• 一级他们的影响可能可怕

    At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome.


  • 田纳西Dyersburg 61岁护士 JoneNellNorman经常怀疑花钱判断,她说:“看来我们这些中产阶级承担了大部分负担。”

    "It seems to me that we in the middle class bear most of the burden," says Jone Nell Norman, 61, a nurse in Dyersburg, Tenn., who often wonders about the government's judgement in spending her money.


  • 也许是因为转移人们对巴马周六赢得南卡罗来纳选举的注意,不管怎样,她轻而易举地50%的支持率 “打败”支持率33%的奥巴马。

    Perhaps she wanted to divert attentionaway from Mr Obama’s vivid victory in South Carolina on Saturday.


  • 他家田纳西的罗伦斯堡镇上,是这个养育小镇最有影响家庭之一。 在家庭的资助下,汤普森读完了大学,法学院,随后加入了他叔叔律师事务所。

    Her family, one of the most influential in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, the small town where he grew up, helped him through college and law school, and he joined her uncle's law practice.


  • 这都只是为了分散的注意你不会留意到没有任何纽约行医所需要执业医师执照

    Distraction, so you won’t notice she doesn’t hold the minimal qualifications needed in New York State to be practicing psychotherapy.


  • 来到会议室,向委员会讲述亚拉巴马很多劳动人民不管是黑人还是白人伤残补助规定造成了不良影响,然后投下了极有影响一票

    He came to the meeting and cast a loud aye vote for our resolution, after telling the committee how many Alabama working people, black and white, had been hurt by the new disability rules.


  • 事实上根据克拉荷马大学教授米歇尔·蒙佛德的说法,人们经常用来激发创造方法中,有一半是无用的,有的甚至产生相反效果

    In fact, according to University of Oklahoma professor Michael Mumford, half of the commonly used techniques intended to spur creativity don't work, or even have a negative impact.


  • 看上去似乎是个主意当然爱达荷标语著名土豆有感召

    It seems like a nice idea, certainly more inspirational than Idaho's slogan, "Famous Potatoes".


  • 马隔先生马托格罗索只有8%区域提供商业农耕,而且该区农业生产,已成为巴西的棉花稻米大豆最大生产商

    Mr Maggi says that only 8% of Mato Grosso’s territory is given over to commercial farming. Its high productivity means that the state is Brazil’s biggest producer of cotton and rice as well as soya.


  • 强大黑森罗兰.科赫抱怨联盟中决策不足

    Roland Koch, the powerful premier of Hesse, complained of “insufficient decisiveness” from the coalition.


  • 俄亥俄肯特大学一位教授称,这份研究报表现实了肥胖对于大脑所造成的伤害,“特别是对于那些关乎集中注意以及学习事物的大脑部分,影响更深。”

    Professor John Gunstad, of Kent State University, Ohio, said the research showed obesity can damage the brain, 'especially the parts most important for paying attention and learning new things'.


  • 尔蒂尼的《影响》一书中,来自弗吉尼亚布莱·克斯堡的年轻姑娘这么写道:“去年圣诞节遇上了一个27岁的男生,我19。”

    In Cialdini's book Influence, a young woman from Blacksburg, Virginia, writes, "Last Christmas, I met a 27-year-old man." I was 19.


  • “智能电网产业没有准备好在全国范围展开,此次刺激所做引起所有50个注意重要工程提供百分之五十的资金。” 鲍尔斯说。

    What the stimulus has done is capture the attention of all 50 states and provide 50 percent financing for significant projects.


  • 威廉姆斯毕业于美国北卡罗来纳大学(North CarolinaState University)机械工程系。在校期间,他曾北卡格林斯罗的创意领导中心(Centerfor CreativeLeadership)接受为期一周的培训

    As a mechanical engineering major at North Carolina State University, Williams spent a week in a training program at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, n.c..


  • 康涅狄格高中的三年级学生哈利•麦卡尔平事实上,“一些孩子留在学校家庭作业仅仅因为他们知道,不Facebook,他们不会分散注意。”

    In fact, said Haley McCalpin, a junior at a Connecticut high school, “Some kids stay after school to do homework, just because they know they can’t get on Facebook so they won’t be distracted.”


  • 本月初,立法小组开展了一项拥有10万美元活动金的调查确定佩林是否曾利用自己影响开除时任警的姐夫

    Earlier this month, a legislative panel launched a $100, 000 investigation to determine whether Palin abused her influence by attempting to get her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper.


  • 根据美国有线新闻网(CNN)报导,这次的龙卷风其他龙卷风一样产生一个巨大的破坏极强的风暴星期四为止,这场风暴已经使美国6个共231丧生

    The tornado was one of many spawned by a vast, violent storm system that has so far killed as many as 231 people in six U.S. states as of Thursday, according to CNN.


  • 美国两个杰出同性恋当选为行政人员派克女士其中之一,另一位来自马萨诸塞有影响国会议员BarneyFrank

    And Ms Parker is one of the two most prominent gay elected officials in the country alongside Barney Frank, an influential Congressman from Massachusetts.


  • 对于巴登-符腾堡来说,一切迟了转移不可避免,这会伤害默克尔夫人(而且进一步削弱 上议院的影响)。

    But this will be too late for Baden-Württemberg, where regime change would hurt Mrs Merkel (and further weaken her in the upper-house Bundesrat).


  • 本周注意集中茶叶党支持者东部特拉华取得胜利

    This week, attention centered on the victory of a supporter in the small eastern state of Delaware.


  • 伊利诺伊大学研究者通过研究发现体育锻炼能够增强小学生注意他们学习提高作用

    A study by researchers at the University of Illinois found that physical activity increased the ability of elementary school students to pay attention, and also increased their academic performance.


  • 就是为什么斯多夫总是缅因或者威斯康辛工作。

    That's why Christopher is already looking for a job in Maine, or Wisconsin.


  • 这场具有强大破坏风暴出现周二周三凌晨也就是摧毁西南密苏里致使122丧生巨大龙卷风——乔普林出现几天内

    The high-powered storms arrived Tuesday night and early Wednesday, just days after a massive tornado tore up the southwest Missouri city of Joplin and killed 122 people.


  • 这场具有强大破坏风暴出现周二周三凌晨也就是摧毁西南密苏里致使122丧生巨大龙卷风——乔普林出现几天内

    The high-powered storms arrived Tuesday night and early Wednesday, just days after a massive tornado tore up the southwest Missouri city of Joplin and killed 122 people.


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