• 大部分问题都是紧密联系的——当然可以剔除出去——然后批判性回答他,你会发现一个问题都正反两面的答案。

    Most of these questions are relevant - you can pick the odd one out - and critical, and all of them can have a positive or a negative answer.


  • 但是认为一个千载难逢的机会你认真思考生活什么重要的,剔除那些不要紧东西

    But I think it's a golden opportunity to really think about what is important in your life, and weed out the things that don't really matter.


  • 很多雇主开始招聘高管以下级别人员时,会利用一个招聘小组人力资源团队剔除未能满足工作基本要求的应聘者

    Many employers start filling vacancies below the executive level by using a team of recruiters or human-resources personnel to weed out applications that fail to meet a job's basic qualifications.


  • 可能一个精神病检测哈吉斯——如果这个,你就会被自动剔除

    Maybe it’s an insanity test, Haggis thoughtif you believe it, you’re automatically kicked out.


  • 可能一个精神病检测哈吉斯想——如果了这个,你就会被自动剔除

    Maybe it's an insanity test, Haggis thought-if you believe it, you're automatically kicked out.


  • 足足一个星期之后入侵者才被剔除如果损失的话,没有人知道这次入侵导致的损失是什么

    It took a week to winkle out the intruder. Nobody knows what, if any, damage was caused.


  • 家庭作业并不需要一个正式战略计划明确为什么如何,把最终目标相悖事情日常工作剔除掉。

    Take Home Lesson: it doesn't need to be a formal strategic plan - but do know why you're doing what you do and be willing to filter things that don't fit with that goal from your daily activities.


  • 一个管理朋友并且剔除社交图谱一些噪音方法

    This is a perfect way for one to manage the friend circle and get rid of some of the noise in your social graph.


  • 采用第三一个避免提问情绪化方法自己特别是被问者问题剔除

    One way of avoiding emotion is to talk in the third person, taking yourself and especially them out of the picture. Thus, rather than say.


  • 主持人向致谢,着我走了出来节目播出时,他们只用一个片断剔除的提问但是肯定打算告诉我们哥哥完美无缺的,对吧

    She thanked me and ushered me out and when the episode aired, they used only one snippet, removing her question " But surely, you're not going to tell us that your brother was perfect, are you?"


  • 我们心理地形决定了什么信息留在我们大脑里同时什么需要剔除,这个学说一个已经被广为接受的生物理论很近似:达尔文自然选择理论。

    The idea that our mental terrain decides what information survives in our heads and what gets killed off finds a parallel with a venerable biological theory: Darwin's theory of natural selection.


  • 一个有智慧女人,会在男人所说任何话语里加入一小男人对的任何话语里,剔除一小粒的

    A wise woman puts a grain of sugar into everything she says to a man, and takes a grain of salt with everything he says to her.


  • 但是认为一个千载难逢的机会你认真思考生活什么重要的,剔除那些不要紧东西

    But I think it's a golden opportunity to really think about what is important in your life and weed out the things that don't really matter.


  • 说的是,那些勇于接受并且剔除缺点的人将会拥有一个光辉的未来

    I'd like to point out that people who can bravely accept and remove their disadvantages will gain a bright future.


  • 如果煤炭价格欧元列出来剔除货币影响因素,你会得到一个下降价格,”贸易商表示

    "If you take coal prices, chart them in euros and strip out the currency effect, you have a declining price," the trader said.


  • 与其建立一个坏帐银行有毒资产银行负债表剔除出来,财政部还是决定自己变成实际上灾难保险公司

    Rather than setting up a "bad bank" to take these toxic assets off the Banks' balance-sheets, the Treasury has decided to turn itself, in effect, into a catastrophe insurer.


  • 一个可以男人剔除女人不可能不会摆摊设点一点辛苦养家

    A man can not be removed from the woman will not be impossible to set up a stall set up to make a little hard to support their families.


  • 但是至今没有整理出一个彻底剔除表演性质不实用技术、成套的徒手格斗教学体系或者组织良好训练课程

    But no one has yet outlined a uniform system of instruction or a constructive training course for unarmed fighting with the grandstand and non-practical methods eliminated.


  • 如何遥感观测数据中发现误差剔除误差,提高遥感观测数据质量遥感应用研究急需解决一个问题

    How to detect and eliminate errors from remote sensing observation data to improve their quality is a problem in dire need of solution in remote sensing applications.


  • 传统节日支配一个365我们应该剔除过去习惯开始重新过未来的每一天。

    Tradition dictates that every 365 days, you should try to kick bad habits and start your life anew.


  • 一个好的结构可以加快视锥剔除遮挡筛选。

    A good organizational hierarchy can speed frustum and occlusion culling.


  • 我们一个星期时间找到你们把偏见憎恨剔除出去

    It took us a week to find you, a week of culling out prejudice and hatred.


  • 亲爱的人们我会一个更温和口吻告诉你们即将显露的变化会剔除那些你们世界令你们遭受痛苦局促不安的一切。

    Beloveds a gentler tone will I take that you may know that what is to transpire culls that which has so many of you suffering and ill at ease in this your world.


  • 然后研制一个简单高效线谱识别模糊专家系统根据提取出的线谱特征,进一步剔除噪声

    And then, the above features are used by a simple and efficient fuzzy expert system for line-spectrum recognition, which is newly developed for picking out noise points.


  • 这些项目一个专家小组进行定级剔除,共行3参与率:76%)。

    These items were submitted to a panel of experts for rating and reduction, in 3 rounds (participation: 76%).


  • 往往传统外贸剔除了本国,把其限定一个国家的高度,我个人认为真正的外贸就是物资流通,买东卖西。

    Traditionaly, the foreign trade is limited to the foreign market, excluding the domestic market. Personally, the real foreign trade is the anywhere physical distribution.


  • 基于一问题本文通过构造统计量对所给的样本进行选择剔除模型的构造很大影响力的样本,从而获得相对合理的样本空间

    Based on this problem, this article selects the sample points by constructing statistics. First, it removes the outliers to have a relatively reasonable sample space.


  • 基于一问题本文通过构造统计量对所给的样本进行选择剔除模型的构造很大影响力的样本,从而获得相对合理的样本空间

    Based on this problem, this article selects the sample points by constructing statistics. First, it removes the outliers to have a relatively reasonable sample space.


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