• 我们注意通常会被种类广告吸引:电视报纸广播杂志户外海报、互联网广告

    We focus our attention on seven types of advertising: television, newspapers, radio, magazines, out-of-home, internet, and direct mail.


  • 某些种类北极受到近来数量急剧增加的威胁,这些雪雁北极繁殖,并且正在取代生命较弱鸟类

    Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species.


  • 那么就需要食用更多适当种类的能量帮助提升注意或者需要额外工作来保持你的清醒

    You will either have more of the right kind of energy to help your focus, or you'll need to work extra hard just to keep awake.


  • 大概没有其它种类动物像爬虫类那样引发人类想象

    Perhaps no other group of animals has caught mankind's imagination like reptiles.


  • 还有更多种类亲吻方式,可以发挥自己想象营造一个梦幻般的爱情生活

    There are many more types of kisses where you just have to use your imagination to create a magical love life.


  • 尽管某些角度上看,本周这个判决具有开拓性,但它其他联邦法院或者其它种类基因专利权没有约束

    This week's ruling, though ground-breaking in some ways, is not binding on other federal courts or on other kinds of genetic patents.


  • 根据构架标准可以将可重新利用资产分为很多种类并且在运用恰当时候大大提高项目的实现

    There are many different flavors of reusable asset at the disposal of the software architect, and the use of such assets can dramatically improve project performance when applied correctly.


  • 随着中国个人财富增加消费者更加热衷于到超市购物,原因主要是超市货品种类质量好、干净、价格很有竞争

    As individual wealth rises in China, shoppers are becoming keener on supermarkets, attracted by their product variety and quality, cleanliness and competitive pricing.


  • 变异H1N1病毒不同种类动物人类流感病毒混合体人类病毒混合变异出的种类几乎毫无免疫

    The new version of the H1N1 virus is a mix of different animal and human versions of the disease. Mixing can lead to the development of changed viruses to which humans have little immunity.


  • 我们还有希格斯粒子其他线索举例来说,如果存在,那么它统一不同种类之中(译者注,大一统理论)也有作用

    We have other hints about the Higgs; for example, if it exists, it plays a role in "unifying" different forces.


  • 因此,我们注意

    So we have two types of attention.


  • 旅行非常取决于头上,你的注意里,型的负荷

    It trips very fast, depending on what sort of loads you have on your head, on your attention.


  • 电脑媒体时代强调短期注意而Hulu却将在线影视彻底改造成了种类似于电视体验,它顾客提供了一个功能丰富的播放器,并要求顾客较长时间的集中注意

    In a medium conducive to short-attention spans, Hulu reinvented the online viewing experience for long-form content with a TV-like, feature-rich video player.


  • 应当免费提供约束任何种类费用估计报价。

    Cost estimates and offers of any kind shall be binding and free of charge.


  • 这本书里,米勒向我们提供了一种奇妙概况,是关于许多不同种类动物,像蚂蚁蜜蜂白蚁群和麻雀,他们是如何通过集体智慧”的影响来解决繁琐问题的。

    In it, Miller provides a fascinating overview of how various types of animals - ants, honeybees, termites, sparrows - tackle complex problems by leveraging collective "intelligence."


  • 无论记忆倾向于哪至少要将你记忆内容保持考试时候,你能保持记忆牢固唯一途径

    Whether you prefer the type of memory, at least you have to remember to keep the contents of the examination, you can maintain that this is the only way to a solid memory.


  • 内部因素色素种类水平光合作用器官整体结构水平影响植物的生产

    Internal factors such as kinds of pigments, enzyme levels, and the degree of organization of the photosynthetic apparatus also influence productivity.


  • 接下来一年里在,以利诺斯州-爱河化州会议上发表了相关论文学习策略种类复杂材料的记忆保持”。

    Conference. In addition, I presented a related paper entitled "Type of Learning Strategy and Verbatim Retention of Complex Material" at the ILLOWA (Illinois-Iowa) Conference the following year.


  • 所有志愿者研究开始结束时,通过测试评估记忆其中包括注意、对单词语言口头记忆和对图像的视觉记忆。

    All volunteers took tests that assessed various types of memory - including attention, verbal memory for words and language, and visual memory for images - at the beginning and end of the study.


  • 正是这个长程库仑给出等离子种类繁多可能运动并且丰富了称作等离子体物理学的研究领域

    It is this long-ranged coulomb force that gives the plasma a large repertoire of possible motions and enriches the field of study known as plasma physics.


  • 好的影评常常聪明比较一些作品所知道电影种类数量,你的评论显得中肯智慧并且充满洞察

    Good film criticism often involves making astute comparisons. The more diverse and numerous the films in your vocabulary, the more insightful, relevant, and intelligent your observations will be.


  • 好的几个种类其中种在这边,另一种在那边产生大的冲击美感

    A few well-selected plant varieties can have more impact and appeal than a mix match selection of one of these here and one of those there.


  • 现代图书馆将会逐渐形成合理的四个层次种类别的结构模式。

    The hierarchical structure with four layers and six kinds must been gradually formed in the modern library manpower resource.


  • 它们摩擦可以制造精确度,满足安静运行要求的各

    They have low friction and can be produced with high precision and in quiet running variants.


  • 写作叙事描写说明性说服介绍自己选择主题学生练习

    The four types of writingnarrative, descriptive, expository and persuasive — will be introduced and practiced by students on topics of their choice.


  • 研究青海湖底动植物种类数量进行调查分析湖泊底质条件以及底栖生物的生产进行了评估。

    In our research, we have investigated and analysed the types and amount of benthos in Qinghai lake, and evaluated the lake bottom condition and benthos' productivity.


  • 近年来,观光农业园中国悄然兴起,显示出极大生命极强的发展

    In recent years, many types of agricultural sightseeing gardens are rising in China and showing infinite life force and strong developing potential.


  • 近年来,观光农业园中国悄然兴起,显示出极大生命极强的发展

    In recent years, many types of agricultural sightseeing gardens are rising in China and showing infinite life force and strong developing potential.


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