• 例如大多数加入NSF网络大学校内计算机网络

    For example, most universities that joined the NSF network had intracampus computer networks.


  • 品茶者通常会在品茶时候加入牛奶因为大多数英国喝茶方式

    The tasters generally taste tea with milk, since that is how the majority of British people drink their tea.


  • 一些大多数甚至全部组成员最终都会离开这个加入开发组织获取他们感觉自己需要技巧经验这种情况已变得明显起来

    It became apparent that some, most, or even all of our team would eventually leave the team and join a development organization to gain the skills and experience they felt they needed.


  • 印度王子加入印度大多数人民邻国巴基斯坦统一

    The Hindu prince wanted to join India, but most of his people wanted union with neighboring Pakistan.


  • 大多数学校计算机加入阻止电子邮件聊天游戏限制关键搜索网页配置

    Most schools configured the machines to block e-mail, chat, games and Web sites reached by searching on objectionable key words.


  • 今天看来是一死胡同俄罗斯强烈反对一方面,主要由于大多数乌克兰都不希望加入北约。

    But that looks a blind alley today, not so much because Russia is fiercely against it (although it is) as because most Ukrainians do not want it.


  • 一些情况下去参加选择有关-大多数临时工作年轻人不会选择加入

    In some cases not participating is a matter of choice - most transient youth choose not to take part.


  • 此后大多数厂商加入引起若干次修改2003年3月改进制定了1.1

    Since then the majority of vendors have joined which has resulted in several modifications and improvements and adoption of version 1.1 in March 2003.


  • 每天大多数团购网站都要刊登批又一批来自网上商家优惠券一旦签约加入这项交易的达到规定数字,这些优惠券就能让顾客享受到折扣价格。

    Each day, most group buying websites post batches of coupons from online merchants that offer customers a discount once a set number of people sign up to participate in the deal.


  • 大多数贫穷国家没有加入选择动作系统

    Most poor countries don't have a functioning system to inject choice into.


  • 大多数加入医学人们公平得体道德罗盘斯科特斯德思说道。此人是一位堪萨斯州劳伦斯心理医生,专长治疗受问题困扰医师们

    "The majority of people who go into medicine have a fairly decent moral compass," says Scott Stacy, a psychologist in Lawrence, Kansas, who specializes in treating troubled physicians.


  • 大多数翻译公司接纳新的自由职业者加入网络谨慎态度。

    Most translation agencies are wary of admitting new freelancers into their networks.


  • 大多数船夫都想加入他的行列。 哈蒙德说:“来给我露两手吧。”

    Most punters want to join in.


  • 这个变革取得并没有碰到太阻力大多数男人还是很欢迎女性加入到他们的工作之中的,然而,在之中即使最积极的改变也是不完善不尽人意的,这中特殊的进步伴随着两种情况:第一,在公司的高层中,女性依然只是绝少数。

    This revolution has been achieved with only a modicum of friction (see article). Men have, by and large, welcomed women’s invasion of the workplace.


  • 大多数美国人(56%)希望美国其它国家一起加入全球气候变化协议

    A majority, 56%, also want America to join other countries in a global agreement on climate change.


  • 多数小组研究生教职人员组成,但是有些大学生加入其中

    Most of these groups consist of graduate students and faculty, but some undergraduates join as well.


  • 根据报告所做公民调查结果,大多数情况下,失业加入帮派团伙参与反叛活动重要因素

    In citizen surveys done for the report, unemployment was overwhelmingly the most important factor cited for recruitment into gangs and rebel movements.


  • 使用计算机程序作为辅助手段的作曲家大多数使用自上而下的方式——通过音乐构造加入较大结构中

    Composers who use computer programs as AIDS to composition mostly use them in a top-down mannerby arranging musical building blocks into larger structures.


  • 不是所有来自纽约城市学院思想者加入了新保守派良好意愿演变成极端思想危险贯穿群体大多数成员毕生工作始终。

    While not all of the C.C.N.Y. thinkers became neoconservatives, the danger of good intentions carried to extremes was a theme that would underlie the life work of many members of this group.


  • 今天即将听到研究将评审大多数国家2003年以来新加入清单58种药物专利状况

    The study you will hear about today reviews the patent status of all 58 medicines added to the list, since 2003, in a large number of countries.


  • Facebook强大的网络效应受益良多可能也不足以人们割舍:人们加入Facebook是因为他们大多数朋友已经加入

    But this will probably not be enough to get people to abandon Facebook, which benefits from a powerful network effect: people join it because most of their friends already have.


  • 大多数创业孵化器基本要求申请程序大同小异,但是一些因素增加加入创业孵化器几率

    The basic requirements and application procedure are similar for most business incubators. But there are some factors that can increase your chances of joining a business incubator.


  • 大多数学校计算机加入阻止电子邮件聊天游戏限制关键搜索网页配置

    Most schools configured the machines to block email, chat, games and Web sites reached by searching on objectionable key words.


  • 欧盟成员国的人民愿意欧盟扩大吗(法国德国多数的人反对土耳其加入欧盟)?

    Do European citizens have the will to carry on with further enlargement (big majorities in France and Germany oppose Turkish entry)?


  • 加入一个金字塔危险因为多数参与者丢掉了他们的用来支付极少数侥幸者的报酬

    Joining a pyramid is risky because the vast majority of participants lose money to pay for the rewards of a lucky few.


  • 如果英国加入欧洲经济区欧洲自由贸易联盟我们还是签署大多数欧盟环境法因为这些法规同样影响统一市场的运行

    And if the UK joined the EEA or EFTA, we would still have to sign up to most of the EU's environmental laws, because those laws also affect the functioning of the single market.


  • 如果英国加入欧洲经济区欧洲自由贸易联盟我们还是签署大多数欧盟环境法因为这些法规同样影响统一市场的运行

    And if the UK joined the EEA or EFTA, we would still have to sign up to most of the EU's environmental laws, because those laws also affect the functioning of the single market.


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