• 萨维奇40岁,将会在周内通过剖腹产分娩一个男孩

    Savage, 40, is due to give birth to a boy within the next two weeks via cesarean section.


  • 这个风险还是很小很多发达国家每年选择剖腹产分娩避免自然分娩孕妇数目急剧上升。

    The risk is still quite small, but many developed countries have seen a dramatic rise in the number of Caesareans performed each year as more women elect to avoid a vaginal delivery.


  • 分娩持续了10个小时后医生才给她安排剖腹产手术。

    Her labour had lasted ten hours before the doctor arranged a Caesarean section.


  • 阻塞可能使分娩时间延长从而增加剖腹产大出血婴儿窘迫死产危险

    Obstruction can lead to prolonged labour, which increases the risk of caesarean section, heavy bleeding, distress in the infant and stillbirth.


  • 加州调查更聚焦低风险分娩方面,调查仍然发现很多医院比率剖腹产尤其是那些营利为目的公司拥有的医院里。

    But the California investigation focused on low-risk births and still found high rates at many hospitals, especially those that are owned by for-profit companies.


  • 有的证据显示普通分娩生产对于母亲大脑中的粘结区域先行刺激优于剖腹产无痛分娩

    Emerging evidence [shows] that normal Labour and birth primes the bonding areas of a mother's brain better than caesarean or pain-free birth.


  • 研究人员剖腹产手术过程使用麻醉影响血压而且分娩过程中血压降低使婴儿心跳降低一个危险

    The anesthesia used during the procedure can affect blood pressure, researchers said, and blood pressure drops during delivery can slow the baby's heartbeat to a dangerous point.


  • 剖腹产曾经一度遭滥用,后来大部分医疗不当,现在也自然分娩运动大为减少

    Once overused largely for fear of malpractice suits its use has been greatly reduced by the natural childbirth movement.


  • 记得分娩时,孩子顶径为103,防止意外选择剖腹产

    Remember the birth, the baby's biparietal diameter of 103, in order to prevent accidents, I chose the C-section.


  • 如果选择剖腹产恢复时间要比自然分娩一些。

    Because of the surgery, your recovery time may be longer than if you delivered your baby vaginally.


  • 最大风险就是分娩过程中剖腹产伤口会破裂。

    The most serious risk of a VBAC is that a C-section scar could come open during labor.


  • 增加原因主要怀孕加快分娩以及剖腹产用药增加

    The rise of these births may be linked to increased use of drugs to start or speed up labor and more births by Cesarean section.


  • 尽管剖腹产可以考虑,几乎所有女性经历几个小时分娩被迫采取剖腹产还是很令人沮丧的。

    Unless a Cesarean birth is scheduled, almost all women are disappointed when they've endured labor for several hours and are forced to have an emergency C-section.


  • 结果全程陪伴分娩心理承受能力、产程缩短、剖腹产低、产后出血少。

    Results The endurance of psychology of the series with accompanying the whole process was better , their process of childbirth was shortened and.


  • 如果需要通过剖腹产的形式来分娩,那么依然可以护理好两个宝宝的。

    If you need to have a cesarean birth it is still possible to nurse your babies.


  • 方法比较44绕颈剖腹产胎儿61例脐绕颈自然分娩胎儿动脉大脑中动脉血流多参数,以RI及VP分析指标

    Method To compared with UA and MCA's Doppler parameter in the 44 cases umbilical cord around neck by caesarean section fetus and 61 cases by parturition fetus, take ri and VP as analysis target.


  • 此外,与剖腹产婴儿相比,正常分娩婴儿出现分娩几率最高

    In addition, babies that had been delivered naturally, rather than by caesarean, were at the biggest risk of a breech delivery.


  • 因此如果死亡率并发症算成一个‘围产期死亡率并发症指标’,那么这些风险剖腹产产妇低于正常分娩产妇60%。

    Overall, if deaths and complications are added up to make a "Maternal mortality and morbidity index", risks to mothers in the Caesarean group were 60 per cent lower than in the normal birth group.


  • 研究人员一个医学杂志Thorax上表示:正当更多西方国家女性接拒绝自然分娩时候,这个发现却表明选择性剖腹产存在潜在危险性

    The findings also underscore the potential risks of elective C-sections as more women in Western countries choose to avoid a natural birth, the researchers said in the medical journal.


  • 医生建议剖腹产时,正常分娩可能的,婴儿头部位置下来无法转动头部。

    A doctor recommends a C-section when normal delivery is not possible, when the baby's head is not positioned down and it is not possible to turn the head.


  • 剖腹产曾经一度遭滥用,后来大部分医疗不当现在也已因自然分娩运动大为减少

    Once overused, largely for fear of malpractice suits, its use has been greatly reduced by the natural childbirth movement.


  • 剖腹产分娩男性胎儿

    A cesarean section was performed and a male baby was delivered.


  • 其他条件相同的情况下,剖腹产产妇的风险高于自然分娩

    All else being equal, C-sections involve a slightly higher risk to the mother than natural births.


  • 剖腹产分娩男性胎儿。

    A cesarean section was performed and a male baby was deliered.


  • 剖腹产早产分娩常见分娩方式产后出血新生儿窒息显著高于对照组

    Caesarean was quite common method of delivery in premature delivery, and the postnatal hemorrhage rate and the asphyxia rate of newborn were significantly higher than that of the control group.


  • 剖腹产早产分娩常见分娩方式产后出血新生儿窒息显著高于对照组

    Caesarean was quite common method of delivery in premature delivery, and the postnatal hemorrhage rate and the asphyxia rate of newborn were significantly higher than that of the control group.


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