• 他们郊区一家钢铁厂前面经过

    On the outskirts they passed a steel mill.


  • 开普勒观测行星恒星前面经过遮挡一丁点恒星的

    Kepler watches for a planet to cross in front of its star, blocking a tiny fraction of the star's light.


  • 一个猎人房子前面经过老太婆鼾声这么大应该看看是不是不舒服

    A hunter passed by the house. He thought, the old woman is snoring. I should see if she is ill.


  • 绕轨道运行行星遥远恒星前面经过时,就会放大恒星的而暴露自己

    As the planet passes in front of a distant star-one it isn't orbiting-it gives itself away by magnifying the star's light.


  • 而是星宿系统就像是我们人间的视觉,个星星正常地从另一个前面经过

    Instead, this is a multiple star system, where one star regularly passes in front of another as seen from our earthly perspective.


  • 从前人们认为巫婆自己变成。人们认为黑猫前面经过吉利,就是因为担心巫婆变成的。

    People used to believe witches could change themselves into cats. A black cat crossing your path is bad luck because it might really be a witch.


  • 不过这个特殊夜晚,中美洲南美洲的观星看到月天象,月球曰从星团某些前面经过

    Still, during this particular night, skygazers in South and Central America could even watch the 5 day old Moon occult or pass in front of some of the brighter Pleiades stars.


  • 麻烦别人:从某人前面经过或者打断某人的谈话,或者向陌生人请教问题时,要先说“对不起”,为对方带来的不便预先道歉

    "Excuse me" is used as an advance apology for troubling somebody, as when passing in front of him or interrupting his conversation, or when putting a question to a stranger.


  • 如果体积足够大星体从一个距离很远恒星前面经过那么产生透镜效果,使那个恒星的光线产生弯曲变形,这样很清楚的看到这个星体

    If a large object passes in front of a more distant background star, it may act as a lens, bending and distorting the light of that star so that it may appear to brighten significantly.


  • 每次着自行车从此经过,看到刻在纪念碑前面的浮雕文字,我就想生气。

    Each time I pass on a bicycle I am made grumpy by the bossy inscriptions carved on its front.


  • 到站时,不觉有些厌烦,因为前面还有半小时脚程,要经过片单调无奇马铃薯地。

    He was slightly stressed when he got to his stop, still with half-an-hour's walk ahead of him on a track that led through featureless potato fields.


  • 假如是个旅客,我关照公共客车:我前面一下,经过河沿上车。

    Suppose a case: I am a traveller; I say to the diligence, 'I will go on in advance; you shall pick me up on the quay as you pass.


  • 华盛顿州最繁华市区,骑警达斯提•皮尔邦德正站环形路的前面想方设法经过司机多往环形路行驶。

    [font=Verdana]IN DEEPEST Washington state, trooper Dusty Pierpont stands in front of a roundabout trying to persuade motorists to like them.


  • 带着一种近于高尚的自制力经过无数餐厅甚至拒绝它们看上一眼最后走到一栋大楼前面,然后了进去。

    He passed numerous restaurants withmagnificent discipline, refusing even to glance into them, and at last reacheda building, which he entered.


  • 信用危机糟糕情况已但是对于欧元区经济体来说更加残酷时期正在前面

    The worst of the credit crunch may be in the past, but there are tougher times ahead for the euro-area economy.


  • 正如前面所提到即使需要发挥这些技术的优势,大部分J2EE 1.2代码应该可以经过任何修改运行

    Even if you do want to leverage new features, most of your J2EE 1.2 code should run without modification, as mentioned earlier.


  • 所有参加这个研究人都经历过息肉放到自己大肠的事;而经过这次研究后,194同意改变他们饮食防止前面的经验重现还有200人继续他们典型的饮食政策

    All the participants in this study had experienced a polyp in their large bowel; 194 people agreed to change their diets to prevent a recurrence and 200 people continued their typical eating regimen.


  • 如果坐在前面人们经过时,我会感到难为情

    If I'm up front, I cringe as people walk by.


  • 经过前面su操作尝试之后日志文件中两个条目。

    Using the previous demonstration of the su attempts, we have two entries.


  • 经过机场海关人员正在搜查毒品他们检查每个人行李,把前面那个从头搜了遍。

    The Customs were searching for drugs when I came through the airport. They searched everybody's luggage for them, and they searched the man in front of me from head to foot.


  • 经过几个月不懈努力,赶上前面同学

    He's come up with his classmates ahead of him, after months of patient diligence.


  • 所以有时候就像前面举的那个女人例子需要避开路过或是开车经过那个充满卡路里的小店,走路过果汁店那条路吧。

    So sometimes, like the woman in my earlier example, you just have to avoid walking or driving past the places that you associate with comfort calories.


  • 当我想到旅途前面还有未知人和等着,想到身边经过的一切都不能使我滞留,我感到在春天里自由游荡的快乐

    Thinking of the unknown people and things in front of me, thinking that what I passed through could not detain me, I felt the joy of freedom in this smiling year.


  • 前面过去,别人看到手臂肩膀外面不是在头下方经过

    From head on, someone watching you would see your arms coming straight out of your shoulders and not crossing over in front of your head.


  • 车站前面条路正好经过

    The station is straight ahead and this road leads right by it.


  • 年后这家医院前面去堕胎时所经过十字路口,发生了车祸

    A few years later, she was involved in a car accident at the intersection near the hospital where she had the abortion.


  • 认知经过前面三种功能交流知识应用也是知识管理的最终目标

    Cognition is the application of knowledge that's been exchanged through the preceding three functions and is the ultimate goal of knowledge management.


  • 天夜里经过片山林忽然望见前面不远地方躺着只老虎

    One night, when he was through a forest when suddenly saw a place not far from lying in front of a tiger.


  • 天夜里经过片山林忽然望见前面不远地方躺着只老虎

    One night, when he was through a forest when suddenly saw a place not far from lying in front of a tiger.


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