• 接受了办公室程序训练

    I was also trained in office procedure.


  • 从事办公室程序工作协助上司处理政务日常事物决策实施提供服务

    Deal with the procedural nature work, assists the boss to handle the government affairs and the daily thing, and provides the service for the decision-making and the implementation.


  • 程序查找本地地址簿中的一个名称如果该名称是有效,则返回办公室电话地址

    This program looks up a name in the local address book and returns the office phone and address if available.


  • 一个项目带到不同办公室进行讨论如同集合标签一样简单相关程序文件可以任何终端设备调用

    Carrying a project to a different office for discussion is a simple as gathering up its tabs; the associated programs and files can be called up on any terminal.


  • 在过去移动意味着在笔记本计算机上本地安装全套程序存储所有数据然后带着它离开办公室

    Traditionally, going mobile has meant carrying around a laptop device, with a full set of local programs and data to work away from the office.


  • 调查办公室检查麦道公司时,麦道夫进行次约见,没有正式程序进行录音文档记录。

    The investigations office, which conducted several interviews with Mr. Madoff during its examination of the firm, did not have formal procedures to record and document the conversations.


  • 项目可能通过程序办公室更多时间或者动用人海战术完成好,因为程序最最要紧工作往往在他们撇开键盘时完成的。

    Because the most important work is done away from a keyboard, software projects cannot be accelerated by spending more time in the office or adding more people to a project.


  • 七月份美国版权办公室裁决绕开制造商保护机制使手机执行软件程序不再违反联邦版权法

    In July, U.S. copyright Office ruled that bypassing a manufacturer's protection mechanisms to allow "handsets to execute software applications" no longer violates federal copyright law.


  • 用户时区受影响部分(比如远程办公室或者程序)时区还是一个任意的时区标准,比如utc (CoordinatedUniversalTime) ?

    Is it the user's time zone, the time zone of the affected party (such as a remote office or process), or an arbitrary time zone standard, such as UTC (Coordinated Universal time)?


  • 这个星期美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)请求采用更为强硬措施评估药品医疗程序成本效益

    This week the Congressional Budget Office pleaded for a more hard-headed approach to assessing the costs and benefits of new drugs and medical procedures.


  • 程序也许在旁边也有桌子办公室通过起来成堆来确定桌子才是真正的活动场所。

    The programmers may have desks or offices nearby, but you can tell by the piles of books are piled that the big table is where the action is.


  • 一旦开始编码大多数公司程序就会一头埋进他们的办公室隔间独自工作。

    But once the coding starts, programmers in most companies tend to dash for their offices or cubicles to be alone.


  • 如果他们老板看到几个程序坐在一起看着同一个监视器也许会经理办公室要求知道为什么浪费资源”。

    If their boss sees programmers sitting together looking at the same monitor, he might storm into the manager's office and demand to know why "resources" are being wasted.


  • 项目(程序)管理概念已经出现时间了具有一定规模IT部门或IT活动的大多数公司正式程序管理办公室(PMO)。

    The concept of Project (or Program) Management has been around for a long time and most companies with a reasonably sized it department, or it activities have a formal Program Management Office (PMO).


  • 程序管理常常一个企业范围程序管理办公室(PMO)执行

    Program Management is usually run out of an enterprise wide Program Management Office (PMO).


  • 之后回到办公室提了很奇怪请求,他正在申请驾照,按照程序需要我出具证明。

    One year later he came back to the office with an odd request. He was applying to become a driver and needed my clearance, which was a formality.


  • 程序员们私人办公室免费午餐每周40个小时工作

    Programmers get private offices, free lunch, and work 40 hours a week.


  • 这个管理门诊患者信息应用程序需要让患者输入数据否则这些数据只能办公室工作人员采集

    For the application that manages patient information at a doctor's office, you want patients to be able to enter in data that would otherwise have to be collected by office workers.


  • 即使是计算机刚刚出现办公室中的时候处理程序电子表格演示软件已经成为应用程序中的佼佼者了。

    Even from the early days of computers in the office, word processors, spreadsheets, presentation software have been the giants among applications.


  • 部分程序必不可少的训练正面背面办公室人员

    This portion of the program is essential to train your front and back office personnel.


  • 不管打算运行内置计划管理器的应用程序还是需要自己启动这些程序,你都会通过某种方法办公室登入家里个人电脑然后留心正在发生什么

    Whether you're running apps that include built-in schedulers or need to start them yourself, you're going to want a way to log into your home PC from the office and keep an eye on what's going on.


  • 中科院教员办公室不得不实施新的临时程序接纳他们

    The faculty office had to implement new interim procedures to accept them.


  • 更好地了解采用基于社区开发带来挑战机遇IBMCIO办公室制定称为情景应用程序环境(Situational Applications Environment,SAE)的计划。

    To better understand both the challenges and opportunities of adopting community-based development, the IBM CIO office established an initiative called The Situational Applications Environment (SAE).


  • 桌面市场比较简单部分(固定功能技术性事务性工作站以及基本办公室)覆盖有限标准应用程序

    The rather simple segments of the desktop market (fixed function, technical and transactional workstations, as well as basic office) cover only a limited set of standard applications.


  • 用户笔记本电脑离开办公室,电脑中有用来输入部分订单LotusExpeditor应用程序

    The user leaves the office with a laptop containing a Lotus Expeditor application for entering part orders.


  • 可能的就是全世界没有人在过去的10 - 15年内(可能更长)通过在医生办公室医疗程序感染HIV

    It is probable that in the entire world, nobody in the past 10-15 years (maybe longer) has been infected with HIV through a medical procedure in a doctors office.


  • 可能的就是全世界没有人在过去的10 - 15年内(可能更长)通过在医生办公室医疗程序感染HIV

    It is probable that in the entire world, nobody in the past 10-15 years (maybe longer) has been infected with HIV through a medical procedure in a doctors office.


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