• 《拉动力作者约翰·格尔表示,布林约尔松迈克菲没有考虑到为什么这些工作容易受到科技影响。

    John Hagel, author of The Power of Pull and other books, says Brynjolfsson and McAfee miss the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable to technology in the first place.


  • 读读关于减肥成功故事小窍门等等帮助找到目标动力

    What you should do is read about weight loss - success stories, tips, etc. - to return you to that focus and motivation.


  • 这些不会某个主题详细讲述给你一个起步动力才是最为重要的。

    They don't go into much detail about any one subject, but they provide motivation to get started. And that's what's most important.


  • 点子,实际上一个动力,我顺水推舟地逼迫自己作出决定,让整理思想不再是一个想法,而是一种压力,一种责任

    And the lousy idea of 'writing a book' turned out to be the motivation with which I forced myself to make a decision and turned organizing thoughts from a mere thought to pressure and obligation.


  • 有争议推动世界理解更新水平迈进的源动力

    Controversial books are the ones that push your perception of the world to new levels.


  • 我们了二十学会怎样取得成绩能力,而这些能力在我们转变为动力用处不大。

    After we spend twenty years learning how to get good grades, we go into a workforce where those skills are largely irrelevant.


  • 与此同时挪威承诺成为气候变化国际协议”,取代2012年将终止的《京都议定》。

    Meanwhile, Norway promises to be a "driving force" for a new international treaty on climate change to replace the Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012.


  • 这样的表达接连出现情节铺陈完毕后,整开始顺着自身动力航行

    These occur some way along, after the plot has been laid and the book begins coasting on its own momentum.


  • 《不期而乱》社会动力学进行分析时带有人类学家的意识,在细节描述上又有着记者一般敏锐的目光

    “The Accidental Guerrilla” has an anthropologist’s sense of social dynamics and a reporter’s eye for telling detail.


  • 一旦找到自己精神动力翻翻作《女性身体,女性智慧》有关饮食营养章节,可以读读《更年期的智慧》了解更多方法

    Once you find your inspiration, then check out my chapters on diet and nutrition in Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and the Wisdom of Menopause for more how-to's.


  • 赢得比赛穿过美国黑人危机》一作者约翰·麦克·沃特(John McWhorter语言学家——注)提出黑人申请生降低标准同时也削弱了他们而优的动力

    John McWhorter, the author of "Winning the Race: Beyond the Crisis in black America", argues that lowering the bar for blacks also reduces their incentive to excel at school.


  • 组织动力学(Organisational Dynamics)文章改编关于劣质决策呈现了错位的依恋的一些案例研究

    Many of them rely on storytelling, and this article in Organisational Dynamics, adapted from a book on bad decision-making, presents case studies of “attachments” gone wrong.


  • 愿意为生物燃料下100美元赌注”,《自然资本论》一合著Hunter Lovins说,补充她对生物燃料的偏爱甚至超过了混合动力燃料电池

    "If I had to bet 100 bucks, I'd bet on biofuels," says Hunter Lovins, co-author of "Natural Capitalism", adding that she would favour them even over plug-in hybrids and hydrogen fuel cells.


  • 愿意为生物燃料下100美元赌注”,《自然资本论》一合著Hunter Lovins说,补充她对生物燃料的偏爱甚至超过了混合动力燃料电池

    “If I had to bet 100 bucks, I’d bet on biofuels,” says Hunter Lovins, co-author ofNatural Capitalism”, adding that she would favour them even over plug-in hybrids and hydrogen fuel cells.


  • 一个皮肤科医生做治疗比如动力疗法,使用激光去除太阳损伤的暗淡皮肤或者用微晶换肤其他疗法重现美好肌肤

    See a dermatologist fors like photodynamic therapy, which uses light to remove patches of skin damaged by the sun, or microdermabrasion and other treatments that resurface the skin.


  • 很显然自己获得阅读动力,就去兴趣的

    Obviously, to get yourself motivated to read, read something that interests you.


  • 丹尼尔·戈尔曼名心理学家专注卓越潜在动力》一作者他告诉芬顿邮报,同理心情商的五大要素之一。

    Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of Focus: the Hidden Driver of Excellence, told the Huffington Post that empathy is one of the five components of emotional intelligence.


  • 关于动力

    This is a book about dynamics.


  • 流体动力学,研究流体运动可以写成许多门学科

    Hydrodynamics, the study of fluids in motion, is a subject about which multi-volume textbooks have been written.


  • 关于配套动力详细说明参阅柴油机制造厂说明

    Please refer to the Instruction of the Diesel Factory for the detail of the relative dynamic specification.


  • 这部经典动力学讲解非常透彻。

    This book provides an exceptionally lucid treatment of classical electrodynamics.


  • 最初便士共轭材料电子格子有机系统内的动力后面检查理论

    The book initially examines the theories behind p-conjugated materials and electron-lattice dynamics in organic systems.


  • 惠特妮·休斯顿最喜爱行:山姆·戴维斯故事》:这本著名歌星山姆·戴维斯自传,讲述他的生活他所处的那个时代的故事,惠特尼觉得中能找到源泉和动力

    Whitney Houston, Yes, I Can: The Story of Sammy Davis Jr. by Sammy Davis Jr. : Whitney Houston found inspiration in this autobiography about the life and times of another famous musical star.


  • 惠特妮·休斯顿最喜爱行:山姆·戴维斯故事》:这本著名歌星山姆·戴维斯自传,讲述他的生活他所处的那个时代的故事,惠特尼觉得中能找到源泉和动力

    Whitney Houston, Yes, I Can: The Story of Sammy Davis Jr. by Sammy Davis Jr. : Whitney Houston found inspiration in this autobiography about the life and times of another famous musical star.


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