• 然而,霍夫姐妹律师耶沙亚胡·艾YeshayahuEtgar这些文件私有继承”,而且1974年的法院裁决已经认可布罗德的遗愿。

    However, Yeshayahu Etgar, lawyer for the Hoffe sisters, said the documents were a "private inheritance" and this was approved in a 1974 court ruling ratifying Brod's will.


  • c文件扩展一种文本模式,它匹配点号小写字母c的情况。

    The.c file name extension is a literal pattern that matches only a period followed by a lowercase c.


  • 棒的是,multitail可以已知格式颜色标记(可以定义定制的颜色方案),可以把多个文件合并

    Even better, multitail can colorize well-known formats (and you can define custom color schemes, too) and can merge multiple files into a single stream.


  • 然后文件id1运行一个insert语句

    Then the file runs an INSERT statement with the id value plus one.


  • 不会接受这样一份文件现在还不敢肯定,更不用说遵守其中的条件了。

    It is far from certain that Mr Mugabe will ever accept such a document, let alone stick to its conditions.


  • 代码MANIFEST . MF文件中时,不要忘记前一末尾逗号

    When you add this to the MANIFEST.MF file, don't forget to add a comma at the end of the previous line.


  • 一旦浏览文件的时候,你发现这正是真正兴趣条目

    Once you've skimmed through everything head to your starred items folder and you'll find just the items you really care about.


  • MerbAIR-实现文件上传-一个稍微有点(2007年6月)教程,介绍了如何Adobe AIR驱动客户端Merb实现文件上传

    Merb on AIR - Drag and Drop Multiple file upload - a slightly old (June 2007) tutorial demonstrating how to use Merb alongside an Adobe AIR powered client to handle file uploads.


  • Guidovan rossum:abc里缺位文件支持雪上扩展abc语言并非易事

    Guido van Rossum: What made the lack of file support in the ABC language worse was that it wasn't easy to extend ABC.


  • 比如说主页的“最新消息”(What' sNew)显示用户尚未看见网站更新内容但是上传视频文件在这里就没有显示出来照片评论也是一样。

    For example, a 'What's new' list on the home page should display recent site changes yet unseen by the user, but a video that I posted didn't show up here, nor did new comments about photos.


  • 这个文件一个密码

    I want to create a password for this document.


  • 可以通过两个属性之间一个空格来指定粗体斜体字体BOLDITALIC(这种组合属性的技术对于SynthXML文件中的所有属性都适用)。

    You can also specify a bold italic font by putting a space between the two attributes: bold italic. (This technique for combining attributes holds true for all attributes in the Synth XML file.)


  • 集中,罗斯林总统卡拉视察期间是谁解释军事条款其他相关文件的?

    In "Water,", during one of President Roslin's first visits to the Galactica, who explains military protocol and other related matters to her?


  • 这个复制成员由于产生主持文件获取问题重试本地远程文件升级次数

    The number of local plus remote file updates that were retried due to a stage file fetch problem on this replica set member.


  • 拿大服务部请求一封信上诉文件,信描述就业保险上诉以来发生事情的。

    I went to Service Canada, and asked them to add a letter, which was about what had been going on since the Employment Insurance appeal, to my documents.


  • 这个复制成员重试本地远程文件升级次数

    The number of local plus remote file updates retired on this replica set member.


  • 已经开始使用电子书,我认为使记笔记容易,我只要打开一个文件,然后在旁边笔记就可以了。

    I'vealso started using it myself and I think it's become much easier taking notes, I just open up adocument next to it and add notes as I read.


  • 由于任何原因这个复制成员上重试本地远程文件升级次数

    The number of local plus remote file updates that were retried for any reason on this replica set member.


  • 已经发送这个复制成员出站伙伴本地远程文件升级次数

    The number of local plus remote file updates that have been sent to the outbound partners of this replica set member.


  • 请问播放器播放多个文件应该怎么代码

    Will the players how to play multiple files should add the code?


  • 勒特那些文件兴趣,如果它们告诉任何关于一个雕像说话干瘪老丑婆。

    Garrett: I 'm more interested in those papers of yours, if they can tell me anything about... A crone that talks to statues.


  • 有一点必须注意文件以明文字格式储存时,字体大小粗体斜体底线特别效果便消失

    Please note that when a document is saved as plain text, special effects such as font size, boldface, italics, underline, etc. will be lost.


  • 这个复制成员上由于产生暂存文件问题重试本地远程文件升级次数

    The number of local plus remote file updates that were retried due to a stage file generation problem on this replica set member.


  • 尽管如此我们只有主线一个调用所以避免读取那个文件去处理另一个请求,回函数需要等待调用

    However, we only have one main thread and one call-stack, so in case there is another request being served when the said file is read, its callback will need to wait for the stack to become empty.


  • 具有测试使用一个24斜坡文件(每个样品124位范围)显而易见的,奇怪事情正在发生播放

    Having tested it using a 24 bit ramp file (each sample is the last sample plus 1 over the full 24 bit range) it is evident that something odd is happening during playback.


  • 所有的1300复制苹果循环雷克斯文件最大灵活性几乎所有音乐采样器软件

    All 1300 plus loops are duplicated into Apple loops and REX files as well for maximum flexibility with nearly any music sampler, DAW, or loop software.


  • 研究表明采用随机函数分色后图象文件进行调频网,再经现有调幅RIP实现图象的调频输出

    Research results show that by using the pseudo random function and RIP for AM screening, the image of separate color can be input in the form of FM screening.


  • 根据最新发布文件麦克特兰德博士受到上司劝告:“确保适当的、经过慎重考虑方式来表达专业上的分歧。”

    Dr. McGartland was "counseled" by his superior "to assure that professional differences are expressed in appropriate and considered ways, " according to one of the newly released documents.


  • 根据最新发布文件麦克特兰德博士受到上司劝告:“确保适当的、经过慎重考虑方式来表达专业上的分歧。”

    Dr. McGartland was "counseled" by his superior "to assure that professional differences are expressed in appropriate and considered ways, " according to one of the newly released documents.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定