• 某种程度上,意味着它们成本化石燃料要低——当然是汽车加油时候。

    In a way that means they have to cost less than fossil fuelscertainly when you're filling up your car.


  • 去年夏天消费者每天加油高达15亿美元。

    Consumers last summer were pulling $1.5 billion a day from their wallets to fuel their vehicles.


  • 但是我会自己加油

    But I will refuel for myself!


  • 但是找到一个可以柴油驱动汽车加油地方可能会大费周折。

    But it can be more of a challenge to find a place to fill up a car that runs on diesel.


  • 加油加油时候,计价表提示将要花掉多少钱。

    As I stand at the gas station filling my tank, the meter tallies how much it's going to cost me.


  • ITTF来自竞争国家的两国政要外交官他们本国加油立场。

    The ITTF says key government officials and diplomats from the competing nations will be in the stands cheering their country on.


  • 广州近日多个加油高挂“牌”柴油等候加油货车延绵不绝

    Many gas stations in Guangzhou have temporarily stopped selling diesel owing to insufficient supply over the last few days, leading to long lines of trucks waiting to refuel.


  • 了混动版后,可以加油开支上节省差价来,同时也算为抗击气候变化贡献

    You would be hard-pressed to make up the difference by savings on gasoline purchases. But you would be making a contribution to the battle against climate change.


  • 最近调查中的最低均价城市凤凰城那里自助加油一般价格每加仑1.80美元。

    The city with the lowest average price in the latest survey was Phoenix, where a gallon of self-serve regular cost $1.80.


  • 整个过程不超过5分钟BetterPlace公司保证速度超过加油加油的时间。

    The process though will take less than five minutes and Better Place guarantees that this is faster than the refilling at gasoline stations.


  • 或者如果加油使用更大输油管加快加油速度这样我们盯着计价器时间也可以短点

    Maybe it would help if gas pumps came with bigger hoses so that filling up would go faster and we’d spend less time watching the meter.


  • 加油为了爱车加油的时候,你是否意识油泵出来汽油在短短3天内上涨了25美分

    Have you ever wondered why when you go to the gas station to fill up the family car, the price of gas at the pump has just jumped 25 cents a gallon over the past three days?


  • 他们汽车上牌照的时候不得不缴纳倍的钱,当他们加油时候面对的是加仑增加12美分的汽油。

    They will pay almost twice as much to register their cars, and 12 cents per gallon more to fill them up.


  • 正当扎克伯格走出车门加油时候,一个男人突然出现在了他面前,这个男人手里举着不断咆哮着。

    As Zuckerberg got out of the car to fill the tank, a man appeared from the shadows, waving a gun and ranting.


  • [据防务专家网2010年05月17日报道]空客已经第一演示了A330MRTT飞机之间进行加油能力。

    GMT, May 17, 2010 Airbus Military has for the first time demonstrated in flight "buddy" refuelling between two A330 MRTT aircraft.


  • 布什,“艾克”飓风使得墨西哥湾沿岸炼油厂输油管道运转中断,造成汽油涨价,全国各地民众加油费用因此增加。

    He says across the country, Americans are paying more for gasoline - the result of storm-caused disruptions in the operations of refineries and pipelines along the Gulf Coast.


  • 法国服务业高科技应用方面处于领先地位:使用信用卡进行加油自动化加油站,带有触摸屏点餐柜台,自动化洗车等等。

    France excels at high-tech services: credit-card operated petrol stations, touch-screen fast-food counters, automatic car-washing.


  • 人们驾车等候加油长龙里争抢位置一些也根据车牌号实行单双号出行的规定,一切都表明、能源富足时代已经结束了。

    As motorists scrambled for a place in line, in some states matching their license plates to the date on an odd-or-even system, the era of energy affluence ended.


  • 这就像给的汽车加油油箱,你可以选择任何速度前进英里,当你油箱快没了,你就尽可能慢行来使你的车坚持到再次加油的时候。

    With a full tank, you can go for miles at any chosen speed. When the gas tank is nearing empty, there is the need to drive slower to conserve gas consumption until the tank is filled again.


  • 想想看吧燃油价格已经高得离谱了,但加油的时候,我们钱其实整个付出代价的一小部分,随后我们还会付出更多,比如健康社区环境的破坏。

    Here's the kicker: fuel already is incredibly expensive -we just don't pay the entire price at the pump. We pay for it later through costs to our health our communities our environment.


  • B - 2隐形机没有加油情况下,飞行距离达11000km以上次油,飞行距离能18500 km以上,能够在一个小时到达世界任何一个地区。

    It can fly more than 6, 000 nautical miles without refueling and more than 10, 000 nautical miles with just one aerial refueling, giving it the ability to reach any point on the globe within hours.


  • 记住加油那些比较偏远地区很稀少的。

    Bear in mind that gas stations are scarce in the more remote areas.


  • 我们我们篮球队加油

    We all went cheer up our basketball team.


  • 他们可能边界某个基地加油然后发射

    I figure they probably had to refuel and launch from one of these bases that's right on the border.


  • 宝贝加油最棒

    Baby, come on, you are the best!


  • 把车开加油服务人员检查油量加满油箱

    I pulled into a station and asked the attendant to check my oil and fill the petrol tank.


  • 所有等级汽油平均价格1加仑3.49美元。

    The average price for all grades of petrol at the pump was $3.49 a gallon.


  • 足球迷们给他们的加油

    The football fans cheered their team.


  • 足球迷们给他们的加油

    The football fans cheered their team.


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