• 青岛力洋藻业有限公司,地处青岛市西海岸一家国内领先海藻产品加工企业

    Qingdao Liyang seaweed Industrial co., Ltd located in west seaside of Qingdao, is one of the leading companies in China which specialize in seaweed extract.


  • 许多较早理论含蓄地贬低太平岛民航海综合文化创造

    Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders.


  • 岛民对气候变化无能为

    The Pacific Islanders have nothing to do about the climate change.


  • 印度中国争夺印度影响,而俄罗斯与中国争夺中亚的影响

    India and China vie for influence in the Indian Ocean, Russia and China compete in Central Asia.


  • 相反是,太平战场上日军面对美军占绝对优势的火炮空优,利用挖掘链式极大地强化许多岛屿的防御

    By contrast, the Japanese in the Pacific theatre, faced with overwhelming American artillery and airpower, heavily fortified many of their islands with chains of deeply dug caves and bunkers.


  • 发生厄尔尼诺事件时由于东信停止了本应推动上升流甚至反转了方向赤道太平浮游植物生产明显下降

    During el nino events, phytoplankton productivity in the equatorial Pacific declines dramatically as the easterly trade winds that normally drive upwelling grow still or even reverse direction.


  • 西太平兴风作浪台风一年到头地纠缠着亚洲东海岸的居民们。 它释放出的巨大破坏甚至带走无数鲜活的生命

    Typhoons threaten the western Pacific relentlessly year-round, dogging coastal cities along the eastern coast of Asia and sometimes unleashing devastating power that can cost human lives.


  • 其中最有竞争国家退休基金储蓄银行(下文称BTPN),被私募公司德克萨斯太平集团收购之后2008年进入小额信贷市场

    Among the keenest of them is Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN), which entered the market in 2008 after a buy-out by Texas Pacific Group, a private-equity firm.


  • 本周二(9月29日)侵袭太平海啸,无法与2004年12月袭击印度沿岸国家海浪的惊人破坏相比拟。

    TSUNAMIS that struck in the South Pacific on Tuesday September 29th were nowhere near as devastating as the waves that hit countries around the Indian Ocean in December 2004.


  • 他们不满西太平地区,他们认为他们的“饭碗”,打算挑战我们优势变得足够强大的影响

    They also resent US influence in the western Pacific, which they view as their "rice bowl" and intend to challenge our dominance when they become strong enough.


  • 系统似乎美国海军为了抗衡中国太平地区日渐增加军事影响预计在2018年部署一种导弹回应

    The new system appears to be a response to a missile the United States Navy is expected to deploy in 2018 to counter growing Chinese military influence in the Pacific.


  • 皇家海军建设保持其他国家海军印度亚太地区伙伴关系增进相互了解延续英国影响

    The Royal Navy is building and maintaining partnerships with other navies across the Indian Ocean and Asia Pacific region to foster mutual understanding and continued UK influence.


  • 我们看看他们漂流太平中央时他们想象他们带来恐惧感觉。

    Let's take a look at the fears that their imaginations were generating as they drifted in the middle of the Pacific.


  • 自我介绍一下好吗?太平计算机公司业务经理

    Do you mind if I introduce myself? My name's Wang Li, Business Manager of the Pacific Ocean Computer Company.


  • 中国从意志行动上都快速构建军事量,包括延伸至印度,展示出另外威胁

    China, which is increasingly willing and able to project military power, including in the Indian Ocean, poses a threat of a different kind.


  • 反映出本区现今构造应主要来自太平板块西菲律宾板块向北西对欧亚板块水平挤压作用

    The force source of current tectonic stress field comes mainly from the westward and northwestward horizontal extrusions from the Pacific and Philippine Plates respectively to the Eurasian Plate.


  • 艾琳·伯克维奇,一个美国女人帮助辛克地区生病对抗太平燃气公司

    Erin Brocvich, an American woman, who helped the sick people in Hinkley to fight against the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.


  • 测得梯尺的尺度,调动RIP灰度变换弧线。

    The value of the measured and wedges comparison of standard values, adjust the gray-scale transform in the RIP.


  • 我国处于环太平地震带,地震分布广破坏灾害损失极为严重。

    Our country lies in the circum-Pacific earthquake zones so that there is the widely distributed strong damage earthquake with serious disaster losses.


  • 然而过多抽水行为迫使当局20世纪90年代颁布了距离亚历山德里10公里河水的使用许可证。亚山德里娜湖是出口面向两个湖泊中的其中一个

    Too much pumping forced the authorities in the early 1990s to switch water licences to the Murray, 10km away at Alexandrina, one of two lakes at the mouth facing the Southern Ocean.


  • 然而过多抽水行为迫使当局20世纪90年代颁布了距离亚历山德里10公里河水的使用许可证。亚山德里娜湖是出口面向两个湖泊中的其中一个

    Too much pumping forced the authorities in the early 1990s to switch water licences to the Murray, 10km away at Alexandrina, one of two lakes at the mouth facing the Southern Ocean.


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