• 似乎办公室闲聊讽刺每个人都取笑,但经理们喜欢它,公司依赖它,普通人也乐于接受它。

    But this seems to be the irony of office speak: Everyone makes fun of it, but managers love it, companies depend on it, and regular people willingly absorb it.


  • 这些办公室闲聊接手之前人们简单他们度假

    In the days before office-speak took over, people would simply say that they were going on holiday.


  • 希望自己健康状况或者私人生活成为办公室闲聊时的谈资,因此请保守的口。

    You don't want the details of your health or private life to become the subject of office gossip, so keep them to yourself.


  • 作为新闻纪实报纸”,著名记者得到的独家高端消息也许办公室闲聊鸡尾酒会上让众人刮目相看

    As the "paper of record," exclusive access to premium content from famous journalists might be appealing to a crowd that aims to impress at the water cooler and cocktail parties.


  • 不管工作量还是小,我们必须耐得住寂寞(不要办公室闲聊),一直呆在缺少晒太阳锻炼身体的工作环境里。也使得自由职业者倍感压力

    Whether our workload is heavy or light, we may have to contend with isolation (no more chats at the water cooler), lack of sunshine and exercise… all of which add up to one stressed out freelancer.


  • 也许午餐茶水间闲聊关心他人、深入而有意义的谈话期望上次那种办公室环境遗留下来

    Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations were a legacy of the last time I was in that kind of office environment.


  • 倘若办公室没有足够的会面时间,不在会议中闲聊,那你需要时间花在其它地方,从而同事保持同一步调。

    If you're not getting face time at the office and chit-chatting at meetings, you'll need to put the time in other places to stay on the same page with coworkers.


  • 办公室闲聊话题

    She is a subject of gossip in the office.


  • 也有人抽烟休息,或自动售货机买东西,或出入办公室同事办公室停下来进行一番闲聊

    Others take cigarette breaks, head to the vending machines, or stop by a co-worker's office for chit-chat as they make their way through the office.


  • 开始时候感到自己有些“格格不入”自然的现象,但是你要管住自己不要立刻参与办公室闲聊“帮派”当中。

    It's natural to feel out of place in the beginning, but resist the temptation to engage in office gossip or to get pulled into a clique right away.


  • 就成了另一类办公室喝茶闲聊(office water-cooler)[2]的现象。

    This creates a new version of the office water-cooler.


  • 开始的日子美国导师办公室好几有时候仅仅是闲聊几句或者问候一下。

    The first day, go to my American mentor my office several times a day, sometimes just small talk or say hello.


  • 与此相反以和办公室原因相关的话开启对话,会令客户知道你不是浪费他的时间或者闲聊

    By contrast, opening the conversation with a remark that's relevant to the reason you're in the prospect's office tells the prospect that you're not there to waste time or chit-chat.


  • 今天早上我们办公室开会时候,我们的头儿说,看到我们都坐在自己桌子那里忙着自己的活,而不是好多时间站在那儿闲聊天。

    At the staff meeting this morning the boss told us she wanted to see us at our desks busy working instead of spending so much time standing around shooting the breeze with each other.


  • 相反本科生只是顺便到老师的办公室拜访,喝一杯雪利酒后,兴奋地闲聊一会儿奥斯汀胰腺功能而已。

    Instead, the undergraduate would simply drop round to their rooms when the spirit moved him for a glass of sherry and a civilized chat about Jane Austen or the function of the pancreas.


  • 办公室咖啡闲聊聚集地

    The coffee hub of the office.


  • 无关人员严禁办公室逗留闲聊下班最后离开办公室人员检查确认饮水机空调电灯的电源关闭

    F. Unrelated staff shall not stay, chat in office, the final staff leaving office after working shall check, confirm turning off of drinking machine, air conditioner and electric light.


  • 无关人员严禁办公室逗留闲聊下班最后离开办公室人员检查确认饮水机空调电灯的电源关闭

    F. Unrelated staff shall not stay, chat in office, the final staff leaving office after working shall check, confirm turning off of drinking machine, air conditioner and electric light.


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