibitory effects of baicalein on recombinant human protein kinase CK2 holoenzyme and its kinetics in vitro.


  • 目的观察体外藤黄菌素重组蛋白激酶CK2抑制效果进行动力学分析确定其抑制作用类型

    AIM: to observe the inhibitory effect of luteolin on recombinant human protein kinase CK2 holoenzyme and to confirm the inhibitory type by its enzyme kinetic analysis in vitro.


  • 为了寻找肿瘤细胞ck2的特异性抑制剂研究观察黄芩甙体外重组蛋白激酶CK2抑制效果进行酶动力学分析以确定抑制作用类型。

    This study was to search specific CK2 inhibitors in tumor cells through observation of the inhibitory effects of baicalein on recombinant human protein kinase CK2 holoenzyme and its kinetic.


  • 这种复合控制方法应用UPFC的动力学模型收到良好效果

    This composite control used in UPFC dynamics model produces a good result.


  • 考察了冷却剂对分离效果影响,开发聚丙烯热解动力学模型探讨了研究聚丙烯工艺指导作用

    A kinetic model of the pyrolysis of polypropylene is developed and the guidance of this research to the technology of converting polypropylene waste to oil is discussed as well.


  • 根据得到动力学参数治理数据比较检验治理碎石土边坡灌浆效果

    The comparison of dynamic parameters and the data before governance tested the grouting effect of debris slope after governance.


  • 最后该控制系统的基础上,提出利用神经网络理论无需建模方法进行动力学补偿探索研究,取得很好的效果

    Lastly, an approach based on the Neural Networks Algorithm without modeling is presented to groping research on dynamic compensation to improve the accuracy of robot trajectory.


  • 进行动力学研究目的,就是要废水处理、设计管理,提供必要参数。从而,提高废水的处理效果

    By studying the kinetics parameters can direct the art design and management of the wastewater treatment, and make for improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment.


  • 因此细胞动力学改变影响放射治疗效果重要因素

    Thus cell kinetics alteration is the principal factor that influences the effect of radiotherapy.


  • 动力学发泡中底设计吸收冲击提供行使效果

    Kinetic Wedge super-soft foam midsole designed to absorb shock and provide exercising effect.


  • 在船舶浮筏系统动力学特性研究采用刚体分析模型计算浮筏隔振效果产生很大误差。

    Calculation of the floating raft isolation level brings differences in use of rigid body models in research of dynamics mechanics research in the floating raft isolation system.


  • 动力学楔形发泡中底设计吸收冲击提供行使效果

    Kinetic Wedge super soft foam midsole designed to absorb shock and provide exercising effect.


  • 借助机械系统动力学仿真分析软件ADAMS探讨了在计算力矩、模糊变结构控制策略遴选轨迹规划方法下,机械手的控制效果

    By using the simulation software ADAMS, the performance of manipulator which employing the designed control algorithms and the selected path planning method has been discussed.


  • 针对邯农-650型大田杆式喷雾药箱,对影响搅拌效果动力学因素药箱充满程度进行了研究。

    The dynamic factors and the filling level in the tank of sprayers which influence the efficacy of agitation were studied on the tank of a Hannong 650 field sprayer.


  • 本文从正常压力脑积水患者的临床表现CTMRI检查流量脑脊液动力学方面综述影响分流手术效果的因素。

    The literature is reviewed in aspect to clinical symptoms, CT, MRI, cerebral blood flow and CSF dynamic studies to identify factors that predict shunt operation response.


  • 简述了含碳还原动力学,介绍固结球团的试验室冶金性能测定情况,指出含碳球团只有较高温度下才具有高速还原的效果

    The reduction dynamics of carbon containing pellets has been dis-cussed. The measurement of metallurgical properties of the cold bonded pellets was carried out in laboratory.


  • 植被高度密度覆盖度、侧影盖度特征通过影响下垫面空气动力学粗糙度达到抑制风蚀效果

    Vegetation characteristics, such as height, density, coverage, lateral coverage of vegetation are closely related to the aerodynamic roughness length.


  • 结论整脊治疗枢关节半脱位针对病因纠正半脱位,恢复颈椎动力学平衡具有较好的临床效果

    Conclusion: Chiropractic treatment of atlantoaxial subluxation can pinpoint the cause, correct the subluxation and restore the dynamic balance between cervical and has good clinical effect.


  • 结果药物经皮渗透符合动力学过程,不同浓度异醇促效果为:15 %异丙醇>10 %异丙醇>5 %异丙醇。

    RESULTS: The transdermal osmotic process fitted to a zero order kinetic mechanism. The osmotic enhencer effect of 2 propanol was listed below: 15%> 10%>5%.


  • 经药物释放动力学测试灭菌效果试验表明材料具有较长的药物缓释周期和很好的抗菌活性

    The results of experiments of antibiotic release rates and antiseptic studies showed that the material has effective antibiotic activity.


  • 通过临床观察食管检查、食管动力学测定灌注试验证实效果满意

    The excellent result was confirmed through postoperative checkup with barium swallowing, kinetic observation of the esophagus and acid infusion.


  • 研究双异丙酚用于人工流产麻醉效果及其血流动力学影响,本文将其依托米酯进行对比研究。

    In order to study the anesthetic effect of Propofol in artificial abortion and its effect on the hemodynamics, the anesthetic effect of Propofol was studied in comparison with that of Etomidate.


  • 结果表明:复式正方形分层分段掏槽试验井筒最佳爆破效果,并应用现有岩石动力学成果分析试验结果的原因。

    It is found that the staged cut with duplex-square has the best blasting effect in trial shafts sinking. This experimental result is analyzed with the existing achievements of rock dynamics.


  • 酸性萃取萃取剂对锆铪分离有较好的效果萃取机制热力学动力学基础性研究较多。

    The basic studies, such as mechanism, thermodynamics and kinetics, on the acidic phosphorus-containing extractant and the ether extractant were performed for their good effect.


  • 结论:两点闭塞基底动脉效果可靠,激光多普勒可用来观察局部血流动力学变化

    Conclusion: It suggests that the result of basilar artery occlusion is reliable. The change of local hemodynamics can be observed by use of laser-doppler.


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