• 甚至片头看上去都有点相似就像马克·蒂斯推特上写的那样:“!”

    Even the opening titles look a little familiar, as Mark Gatiss noted with his tweet: "Ha!"


  • 事实上件事一个偶尔愉快普遍刺激幻想故事——看到马克·蒂斯如此好的电视真的感到羞愧

    In fact, the whole thing feels like a sporadically enjoyable but generally irritating conceit - a real shame when Mark Gatiss gives such good historical telly.


  • 《神探夏洛克英国广播公司BBC出品的电视系列剧史蒂文·莫法特马克·蒂斯主创,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、马丁·弗瑞曼搭档主演

    Sherlock is produced by BBC TV series, by Steven Moffat and mark Gatiss creative, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman partner, starring.


  • 这个片段来自第三季首集夏洛克对自己伪造死亡解释,“有点不要脸的事情” 莫法特在见面会上回想蒂斯(另一位主创)自己说的话。

    The moment came in the season-three premiere as a theory that presumably explained one way Sherlock faked his death. "I've done something slightly cheeky, " Moffat recalled Gatiss telling him.


  • 作为制作人演员的加蒂斯同时流露自己52岁的编剧史蒂文法特是因为受到比利怀尔德1970年电影启迪,才创作出那段打趣卷福和华生关系段子

    But the co-creator and actor revealed that along with Steven Moffat, 52, they took inspiration from the 1970 Billy Wilder film and created the joke about Sherlock and Watson's relationship.


  • 《约翰•亚当斯》由保罗•麦蒂(饰亚当斯)劳拉•莱尼(饰阿比盖尔)领衔主演,其他包括大卫摩斯沙拉•波利和汤姆威尔金森

    Other cast members include David Morse, Sarah Polley and Tom Wilkinson.


  • 上议院议长凯里·巴斯蒂安虽然存活了下来,议会大楼废墟中就在疏散多米尼共和国前一天。

    Kely Bastien, the President of the Senate, survived the quake but was trapped in the destroyed parliament building for a day before being evacuated to the Dominican Republic.


  • 本月27名警察蒂斯尔邦杀害。

    This month 27 police were slaughtered in Chhattisgarh.


  • 提供很多网上没有菜谱包括名厨埃梅里尔·拉斯、博比·弗莱贾达·劳伦蒂斯的作品。

    FoodNetwork : Offers users many of the recipes off the network including food by Emeril Lagasse, Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis.


  • 创造聪明又有些心理问题的角色过程中,塑造了一个几乎皮普一样令人难忘的角色。这也证明他自己呼叫中心一代人中的查尔•斯狄更斯

    In creating a character who is both witty and psychopathic, Mr Adiga has produced a hero almost as memorable as Pip, proving himself the Charles Dickens of the call-centre generation.


  • 只有那些沸蚁动地方他们不会去,比如印度东部蒂斯·尔的部分地区,那里称为纳萨尔派分子的尼共游击队员四处流窜

    They may avoid only those areas infested with insurgents, such as parts of Chhattisgarh in eastern India that are prowled by Maoist guerrillas known as Naxalites.


  • 《人物》杂志证实菲尔普斯开始约会真人秀演员布兰特妮-斯蒂内奥,出名得于老爸全国橄榄球联盟球员马克-斯蒂内奥。

    People confirms that Phelps has begun dating Brittny Gastineau, a reality-television personality whose claim to fame is that she's the daughter of former NFL player Mark Gastineau.


  • 考古学家地质学家组成团队相信是一场海啸淹没了亚特兰蒂斯最终将其埋葬于以北的沼泽中。

    The team of archaeologists and geologists are convinced that Atlantis -swamped by a tsunami - is submerged just north of Cadiz.


  • 斯蒂内奥真实电视短剧明星,该剧讲的是妈妈作为普通人追逐奢侈生活的故事。

    Gastineau was a star of the short-lived reality series "Gastineau Girls" which followed her and her mother trying to live a life of luxury but as "normal people."


  • 传言亚尼打电话给 弗洛伦蒂诺 ·佩雷斯询问 迪亚拉,利诺奥马尔 ·蒂索内费尔南多父亲经纪人 ),米兰可能儿子签约。

    Rumours are that Adriano Galliani has phoned Florentino Perez for Lassana Diarra (26), but according to Lino Omar Tissone, the father and agent of Fernando, Milan could be making his move for his son.


  • 听说这位有着独特风格的电影导演他自己的电影里演男主角的时候,我想像着一个奥森·威尔斯[3]那样伟大的导演明星或者华伦·比蒂[4]约翰·卡萨维提[5]这样的帅男。

    When I heard that this auteur sometimes took the lead in hisown pictures I envisioned a filmmaker-movie star as formidable as OrsonWelles and as handsome as Warren Beatty or John Cassavetes.


  • 科学家相信传说中的亚特兰蒂斯最终沉没于西班牙海滨城市以北

    Scientists are convinced that Atlantis is submerged just north of cadiz.


  • 推荐了威廉伊丽莎白·吉尔·斯特拉,委托蒂面板玻璃浮雕的贝壳时,他们可能1864年抵达罗马开始近东广泛旅游

    He also featured glass cameos of William and Elizabeth Gilstrap, who commissioned the panel from Gatti, possibly when they arrived in Rome in 1864 to begin extensive travel in the Near East.


  • 鲜有安宁时刻,帕克斯另一个车手蒂姆托·帕利斯建立友谊

    In a rare moment of peace and quiet, Pax struck up a friendship with Teemto Pagalies, another racer.


  • 我们来说说丹德瓦达。这是一个森林密布人烟稀少偏远穷困地区位于查蒂斯南部

    That came in Dantewada, a remote, forested, dirt-poor and sparsely populated district in the south of Chhattisgarh state.


  • 马蒂厄·弗拉米尼(大腿伤)、塞斯克·法布雷赫莱布(是腿后肌伤)恢复训练正力争能够出战这场争冠征途中的重要大战。

    Mathieu Flamini (thigh), Cesc Fabregas and Alex Hleb (both hamstring) are all back in training and fighting to be fit for what could be a pivotal game in the title race.


  • 印度恰蒂斯尔邦小学要求家长栽种树苗代替学费鼓励更多的学生接受教育,即便那些家长无力负担学费的孩子。

    Students are being taught in English medium. They are being taught till a certain standardand their guardians have been asked to plant saplings instead of paying fees.


  • 国际货币基金组织13日宣布法国财长克里斯蒂娜·拉墨西哥央行行长阿古斯丁·卡斯滕斯成为该组织总裁最终候选人

    French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Mexican central bank governor Agustin Carstens have been shortlisted for the selection of the new head of the IMF, the fund announced Monday night.


  • 国际货币基金组织13日宣布法国财长克里斯蒂娜·拉墨西哥央行行长阿古斯丁·卡斯滕斯成为该组织总裁最终候选人

    French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Mexican central bank governor Agustin Carstens have been shortlisted for the selection of the new head of the IMF, the fund announced Monday night.


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