• 埃及土耳其均拒绝瑞典大规模杀伤性武器委员会其它机构提出地区暂缓铀浓缩加工的建议。

    Both it and Turkey reject a proposed moratorium on enrichment and reprocessing in the region put forward by, among others, Sweden's Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission.


  • 2007年,慈善机构宣布,确凿科学证据表明,食用加工肉类会增加罹患肠癌风险

    In 2007 the charity there was convincing scientific evidence that consumption of processed meat increases the risk of bowel cancer.


  • 这些进步使得公共健康立法机构能够容易地追踪疫情暴发源头进而进行制裁以提升食物加工处理从而降低风险

    Those advances make it easier for public health and the legal system to trace an outbreak of illness to its source, and to impose sanctions that encourage food processors to minimize risk.


  • 今天美国得到许可血液捐献存储机构包括收集加工储存分配血液和血液产品中心

    In the United States today, licensed Blood donation and banking establishments include centers that collect, process, store and distribute Blood and Blood products.


  • 介绍了机动玩具不完全齿轮机构齿结构材料应用加工工艺方面设计特点

    Design characteristics of intermittent gear mechanisms of action toys are introduced in tooth form, structure, material applying and manufacturing technology.


  • 机构记录显示1994年以来,新鲜大蒜加工的大蒜都是必须下接受监督的。

    But FDA records show that since 1994, fresh and processed garlic have been targeted for automatic detention and surveillance.


  • 近日,《魔力英语》由国内权威外语出版机构外语教学研究出版社(外研社)ALC出版集团原版引进,经北京外国语大学英语专家倾力加工作为名牌教辅刊物《英语学习》杂志的有声系列读物介绍给国内读者。

    Recently the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press obtained authorization from ALC Publications of Japan to adapt the original edition of English Journal for learners in China.


  • 齿轮作为通用传动机构特殊设计加工方法

    As a kind of general driver machine, gear has its special method of designing and manufacturing.


  • 切断机构切断机构卷绕成形后,切断钢丝弹簧落下最后一个加工动作,切断时通过完成

    Five, cut off the body: the cutting mechanism is winding forming, cut off the wire is the last of the spring drop of the processing action, cutting through the knife and the core to complete.


  • 介绍了钢球二次脱模机构工作过程设计加工过程中需要注意的一些关键问题进行了阐述。

    The working process of steel ball secondary demoulding mechanism is introduced, and the key issues required attention on design and processing are stated.


  • 数控机床采用直线电机作为刀具伺服进机构可以解决非圆零件加工问题

    With the linear motor as the micro-feed servo mechanism, the numerical control machine can solve non-circular machining problem.


  • 为了提高加工能力,而采用考虑并联机构特点提出了并联刨床的概念并对其进行了简单说明。

    To improve the machining ability of planers, the paper proposes a new type planer, which adopts a parallel mechanism with consideration of the characteristics of parallel kinematics.


  • 这些援助尤其可以加工技术、研究基础设施,包括成立国家管理机构领域;

    Members agree to facilitate the provision of technical assistance to other Members, especially developing country Members, either bilaterally or through the appropriate international organizations.


  • 根据摆线齿轮齿廓形成理论探讨利用凸轮机构实现摆线齿轮加工原理方法

    Based on the theory of forming cycloidal gear, this paper discusses the basic fundamentals and methods of machining cycloidal gear with CAM mechanism.


  • 冲程间隙极小锁紧机构更能解决短小零件零件等高精度加工难题

    Retaining mechanism, with a tiny stroke clearance, solves the problem of high precision machining on small pieces and blind hole pieces.


  • 提出新型的两自由度并联平动机构将其成功的应用YAG激光加工平台当中。

    A new kind of two-DOF parallel mechanism was presented, and the parallel mechanism was successfully applied in the YAG laser-manufacturing machine.


  • 介绍了MCV 2520小型立式加工中心圆盘转动定位机构设计计算方法

    The design and calculation method on rotating and locating mechanism of MCV2520 miniature vertical machining center's circular tool magazine are introduced.


  • 介绍了一种推板双锥面配合脱模机构设计,分析了结构特点制造加工工艺性

    A demoulding structural design by the cooperation of core and dual-cone is introduced, and the structural character and manufacture process are analyzed as well.


  • 凸轮作为通用传动机构特殊设计加工方法

    As a kind of. general actuating mechanism, CAM has its special method of designing and manufacturing.


  • 介绍一种新型的先复位机构,其结构简单动作可靠加工方便,非常适合塑料模具使用。

    A new_type pre_reset mechanism was introduced. With simple structure, reliable action and convenient operation, it is well fit for the injection mould.


  • 本文主要介绍圆柱分度凸轮机构曲线设计数控加工注意事项

    The curve design of cylindrical indexing CAM and CNC machining points for attention are mainly discussed here in this paper.


  • 分别凸轮靠模曲柄滑机构作为工装加工椭圆原理特点进行了探讨。

    The paper respectively studies the principles and features for profiling attachment and slider crank mechanism to be used as clamping apparatus to fabricate oval hand hole cover.


  • 全自动进料结构,精度只要变换送料机构零件各种规格均进行加工

    It has automatic feeder with good precision. It is only to change the feeder parts, all kinds of specifications can be processed.


  • 平面机构约束存在制造加工机构运动分析带来诸多不便。

    Virtual restraint in planar mechanism brings about many problems to machining and mechanism movement analysis.


  • 这种行星齿轮机构加工简单装配方便具有应用前景

    This planetary gear mechanism will have good future because of its simple manufacture and convenient assembly.


  • 高速振动原因主要曲柄滑块机构惯性力压制工作时加工

    The causes of vibration on high speed press consist mainly in the inertial force of crank slide mechanism and the working force of the press.


  • 高速振动原因主要曲柄滑块机构惯性力压制工作时加工

    The causes of vibration on high speed press consist mainly in the inertial force of crank slide mechanism and the working force of the press.


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