• 如果欧元经调整再度大幅上升突破加速通道边线则开创技术上的先河,我们参与其中三生有幸。

    If not adjusted to the euro surged again accelerated and breakthroughs on the sideline channel is created a technical ground, we can also count Sanshengweinie involved.


  • 本文提出了一个缓存中介模式,可以将其作为重用解决方案从而加速采用消息传递中间件作为通信通道SOA环境中的服务响应

    This article discusses a cache mediation pattern as a reusable solution to accelerate service response in a SOA environment where messaging middleware is employed as the communication channel.


  • 与之进化相关基因包括编码神经离子通道的基因,可能受到积极的选择压力,从而加速基因变化转变。

    It is likely that the genes involved, which include genes that encode neuronal ion channels, have been subject to a positive selection pressure leading to an accelerated evolution of genetic changes.


  • 因此,本文采用结构控制理论设计倾斜角稳定系统,采用了模型跟踪变结构控制理论设计俯仰偏航通道加速稳定回路。

    So, variable structure control theory is used in Angle stabilization of roll, and model - following variable structure control theory is used in acceleration stabilization of pitch and yaw.


  • 第三用来加速评审潜在救命药物的绿色通道滥用了。

    Third, mechanisms intended to speed access to potentially lifesaving medicines were broadly interpreted.


  • 本文提出采用带有加速调节器通道控制模式可提高闭环调速系统品质因素

    To improve quality factor of two closed speed regulation systems, this paper advances the two - channel control method used with acceleration regulator.


  • 硬件加速嵌入技术可以轻松地补偿探头夹具通道效应

    Hardware acceleration to the embedded technology can easily compensate for the probe, clamp and channel effect.


  • 基于寿命加速实验相似理论采用通道电压氯离子渗透实验装置混凝土进行加速寿命实验

    Based on the similarity theory of the accelerated life test, the accelerated life test of concrete was carried out with the multi-channel and adjustable-voltage chloride ion penetration test setup.


  • 利用USB接口技术采用US B模块CH375加速核辐射监测系统实现多个探测通道usb接口计算机通信

    Making use of USB technology, adopting USB module CH375, realizing communication between USB interface of many detection channels and computer in accelerator nuclear radiation monitoring system.


  • 等离子体通道的引入,使得加速距离可大大加长,目前已经可以厘米尺度内获得吉电子伏特的高能电子。

    Based on the preformed plasma channel, the interaction length is lengthened to the centimeter scale and GeV e-beams can be obtained.


  • 计算结果表明船体水平加速较大通道出口冷却剂的温度的变化很大持续时间短。

    The result shows that the coolant temperature and velocity fields in the channel vary significantly when the horizontal acceleration is big, but the variation time is short.


  • 方案克服传统保护较长时限,在采用通讯通道情况下,保证保护的选择性,实现加速跳闸

    The plan can make the relay trip quickly and does not lose its selectivity without the communication passage. The program takes full advantage of the microcomputer's memory storage function, rec...


  • 沿火焰传播通道设置障碍物,对火焰具有加速作用这种加速作用的机理归功于障碍物诱导的湍流区对燃烧过程的正反馈。

    The obstacles set in gas flame propagation channel have acceleration action on the gas-phase flame. The acceleration mechanism can be attributed to


  • 介绍了种以微通道电阻阳极构成位置灵敏探测器为基础、用于兰州重离子加速器束流诊断的新型剩余气体电离束流剖面探测系统

    The detecting system is based on the residual gas ionization principle and consisted of electrostatic collecting plates, micro-channel plates and a resistive anode.


  • UV - 16一种2通道电荷放大器是与压电加速内置前置放大器加速输入兼容

    The UV-16 is a 2-channel charge amplifier that is compatible with the input of piezoelectric accelerometers and accelerometers with built-in preamplifier.


  • 平滑加速设置输送管道内的底部,将输送通道暂时分割上部通道下部通道

    The smooth acceleration sheet is arranged at the bottom in the conveying pipeline to temporarily divide a conveying channel into an upper channel and a lower channel.


  • 平滑加速设置输送管道内的底部,将输送通道暂时分割上部通道下部通道

    The smooth acceleration sheet is arranged at the bottom in the conveying pipeline to temporarily divide a conveying channel into an upper channel and a lower channel.


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