• 如果使用依赖链接类型创建工作链接,则可以跟踪完成要求功能任务能力产生影响的工作项。

    You create links to work items by using a dependent link type in order to track work items that impact the ability to complete a requirement, feature, or task.


  • 尽管收集特定任务功能信息有价值但组合插件数据可以提供用户可能提供的角度

    While collecting information on a specific task or function can be valuable, combining plug-in data can provide a perspective that not even users can provide.


  • 听到人们讨论业务任务、业务服务应用程序功能技术服务基础设施服务。

    I have heard people talk about business tasks, business services, application functions, technology services, or infrastructure services.


  • 执行要求证明支持某种特殊政策交付功能执行任务能力

    Performance requirements demonstrate the ability to deliver functionality or perform tasks that support a specific policy.


  • 为此需要了解业务以便识别资格作为服务业务功能业务任务

    To do that, you want to understand your business so that you can identify the business functions or business tasks that qualify.


  • 投入基础结构时间精力无关紧要的;总是缺乏一个执行当前任务需要功能特性

    It doesn't matter how much time or effort is invested into the infrastructure; it's always lacking the one function or feature that you need to perform your current task.


  • 一个主要功能有选择性过滤外部信息使得我们专注于特定行为目标任务

    One of its main functions appears to be that of selectively filtering information from the senses, allowing us to attend to specific actions, goals, or tasks.


  • SV10a系统规则模型描述业务需求运作任务需求所利用的影响系统功能约束

    SV10a Systems Rules Model Describes constraints imposed on system functionality by business needs or operational mission requirements.


  • 本文前半部分中,解释了Mylyn任务管理功能如何轻松聚焦给定工作日工作周相关任务

    In the first half of this article, I explained how Mylyn's task management facilities make it easy to focus on tasks relevant to a given day or week.


  • DataStudio针对集成数据管理生命周期中的不同任务提供了免费收费的功能

    Data Studio provides both no-charge and fee-based capabilities across the various tasks of the integrated data management lifecycle.


  • 各种程序生成了不同方程组——描述沙漠高原降雨量作用触发哮喘空气污染认知功能任务处理。

    Programs produce sets of equations - describing the role of rainfall on a desert plateau, or air pollution in triggering asthma, or multitasking on cognitive function.


  • 功能需求需求数据库进行描述依附业务过程模型中的任务

    Non-functional requirements are described in a requirements database, attached to tasks and items in the business process model.


  • 至于项目产品关系,项目的任务可能开发产品增加产品功能以及产品的新版本扩展包的开发。

    As they relate to products, projects can be undertaken to build a product, to add new features to a product, or create new versions or extensions of a product.


  • 忘了使用向导帮助用户更快地完成任务使用逐步展开控件隐藏高级的不常使用功能

    Don't forget about novice users. Use wizards to help them complete tasks faster, or use progressive disclosure to hide advanced (or infrequently used) features.


  • 天后功能磁共振成像扫描显示手指完成任务他们视觉皮质活动脉冲甚至他们听到声调单词时的脉冲。

    After as few as two days, fMRI scans showed bursts of activity in their visual cortex when they performed tasks with their fingers, or even when they listened to tones or words.


  • 赋予界面Gmail内部直接添加任务功能

    It lets you add tasks directly from its interface or through email.


  • TPL拥有一套从前线程线程具备的功能例如任务拥有一个安全Cancel方法

    The TPL also has a new set of features not seen in either threads or thread pools. For example, Tasks have a safe Cancel method.


  • WS - Coordination规范描述系统一个通用功能程序,用来管理与整个应用程序相关的活动任务

    The system described in the WS-Coordination specification is a generalized facility to allow the management of the activities or tasks related to the overall application.


  • WebSphereProcessServerV6.1.2添加功能通过向前向后跳转另一个任务修改正在进行的实例

    WebSphere Process Server V6.1.2 adds a new capability to modify the in-flight instances by jumping forward or backwards to another task. This capability could be used for several scenarios.


  • 最重要Xforms表单功能分离开来,这种方式能够指定表单应该完成哪些任务表示留给浏览器其他用户代理去处理。

    Perhaps most of all, it separates form from function, providing a way to specify what a form does while leaving the presentation up to the browser or other user-agent.


  • 相反抽象基准测试CPUGPU的,一个真实的世界标准适用用户共同任务测量系统的性能的特定功能

    Contrary to abstract benchmarks, which only test specific functions of CPUs or GPUs, a real-world benchmark applies a user's common tasks to measure a system's performance.


  • 功能齐全,允许用户通过RSS跟踪任务,用email分享任务通过email短信添加任务甚至任务添加指定地点

    This full-featured program allows users to keep track of tasks through RSS feeds, share tasks via email, add tasks via email or SMS, and even assign tasks a specific location.


  • 框架包括若干函数简单应用程序工具功能打包处理完整任务复杂脚本

    Frameworks include several types of functions, from very simple wrappers around simple application or tool functions to very complex scripts that handle an integrated task.


  • 通过AeroPeek功能,用户可以方便地查看所有已经启用窗口应用程序的缩略图,它们都悬停在任务上的每一个对应图标上方。

    With AeroPeek activated, you can also preview thumbnails of the activity of apps by hovering over their corresponding taskbar ICONS.


  • 子系统支持服务程序路径选择控制程序。程序根据所有子系统支持服务功能优先级提供任务控制支持。

    The routing or controlling routines of Subsystem Support Services. This routine provides multitasking and control support, on a priority basis, for all Subsystem Support Services functions.


  • 路径选择控制程序程序根据所有子系统支持服务功能优先级提供任务控制支持。

    The routing or controlling routines of Subsystem support Services. This routine provides multitasking and control support, on a priority basis, for all Subsystem support Services functions.


  • US B驱动器功能停止,立即进行使用CPURAM任务所以不会破坏正常活动减慢计算机性能

    USB Drive Disabler immediately carries out the task while using low CPU and RAM, so it doesn't disrupt normal activity or slow down computer performance.


  • 企业过程(BP)系统在业务领域的交互和协作完成特定任务功能

    BP (Business Process) is the collaboration between person and system to complete special tasks and functions.


  • 我们思考这种问题时,比如说一个房间具有某种用途,意味着使用这个房间时具有一定目标的,不一定具体任务功能相关

    The way we think about it, saying that a room has a purpose implies that using it is associated with a goal, but not necessarily with a particular task or function.


  • 系统支持服务程序选择抠制程羊。畜根据隙统支持羹务功能的耘级提任务镭制支持。

    The routing or controlling routines of Subsystem Support Services. This routine provides multitasking and control support, on a priority basis, all Subsystem Support Services functions.


- 来自原声例句

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