• 发挥一下想象生成坐标值可能就是临近一个公共车站随身携带着GPS设备马拉松选手汽车力赛中的汽车或者运输中的包裹

    With some imagination, the coordinates generated could be the positions of nearby public transport, marathon runners carrying GPS devices, cars in a rally, or the location of a package in transit.


  • 世界杯资格看到影响——英格兰令人惊讶,场上没有丝毫的紧张和慌乱

    You could see his impact during the qualifying campaign - England were very impressive and there was no fuss or drama at all.


  • 杰夫辩论水平很出色,所以辩论平局结束.

    Sally and Jeff both have excellent arguments so the debate ended in a standoff.


  • 而向人们解释如何摆脱当前困境,也阿尔巴尼辩才推向另一次差不多同等严格的测验

    Explaining how he is going to get Rio out of its current mess will put Mr Albanese’s oratorical powers to a similarly stiff test.


  • 个月在辛辛那提大师上——除四大满贯以外重要网球循环观众亲眼见证了史上爆发的落地击球。

    JUST two months ago spectators at the Cincinnati Masters, one of the world's biggest tennis tournaments outside the grand slams, may have witnessed the most explosive groundstroke ever.


  • 受到鼓舞交上赢得胜利进球帮助球队小组葡萄牙韩国送入淘汰

    Emboldened, he delivered the winning goal against Portugal in group play, putting South Korea into the knockout round.


  • 尽管大多是都是团体美国女子体育项目上有很强竞争

    The U.S. is particularly strong in women’s sports, although much of it is in team competition.


  • 卡斯这本书写得颇具说服才华横溢引人入胜甚至原本所想象的引起当代人共鸣

    Mr Cercas has written a persuasive, brilliant and absorbing book that has more contemporary resonance than even he might have imagined.


  • 周来辛吉斯都处在阴影中举步维艰,上周浦顿冠军中,威廉斯姐妹挤出,大满贯中库尔尼科娃拔头筹。

    It's been a difficult week in the shadows for Hingis, pushed aside by the all-Williams' final at the Lipton Championships last week and Kournikova's run through the Family Circle.


  • 此前小组中,巴萨F头名出线,压同组的国际米兰。

    Earlier in the tournament Barca topped Group f, which also feature Inter Milan.


  • 2010年初第二次到访该市,那时义夫仍然握有很大影响,可以左右其父在商业事务上的决定,因此,一支庞大美国企业代表团再次造访。

    By my second visit in early 2010, Saif held huge sway over decisions about business, and a large U.S. business delegation was again in town.


  • 1991年,理论物理学家约翰·德斯首次提出原子显微技术MRI相结合用以对微小生物结构成像想法

    In 1991, theoretical physicist John Sidles first proposed the idea of combining MRI with atomic force microscopy to image tiny biological structures.


  • 个分站冠军,六个杆位登上领奖台97个积分可能不是一个突破性成就,但是人们起初料到这样的分数会如此具有竞争

    Six wins, six poles, four podiums and 97 points may not be ground-breaking statistics, but then you wouldn't expect records in a season as competitive as this.


  • 2008老总汤姆阿尔巴尼年都忙着向人们详细解释为什么并购不能发生不过怎么说这都是在必和必撤出行动之前说的。

    Tom Albanese, Rio’s boss, spent a busy year in 2008 explaining in detail why the takeover should not happen, before BHP pulled out anyway.


  • 如果我们小组阶段放在一旁(小组可以平局),只考虑淘汰阶段,结果非常具有说服

    If we set aside the qualifying rounds (in which teams can play to a draw) and focus on matches with a clear winner, the results are very compelling.


  • 大人,安得烈同城。

    Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.


  • 举办扔手机,富有想象芬兰人已经创办世界桑拿锦标、背老婆等。

    The inventive Finns had already given the world the Sauna world Championships and the Wife Carrying Competition before coming up with a new way to make mobile phones even more mobile.


  • 布雷克格里芬 (PER 22.8915th): 虽然作为新秀入选正还是有些难度,已经准备好参加扣篮了,而且的表现大家预想的可要劲爆多了。

    Blake Griffin (PER 22.89, 15th) : It’s tough to make it as a rookie, but Griffin’s already going to be there for the dunk contest, and he’s been even better than most folks realize.


  • 视频剪辑配乐工作以及能格式图片转换8比特色纠错师工作,正是这些工作让自己的注意放在图片不是3d上。

    I also worked on movie clip playback and on a dedicated color-corrector to translate Cineon images to 8 bit, this is what led me to concentrate on images rather than 3-d.


  • 记忆冠军谈到如何5分钟之内记住幅扑克牌以及如何通过怪异甚至肮脏图像来进行联系,你能进一步解释一下究竟怎样运作的么?

    You talk about memorizing two decks of cards in five minutes for the Memory Championship, and how weird and even dirty images help an image stick.Could you explain how this works?


  • 记忆冠军谈到过如何在5分钟之内记住幅扑克牌以及如何通过怪异甚至肮脏图像来进行联系,你进一步解释一下究竟是怎样运作的么?

    You talk about memorizing two decks of cards in five minutes for the Memory Championship, and how weird and even dirty images help an image stick. Could you explain how this works?


  • 伯特·鲁坦孜孜不倦设计的飞行器,劳伦斯·埃里森(甲骨文公司CEO)奋拼搏获得美洲帆船冠军,霍夫曼很喜欢描述人们机器在一起时所表现出的创造

    Whether it be Burt Rutan's quest for space, or Larry Ellison's quest for the America's Cup, Hoffman enjoys how people express their creativity with machines.


  • 联合品牌的酒店(比如鲁迪cerrutti阿玛尼宝嘉利酒店)竞争性市场穿透

    Cerrutti, Armani and Bulgari Hotels have a competitive edge in penetrating the market.


  • 我来说比起墨尔本这场当然前进一步我们竞争排位时忧乐进步。

    For me, the race was a definite step forward compared to Melbourne, and our competitiveness was better than we showed in qualifying.


  • 芭蕾社团,视屏挑战羽翼计划一系列活动你们领导方面的表现远远超出了我们的期许

    You exceeded all expectations in terms of leadership of things such as the Ballet ECA, the Video Challenge and Wings Plan.


  • 竞争激烈我们墨尔本看到迈克伦在排位中很有竞争

    The battle was very close but we saw already in Melbourne that the McLaren is competitive in qualifying.


  • 2008老总汤姆·阿尔巴·尼年都忙着向人们详细解释为什么并购不能发生不过怎么说这都是在必和必撤出行动之前说的。

    Tom Albanese, Rio's boss, spent a busy year in 2008 explaining in detail why the takeover should not happen, before BHP pulled out anyway.


  • 2008老总汤姆·阿尔巴·尼年都忙着向人们详细解释为什么并购不能发生不过怎么说这都是在必和必撤出行动之前说的。

    Tom Albanese, Rio's boss, spent a busy year in 2008 explaining in detail why the takeover should not happen, before BHP pulled out anyway.


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