• 美国中部加勒比海岸

    Central America's Caribbean coast.


  • 牙买加首都位于牙买加东南部加勒比海边。

    The capital of Jamaica, in the southeast part of the island on the Caribbean Sea.


  • 加勒比海岸场会议正在一甚至从对岸都可以看见军舰严密保卫的酒店里举行。

    The talks, in a tightly guarded hotel complex by the Caribbean with warships visible off the coast, are seeking ways to revive negotiations after the U.


  • 那时起一项目已经通过海运输出了超过4万辆自行车非洲拉美以及加勒比海岸

    Since then it has shipped more than forty thousand bikes to communities in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, says director Keith Oberg.


  • 然而这个位于哥伦比亚加勒比海岸港口城市尔塔的中心广场过去绝不一个街灯闪耀的浪漫之所。

    Yet this square in the center of Santa Marta, a port city along the Caribbean coast of Colombia, was not always a streetlamp-lighted refuge of romance.


  • 地缘上,基韦斯特相邻迈阿密,但与哈瓦那更加接近,这里珊瑚礁海岸线的景观与加勒比海岸几分相似

    Geographically closer to Havana than Miami, the coral reef-filled waters off Key West often resemble those found in the Caribbean.


  • 六月二十九日“哥武”游击队麦德林加勒比海岸主要干道上竖起路障等到警察赶来时他们引爆炸弹炸死名地方警监。

    On June 29th the guerrillas erected a roadblock on the main road between medellin and the Caribbean coast. When police arrived, they detonated a bomb, killing a police chief.


  • 最近一场峰会,包括拉美加勒比地区32个国家本周墨西哥加勒比海岸度假胜地PlayadelCarmen举行。

    The latest, involving 32 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, took place this week in Playa del Carmen, a resort on Mexico's Caribbean coast.


  • 一问题带有种族性,如来自加勒比海岸黑人移民儿童48%的人生活单亲家庭里,而来自印度的移民儿童只有10%生活在单亲家庭里。

    The finding is also marked by race - in black Caribbean families 48% of children live with one parent compared to 10% of children raised in Indian families.


  • 巧克力商谈起这里位于加勒比海独有条件时,认为这里的可可豆像goutdeterroir”也就是“味道”,这一点高档至关重要。

    Chocolatiers talk of the unique factors here on the Caribbean's edge in a way that resembles the gout DE terroir, or taste of the earth, crucial to fine wines.


  • 詹姆斯双亲坐拥伊甸巴特加勒比海岸最受欢迎度假酒店之一这也意味着帕日后无需费力寻觅,也可以就近找到常年日光浴的理想之地。

    For James's parents own Eden Rock, one of the loveliest hotels on the Caribbean island of st Barts, meaning Pippa will never have to look far to top up her year-round tan.


  • 虽然最终艾琳没有带来预期的强大杀伤力,但加勒比海岸沿途,这场风暴还是造成了至少27死亡

    While ultimately not as powerful as many had predicted, the storm still killed at least 27 people along its path from the Caribbean to the eastern seaboard.


  • 如果你想知道欧洲美国东部加勒比海岸线上升2(红色)25米(黄色)后是什么样子请看右边地图

    For an idea of what the European, Eastern US and Caribbean coastlines would look like with 2 metres (red) and 25 metres (yellow) sea level rise, have a look at the maps to the right.


  • 卫星地图显示最近一场飓风“厄尔运行路径宽阔蓝色带状水域加勒比向北延伸美国东海岸

    Satellite maps reveal the track of the recent Hurricane Earl as a wide swath of cool blue water from the Caribbean up the East Coast of the U.S..


  • 小岛屿国家联盟由42个主要位于太平洋加勒比岛国海岸国家组成。

    Aosis is a bloc of 42 island and coastal states mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean.


  • 加勒比地中海海岸许多火山

    The shores of the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas also have many volcanoes.


  • 非洲西海岸西班牙领土利群岛出发,旅人航行至加勒比巴特岛,然后在去年八月份前往北极

    After starting from the Canary Islands, Spanish territory near Africa's west coast, the pair sailed to st Bart's in the Caribbean before moving into the Arctic last August.


  • 加勒比海岸线哥伦布502年发现,西班牙人524年成为这里的第一居民

    Its Caribbean coastline was discovered by Columbus in 502, and the first settlements were made by the Spanish in 524.


  • 飓风伯爵正在美国海岸挺近,它已经造成加勒比海地区供电中断暴雨

    Hurricane Earl is heading for the us east coast after causing power cuts and heavy rain across the eastern Caribbean.


  • 加勒比加勒比海诸的,与加勒比海诸岛有关加勒比海中南部美洲海岸的,加勒比海人文化的;与加勒比海中南部美洲海岸有关的,与加勒人或文化有关的。

    Of or relating to the Caribbean Sea, its islands, or its Central or South American coasts or to the peoples or cultures of this region.


  • 加勒比加勒比海诸的,与加勒比海诸岛有关加勒比海中南部美洲海岸的,加勒比海人文化的;与加勒比海中南部美洲海岸有关的,与加勒人或文化有关的。

    Of or relating to the Caribbean Sea, its islands, or its Central or South American coasts or to the peoples or cultures of this region.


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