• 推导了复合梁在温度变化情况回复方程复合梁振动频率和温度间的关系方程

    The recovery force equations and the relational equations of frequency and temperature were derived from above four constitutive models respectively.


  • 薛定建立一个方程宣称:“只要告诉作用电子,我就能告诉你它任意时空位置的波函数行为。”

    Schrodinger came up with an equation that said: "you tell me the forces acting on the electron, and I can tell you what its wave is doing at any point in space and time."


  • 合作并不是个魔法方程使生产增加

    Working with others is not a magic formula to increase your productivity.


  • 诚然尽量避免谈及质能方程杜撰了一系列富有想象隐喻使得那些复杂概念易于理解

    True, he minimises the use of equations and has dreamt up some imaginative metaphors to help make complex notions more accessible.


  • 百度我们他们提供平台让他们发挥自己的创造一个双赢的模式,而且现在第三序员开始喜欢上这种合作模式。

    BIDU: We provide a platform for developers to exercise their ingenuity, it is a win-win situation and third party programmers seem to enjoy this kind of cooperation.


  • 这本可以帮助解决这个问题,它向每个人展示至今只有很少知道事情创业公司的第一年会发生什么真正的生产的时候,那才是一级方程式赛车,它开起来很怪,但的确跑的很快。

    This book can help fix that problem, by showing everyone what, till now, only a handful people got to see: what happens in the first year of a startup. This is what real productivity looks like.


  • 薛定谔建立一个方程宣称:“只要告诉作用电子就能告诉你它任意时空位置的函数行为。”

    Schrödinger came up with an equation that said: "You tell me the forces acting on the electron, and I can tell you what its wave is doing at any point in space and time."


  • “修微分科目的物理学博士不再有竞争”,Schwartz博士说道

    A PhD physicist with one course on differential equations is not competitive,” says Dr Schwartz.


  • 努利方程中的每一量纲单位面积上的

    Each term of the Bernoulli equation has the dimension of force per unit area.


  • 一旦他们找到解决养分运输困难的方法会转移注意,去针对5种易受损发质制定养分搭配方程序。

    Once they had solved the delivery method dilemma, they turned their attention to formulating ingredients that targetted the 5 most significant signs of damaged hair.


  • 本文基础研究了一类具有非线性阻尼波动方程的初边问题

    In this paper, the initial-boundary value problem of a kind of nonlinear fourth-order wave equations with damping and source terms is studied on the base of Beam equation.


  • 将充满看成柔软壳体原理建立伞绳(伞衣径向加强带)伞衣幅中线平衡方程

    The canopy under inflation is regarded as a soft shell, and the equilibrium equations in the radial member and gore centerline are established by mechanics theorems.


  • 根据冲击波超压-时间毁伤原则失去战斗比率伤亡准则推导了冲击波伤亡等级方程

    With overpressure-duration damage criterion and the CI criterion of shock wave, a new casualty ranking formulae was derived.


  • 通过积分增量方程高频部分低频部分分析,提出了一种高精度速度误差补偿算法

    According to the analysis of the high and low frequency parts in the equation of integral specific force, a precise velocity error correction algorithm is presented.


  • 根据哈密顿原理导出了悬索大挠度振动的有限体积离散方程,推出整体节点向量质量矩阵切线刚度矩阵。

    The final finite-volume discretization equations are derived using the Hamilton principle. Meanwhile the global nodal force vector, mass matrix and tangent stiffness matrix of the cable are obtained.


  • 再利用出现挠度方程中的不定型式,我们可以找出计算临界公式

    Further, by making use of indetermined form appearing in the deflection equation, we can find out the formula for calculating the critical force.


  • 本文证明任意次磁多极线方程可以有限形式解析表示对偶极族和四族磁多极子场线位形给予注记。

    In this paper it is pointed out that the equation of field lines of a magnetic multipole with any order and degree can always be analytically expressed in term of finite form.


  • 牛顿第二定律实质上动量连续性方程积分形式,因而,可以理解动量

    Forces can be visualized as momentum currents, for Newton's Second Law is equivalent to the continuity equation for momentum in integral form.


  • 最后单元结点平衡建立分析弹性地基矩阵方程

    At last, the matrix equation for analyzing elastic foundation beam is held up by the equilibrium of node forces.


  • 注意这个方程右侧一个

    Notice that there is a force on the right hand side of this equation.


  • 用梁弯曲正则方程旋回式破碎机进行了内分析以此为基础对下架体进行强度计算

    The paper makes analysis to lower bracket of rotary crusher on its inner force by regular equation of beam bend, on basis of which strength of lower bracket can be calculated.


  • 为此利用斜拉外形协调方程提出一种适合斜拉索非线性分析状态修正由算例证明了此法的正确性、实用。

    By using the harmonic equation of the tension and shape of stay cable, a state revision method is presented for the nonlinear analysis of stay cable in this paper.


  • 利用线性叠加原理通过求解代数方程,从而分离出点电荷耦合作用

    Then by the principle of superposition and solving two sets of algebraic equations, the interaction between the point force and the point charge was uncoupled.


  • 控制为有界条件下,动态规划方程中可以导出控制规律

    The optimal control law is derived from dynamical programming equation and the bounded control constraints condition.


  • 建立机车各部件微分方程,计算悬挂输出响应,建立了系统质量阻尼刚度增广矩阵

    Augmented mass, damping, stiffness matrix of system was set up to derive vertical dynamic differential equations for locomotive components and obtain output responses of suspensions.


  • 本文建立了火箭发动机管内点燃情况下,串联结构高低压无后座发射器弹道方程,并试验弹进行数值计算。

    This paper established the internal ballistics equation for the high-low pressure launcher with tandem construction when the rocket motor is ignited in the launch tube.


  • 平面汇交解析平面汇交系的平衡方程计算未知,其平衡方程最简单,但也最容易出错。

    The analytical method of system of plane intercrossing forces is to calculate unknown forces by use of equilibrium equation of plane system of plane intercrossing forces.


  • 严格条分二个平衡方程并假设作用方向条间作用点位置,就求出安全系数

    For strict slice method the safety factor can be obtained by two equilibrium equations given the orientation or the point of force action between the slices.


  • 麦克斯韦方程洛仑兹平面电磁波辐射光波反射折射惠更斯原理衍射干涉现象

    Maxwell equations: Lorentz force, plane electromagnetic waves, radiation, light waves, reflexion, refraction, Huyghens principle, diffraction, interference phenomena.


  • 麦克斯韦方程洛仑兹平面电磁波辐射光波反射折射惠更斯原理衍射干涉现象

    Maxwell equations: Lorentz force, plane electromagnetic waves, radiation, light waves, reflexion, refraction, Huyghens principle, diffraction, interference phenomena.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定