• 武打是以高效方式进行的,精心设计动作行云流水般的摄像机精彩的捕捉到,现在广为采用快速剪辑模式动作镜头来的精巧。

    Action is executed in an efficient manner, with the elaborate moves being captured by fluid camera movement rather than the now-familiar fast edits or slow-motion flourishes.


  • 镜头成了动作

    Some scenes were filmed in slow motion.


  • 探险摄影独具有的一系列挑战这个画集里你会学到一些捕捉最佳动作镜头技巧

    Adventure photography has its own set of special challenges. In this gallery, get tips for capturing the best action shots.


  • 镜头前面,将身体做出不可思议的动作造型并且愿意一次,为了照片拍的更好

    She twisted and contorted her body into incredible shapes for my lens and was happy to do it again to make it look even better.


  • 记得用上闪光灯即使最好光线下动作下的镜头可能模糊

    Be sure to use flash for action shots or they're likely to come out blurry, even in the best light.


  • 与此相反四个男人注视相机镜头没有微笑,除了眨眼微弱的晃动之外并没有大的动作看起来了一样,他们是如此安静,似乎无法微风中站稳一样。

    Instead, four men stare into the camera, unsmiling, not moving except for tiny blinks and sways. They look like they've been tranquilized, like they can barely hold themselves up against the breeze.


  • 添加特效、摆动镜头导演执导表演之前编剧必须写出一份90页左右包括对话动作整个故事在内剧本

    Before the special effects are added, the camera rolls or a director screams action a writer must come up with a movie script that includes over 90 pages of dialogue, action and story.


  • 这部电影开始长时间跟踪镜头里,有一野猫正在废墟上刨食,突然一支动作展示的箭头射翻在地。

    Ina long tracking shot at the start of the film, a feral cat prowls thiswasteland until it is felled by a slow-motion arrow.


  • 即使不想了解,一定要喔,因为视频里面可爱毛茸茸的小动物动作镜头

    If you don't want to, you must watch anyway: It's full of cute furry animals shaking in slow motion.


  • 《扒手》(1959)誉为布氏接近完美的杰作扒手磨练高超偷窃镜头逼视手部动作细节达致情感倾泻救赎效果震撼

    The thief (1959) known as Brandt's near perfect masterpiece by pickpockets steal to hone superb technique, the lens at hand action details, pouring and redemption achieve emotional, shock effect.


  • 一般动作影片中平均有200个左右特技镜头,但是本片中含有1488个。

    A normal major motion picture averages about 200 effects shots. This film had 1488.


  • 选择一个简单镜头动作因为镜头遮罩方式限制的。

    I chose to do a simple camera movement because the camera map method is restricted.


  • 内莫伊·迪亚人没有使用数字生成,而是由演员戴着精心制作电动木偶面具扮演。面具脸部表情动作镜头外的无线电遥控完成。

    Rather than employ digital creations, the Neimoidians were actors wearing elaborate animatronic masks. The facial movements of the masks were radio-controlled from off-camera.


  • 导演是否每个镜头感觉到位,表演动作是否如他所想。

    The director is looking at whether a shot is feeling the way it should, and the action is doing what it should.


  • 第二摄制组拍摄影片其他内容团队。大多是涉及主要演员任何内容——譬如动作场景或者镜头

    Second Unit: the gaggle who shoots the "other stuff" for a movie. Mostly anything not involving the principal castlike action scenes, or pick up shots.


  • 故事情节串联板通过动画镜头时间长度,角色镜头动作镜头数量及如何切换元素的指示来控制着动画步伐

    Storyboards dictate the pace of the animation by determining how long each shot is, what the character does in that shot, how many cuts there are in a scene, and so forth.


  • 本文给出了一种监控系统控制云台电动镜头动作解码电路详细论述了系统构成部分原理

    This paper introduces a decoding circuit for controlling PAN/TILT and LENS actions in monitor system, and presents the system's structure and principle of all components in detail.


  • 镜头保存各类摄影机视图并且添加各类电影动作

    Shots, so you can save camera views and add cinematographic movements.


  • 镜头调度,场面展现,人物高难度动作,人物环境场景的质感上,达到

    The film is no inferior with grand-productions in camera, scenes, supreme difficult actions and the quality of characters and environment.


  • 望远镜舞蹈,固然可以的清楚,但是因为镜头动作变化,所以到头来常常漏掉很多

    Although you can see better if you use binoculars to watch dance, you often and up missing a lot of the action because the lenses are small and the movements change rapidly.


  • 这个镜头时间分配可以粗略分成如下几个阶段:5用来进去挤压预备)。3帧拉伸(动作),2帧用来回落(顺势)。

    The timing of this shot is roughly broken up as follows: 5 frames of getting into the squash (anticipation), 3 frames of stretching (action) and 2 frames of settle (follow-through).


  • 侧面这不过一个基本海豚式打,……凯文转过来,面对镜头时,注意到,的两外向内的动作非常明显

    From the side, you can see it's basic dolphin kick... but as Kevin rotates his body toward the camera, you'll notice the distinct outside-in motion of his legs.


  • 因为变得嫉妒因为不会任何这样动作一下一个片段镜头。看一下你在这里跳舞

    Because, well, I become jealous, 'cause I can't do anything like that. Have a (look)... here's a shot of you in the clip. Have a look at you dancing here.


  • 广角镜头盛行年代,巴拉兹引导人们去注意面部表情肢体动作作为电影中的表达工具所蕴含力量

    During a time when the sweeping wide shot was in style, balazs was instrumental in bringing attention to the power of expression through face and body in film.


  • 舞台剧不同,摄影机镜头能够我们距离观看人脸——洞其双眸,打量肌肉伸缩的细微动作

    Unlike a staged play, the camera can bring us up close to a faceto gaze deep into the eyes and examine every contracted muscle in intimate detail.


  • 镜头调度,场面展现,人物高难度动作,人物环境场景的质感上,都达到 院大片的效果人以很强视觉冲击力

    The film is no inferior with grand-productions in camera, scenes, supreme difficult actions and the quality of characters and environment. Have strong visual impact to the audience.


  • 镜头调度,场面展现,人物高难度动作,人物环境场景的质感上,都达到 院大片的效果人以很强视觉冲击力

    The film is no inferior with grand-productions in camera, scenes, supreme difficult actions and the quality of characters and environment. Have strong visual impact to the audience.


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