• 完全消除供应链中的浪费使公司加高效,并且大大提高交付目标业务价值能力

    The complete elimination of waste within the supply chain streamlines your organization and positions you for a geometric increase in your ability to deliver on-target business value.


  • 可以按照上面的技巧来做逐步增加高质量的反向链接来提高PageRank级别

    You can improve your PageRank by following the tips above and building-up quality backlinks.


  • 提高机构工作效率无可厚非,甚至可以说欧盟吸收成员国以及采纳新政策需要各机构变得更,这一定道理

    There is nothing wrong with greater efficiency. There is even a certain logic in arguing that expansion of the EU—both to new countries and to new policiesrequires more efficient institutions.


  • 资产标准化类似方法提高效率使得软件开发工具可以效率自动化的操作,并且使用它们团队提高生产力

    Asset standardization promotes efficiency in a similar way, enabling greater efficiency and automation in software development tools and improving productivity for the teams that use them.


  • 麦凯恩强烈反对提高联邦巴马加高收入人群税收计划损害小型企业普通美国人

    McCain took a strong stand against any new federal taxes and said Obama's plan to raise taxes for high-income earners would harm small businesses and ordinary Americans.


  • 全球蛇咬伤行动”努力质量蛇毒血清治疗方法实用性提高针对病人护理医疗培训

    The Global Snakebite Initiative is trying to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care.


  • 砂浆中掺加高分子聚合物,以提高砂浆发泡聚苯界面结合性能

    Mixing the polymer into mortar can improve the interface bonding performance between mortar and foamed polystyrene block.


  • 实践应用表明这些技术应用提高化工标准件的开发效率使绘图更效快捷

    It is demonstrated through practice that the applications of these technologies have improved the efficiency of developing the chemical standard parts library, and makes the drawing fast.


  • 通过仅仅考虑基于攻击知识特权事件来缩短建模时间性能,从而使系统更

    It proposes an effective IDS that improves the modeling time and performance with only considering the events of privilege flows based on the domain knowledge of attacks.


  • 结果表明铝矾土增强干式烧结性能同时降低干式料侵蚀性的情况下提高了干式料的抗熔渣渗透性。

    The result shows that adding alumina in the materials can promote its sintering properties, and improve its penetration resistance meanwhile don't effect to its corrosion resistance.


  • 精馏塔浓缩区域锰酸钾提高酒精质量

    The solution was the addition of potassium permanganate in condensation zone of rectification tower to improve the quality of alcohols.


  • 随着人们生物药用价值认识的提高以及研究应用深入,将会获得更加高效、迅速、完善提取分离鉴别生物碱的方法

    The application and development of different methods for extracting, separating and identifying of alkaloids in recent years were reviewed in this paper.


  • 本文研究表明,通过这种方法确定优化变量可以提高优化结果准确性高效性,并且取得了良好的优化效果,从而使车身轻量化设计实用

    The research in the thesis indicates that optimization variables calculated by this method can improve accuracy and efficiency of the results. So the whole design can be more efficient and practical.


  • 复合材料的抗拉强度伸长率较未施加高超声的复合材料分别提高18.16%和12%。

    The tensile strength and the elongation rate increase by 18.16% and 12% than those without ultrasonic assistance, respectively.


  • 结论喂饲盐亭饮食的大鼠可能出现叶酸缺乏剂量叶酸提高血清叶酸水平,改善大鼠叶酸营养状况

    Conclusion: Rats fed on Yanting diet may show folate deficiency, which serum folate level can be enhanced by adding with high dose of folate, and folate nutritional status will be improved.


  • 结果表明研制铁素体珠光体组成钢中VN元素有利于增加更多的弥散析出提高强度

    The results showed that the studied steel was made of ferrite and pearlite, when adding mass V and N to the steel it was benefit to offer a mount of precipitated phase and improve the strength.


  • 结果表明研制铁素体珠光体组成钢中VN元素有利于增加更多的弥散析出提高强度

    The results showed that the studied steel was made of ferrite and pearlite, when adding mass V and N to the steel it was benefit to offer a mount of precipitated phase and improve the strength.


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