• 蔗糖发酵过程利用,包括晶体结构天然糖浆、糖蜜食糖加工副产品)。

    Sucrose is available for use in fermentation processes either in crystalline form or in crude form as raw juice or molasses (a by-product of sugar manufacture).


  • 加工成型的石英晶体频率可几十赫兹数百兆赫兹

    Quartz crystals are manufactured for frequencies from a few tens of kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz.


  • 本文综述膳食纤维生理功能加工方法以及挤压加工膳食纤维的物化特性晶体结构影响

    Thephysiology functions and processing methods of dietary fiber and the effect of extrusion procession on properties and crystal structure of dietary fiber are reviewed in this paper.


  • 金刚石车削试验研究精密加工脆性晶体材料机理

    This paper studies the ultra-precision machining mechanism of the brittle crystal materials by carrying out single diamond turning experiment.


  • 加工精度误差光子晶体器件性能较大影响

    The error of machining accuracy has relatively great influence on the performance of the photonic crystal device.


  • 运用传统干涉检验光学材料的折射率均匀性时,由于晶体表面不易加工表面面难以满足测试要求

    Using traditional interferometric method, as the germanium material is too soft to process, the surface form of the test piece may not meet the requirement for the measurement.


  • 初步讨论矿物表面特征微孔结构矿物晶体结构、化学成分以及加工工艺性能之间联系

    The relationship between surface characteristics, micropore structure and minerals structure, chemical components as well as processing technologies and properties is discussed.


  • 由此可以看出,研究冷却KDP晶体表面质量影响推广冷却液在我国KDP晶体加工过程中的应用具有重要理论现实意义

    So, it has important theories and realistic meanings to research the influence of cooling fluid on the KDP crystal surface quality and extend the use of the cooling fluid at the SPDT process inside.


  • 目前国内外通常采用金刚石车削的方法KDP晶体塑性阈内进行加工

    At present, the KDP crystal is usually processed by Single Point Diamond Turning within the plastic domain both here and abroad.


  • 结构为了便于直接求解含重原子晶体结构而引进一种经过数学加工的结构。

    Difference structures are structures subjected to certain mathematical processing, they are introduced for the convenience of solving heavy-atom-containing structures by direct methods.


  • 本文研究内容激光晶体材料生长制备超精密加工及其应用技术具有重要指导意义

    The research content of this paper will also have important instruction meaning for the lasers crystal materials' growth preparation, ultra-precision processing and application.


  • 加工光滑表面KDP晶体现代超精密加工技术领域重点研究课题

    Machining KDP crystal with an ultra-smooth surface is a key subject in the field of modern ultra-precision machining.


  • 发明属于晶体材料精密加工领域,涉及一种用于检测蓝宝石基片表面层损伤腐蚀剂

    The invention belongs to the field of ultra-precision processing of hard and brittle crystal materials and relates to a corroding agent for detecting damage of a surface layer of a sapphire substrate.


  • 晶体加工特殊晶向晶体棱镜切割一直困扰加工的一难题

    It is always a great difficult around fabricators to cut the special orientation and prism of crystal in the cutting process.


  • 突出特点晶体尺寸冲击加工破碎,颗粒球状颗粒,表面易于结合剂结合

    Outstanding characteristic is impact resistance value because of the little crystal size, particle almost is spherical since the mill processing, the surface is dry and clean, and easy to bond.


  • 本文探讨晶体材料切削加工性,重点分析了切削条件表面粗糙度影响

    The machinability of crystal material is studied, and the influence of the cutting condition on surface roughness is analyzed.


  • 文中最后部分较为完整具体地介绍借助晶体靠模技术微型偏光棱镜实施加工的过程。

    In this paper, the design of crystal mini polarizing prism used in an optical isolator along with its material selection and process methods was introduced.


  • 公司专业生产加工品质蓝宝石手机镜片光学镜片,红外材料晶体致力于品质服务

    Our company specializes in producing and processing high-quality sapphire watch glass, mobile telephone lens, optics lens, infrared material crystal chip, is committed to quality and service!


  • 由于晶体密排六方结构,镁合金室温塑性加工能力较低,因而很有必要研究镁合金的拉伸性能,壳深成形及其有限元模拟,为今后镁合金塑性加工提供必要技术支持

    So it is necessary to study hot stretch properties, hot drawing of shell parts and its finite element simulation of magnesium alloys for providing technical supports of plastic processing.


  • 介绍于光电压晶体选择晶体加工设计中的光轴选定原则

    This paper introduces the selection of crystal used for voltage measurement with optic, and the principle for selecting the optic axle.


  • 探讨晶体材料切削加工性,重点分析切削条件实现镜面车削影响

    The paper presents the machinability of crystal materials, and emphasizes the influence of cutting conditions on the mirror finish.


  • 实验结果表明振式晶体脉冲电源加工速度并不适于微细放电加工

    The experimental results reveal that the transistor type pulse train generator is unsuitable for micro-EDM due to its low removal rate.


  • 中国工业激光加工、激光医疗科研等激光应用领域拥有一千余家客户,东激光中国最大一家YAG激光晶体材料公司。

    Dongjun laser is the largest YAG laser material supplier in China, who has more than one thousand customers in industrial laser processing, medical laser and laser research application realms.


  • 过渡金属离子掺杂微玻璃结合玻璃加工透明晶体具有高效宽带发光优点

    Transition metal ion-doped glass-ceramics can combine the advantages of easy process ability of glass and high emission efficiency in broadband of transparent crystal.


  • 表面加工工艺采用两种晶体硅芯片作为赖以建立的基础,或者可以更便宜玻璃塑料基板启动

    The surface micromachining process uses either crystal silicon chip substrates as a foundation upon which to build layers, or can be started on cheaper glass or plastic substrates.


  • 文章着重介绍星光宝石猫眼宝石的矿物内部结构及其特殊光学效应,对两者的工艺设计、晶体定向以及加工工艺方面作了详细的阐述。

    The discussion of the paper focuses on the internal mineral structure and their special optical effect of both star stone and cat's eye stone.


  • 例如通过运用微细加工技术制造计算机芯片时工作小组创造出场效应晶体管,它是计算机中一个重要的组成部件。

    By employing the standard microfabrication techniques used, for instance, in manufacturing of computer chips, the team has created a type of field-effect transistor, a vital computer component.


  • 抛光用于抛光加工各种形工件尤其适于加工热敏性材料材料晶体材料

    The polishing pad can be used for polishing and processing various thin workpieces, is particularly suitable for thermal sensitivity materials, soft material, crystal materials, and the like.


  • 在此基础上采用飞秒激光光子微细加工技术制备典型微生物器件——微井阵列、微柱阵列光子晶体生物微型支架

    Using two-photon femtosecond laser micro-processing technology fabricates a typical microbial devices such as micro-well array, micro-pole-array, and photonic crystal micro-biological scaffold.


  • 加工三维木堆结构光子晶体方面,飞秒激光双光子光聚合具有广泛应用前景方法

    Two-photon photopolymerization (TPP) with femtosecond laser is a promising method to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) photonic crystals (PCs).


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