• 一支班力本葡萄酒酒瓶上可见,只鸟他的爪子捉住一条鱼

    On every bottle of Bannockburn wine, there is a bird clutching a fish in its claws.


  • 也门人习惯咀嚼一种跨特的树叶,这种树叶温和兴奋剂清晰思考力本没有助益,这个习惯几乎和以往一样普遍。

    And the Yemeni habit of chewing a leaf called qat, a mild stimulant not conducive to clear thinking or dynamism, is almost as pervasive as ever.


  • 有一吸引了注意

    One book catches my eye.


  • 研究发现笔记电脑用户记忆应用所学概念差。

    But the research has found laptop users are less able to remember and apply the concepts they have been taught.


  • 好书可以启发孩子们想象同时提高他们世界认识能

    A good book can capture the imagination while improving children's knowledge of the world.


  • 种环境可以帮助人们通过每一吸引人注意的书来获得一种私人体验,从而学会“心灵阅读”。

    The environment can help people learn to do "soul reading" by providing a private experience with each book that draws one's attention.


  • 当然学生们已经有了笔记电脑手机最新设备还可以课堂注意的分散更严重。

    Students already have laptops and cell phones, of course, but the newest devices can take class distractions to a new level.


  • 收集各种关于领导学术研究理论将它们总结薄薄的书这件事上,做出了宝贵的贡献

    Nye has performed a valuable service in rounding up and summarizing the various academic studies and theories of leadership into a single, slim volume.


  • 小节中的其余部分将介绍这些业务是如何协同工作并且着重强调这些能在您的供应链影响

    The remainder of this section outlines how these business capabilities work together and emphasizes the impact of these capabilities on your supply chain.


  • 无论如何出自最有成就艺术家之手的传记,是级为感性,也极具影响作品

    Nevertheless, this biography, from one of the most accomplished practitioners of the art, is a work of supreme sensitivity and control.


  • 如果没有经验厨师,你可以拿一食谱然后侍者运用想象晚餐想出一些好的主意。

    You can use a cookbook at first when you are an inexperienced cook but later try to use your creativity to come up with new ideas for supper.


  • 极具感召小说,讲述面临背叛勇气

    "A Sea Change" is a powerful novel of courage in the face of betrayal.


  • 特别武器放大镜,一如何成为侦探》的读物无尽的想象让这位谦逊的电影放映员摇身一变,成为一位英勇无畏的侦探。

    Weapon of choice: A magnifying glass, a copy of How to Be a Detective and an inspired imagination that transformed him from an unassuming projectionist into a heroic detective.


  • 也许,只有混乱私生活悲剧离世才足以匹敌乐坛巨大的影响

    His impact on the landscape of music was matched only by his turbulent personal life and tragic death.


  • 另外出版于2001年的《从优秀卓越成为管理著作中的哈利·波特》,广为流行,影响非同寻常。

    This and his other book, "Good to Great", published in 2001, have become the Harry Potters of management literature, hugely popular and holding the promise of magic.


  • 拉尔森生动人物形象深刻细节描写,极富想像故事情节写作的高度热情,使千禧三部曲成为同类题材的的杰作。

    But Larsson's vivid characters, the depth of detail across the three books, the powerfully imaginative plot and the sheer verve of the writing make "the Millennium Trilogy" a masterpiece of its genre.


  • ,发生7左右余震可能性非常大。这样的余震可能有较大的破坏

    "There's a significant probability of having an aftershock in the magnitude 7 range," which could be potentially destructive, says Dr. Benz.


  • 哈佛伯特·大概理论具说服提倡者

    Harvard's Herbert Benson is probably the most persuasive proponent of this view.


  • 还写过其他30这个过程中,他慢慢成为了一个20世纪具影响管理大师

    He wrote 30 other books, becoming one of the most influential management gurus of the 20th century in the process.


  • 比如如果正在节食试着食物日记——可以使你对这件事情更加负责任,提高你的意志

    For instance, if you're on a diet, try keeping a food diary - it makes you more accountable and gives you a boost to your will-power.


  • 为了更好培养我们眼光敏锐的观察,可以随身携带速写经常上一点时间静下心画画

    To help better educate our vision and visual acuity, carry a sketch pad with you always and take time to stop and draw.


  • 他们正经,太学究气想象不够丰富。

    They are too serious, too academic and not imaginative enough.


  • 这其中包括1752年杰明·富兰克林雷电中放风筝的相关研究报告,研究首次证明闪电某种超自然

    Benjamin Franklin's studies on flying a kite in an electrical storm from 1752 show the first time anyone had proposed that lightning is electricity and not a supernatural force.


  • 他们两个关于旅行所见所闻多伦多星报报道

    The two will write a book about what Beliveau encountered during his travels, the Toronto Star reports.


  • 戴维·哈认为,政策上实施幸福措施可以产生强大的影响

    According to David Halpern, having a well-being measure could have a powerful influence on policy.


  • 不用论文里寻找最根观点从而说明阅读好书其实比做一些显然过于“有创造”的东西耗费更多创造

    But you don't need to go there to take the basic point, which is that it can take more brainpower - and creativity - to properly consume a good book than to do many more overtly "creative" things.


  • 不过关于魔术书籍又是另外一回事,读者必须自食其找出含意。

    The books he wrote about his art were, he said, a different matter; the reader had to make an effort to find out the information.


  • 拉各斯等着凯西然后用尼日利亚护照到了比利时。这护照写着他是凯西儿子(这就是凯西的影响),他一比利时扔了。

    He waited in Lagos for Keshi to fetch him, then flew to Belgium on a fake Nigerian passport - which he discarded as soon as he got there - posing as Keshi's son (such was the player's influence).


  • 要向安德鲁·斯坦顿吉米·莫里斯、约翰·拉特、·伯特以及皮克斯所有富有创造的工作人员致以真诚的敬意期待他们未来的作品。

    My most sincere compliments to Andrew Stanton, Jim Morris, John Lasseter, Ben Burtt, and all the creative forces at Pixar. Can't wait to see what the future brings...


  • 要向安德鲁·斯坦顿吉米·莫里斯、约翰·拉特、·伯特以及皮克斯所有富有创造的工作人员致以真诚的敬意期待他们未来的作品。

    My most sincere compliments to Andrew Stanton, Jim Morris, John Lasseter, Ben Burtt, and all the creative forces at Pixar. Can't wait to see what the future brings...


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