• 但是总的说来,眼下的事情依旧感觉良好国家朝着正确方向前进,对工作业绩的支持也在高位,而且我们很多事去做

    Yet, on balance, I still felt good about where things stood: the country was moving in the right direction, my job rating was high, and we still had plenty to do.


  • 区域进步将会有助于确保亚洲继续朝着建立全球竞争力提高生产方向前进远离特殊利益集团保护主义

    Regional progress will help to ensure that Asia keeps moving in the direction of global competitiveness and higher productivity, and away from protectionism for special interest groups.


  • 只要中国经济沿着11%的增长高速前进小型企业们就有希望会有足够商业机会来使维系领先地下债主

    As long as China's economy was racing along at an 11 percent growth rate, small companies could hope for enough business to stay a step or two ahead of their underground creditors.


  • 欧洲国家生产70年代80年代潇洒地上升,在过去15年,生产每年只是蜗牛般地前进0.9%,相比之下,美国却达到1.7%,默艾克先生

    After rising smartly in the 1970s and 1980s, productivity in the last decade and a half has inched up 0.9 percent annually in Europe, compared to 1.7 percent in the United States, Mr. Moëc said.


  • 但是目前没有数据显示作为一个过度或者初步的治疗移植行肝切除是否可以改善移植存活

    However, there is no data demonstrating that liver resection before LT, which can be used either as a bridge treatment or as a primary treatment, improves the survival after LT.


  • 其实市场指明前进的道路。国债收益低,越表明市场越担心经济增长前景

    The thing is, markets are showing the way forward. The deeper the decline in Treasury yields, the clearer it is that markets are scared stiff about the growth outlook.


  • 目的探讨垂体腺瘤患者前进分辨CT扫描意义。

    To evaluate the usefulness of high resolution CT images before operating on patients with pituitary adenoma.


  • 结论空腹抽血心理护理明显降低抽血反应发生

    Conclusion Mental nursing care before fasting hemospasia could obviously decrease the occurrence of hemospasia induced responses.


  • 过去美国经济每年超过3%多一点增长稳步前进同期日本经济高于1%的年增长蹒跚而行。

    Yet the us economy has been growing at a little over 3 per cent a year over the past 10 years, while Japan's has limped along at just over 1 per cent.


  • 10一项名为“全国肺气肿治疗试验”(National Emphysema Treatment Trial)的大型研究显示,与药物治疗相比,手术并未显现出会给病患在总体上带来更高的存活

    In a large study a decade ago, called the National Emphysema Treatment Trial, the surgery didn't show an overall survival advantage over medical management.


  • 目前美国经济增长可能是以大约2.5%水平步履蹒跚地前进尽管是高于失速,还是缓慢不足于改善失业

    For now, it is most likely that America's economy will crawl along with growth at perhaps 2.5% : above stall speed, but far too slow to make much difference to the jobless rate.


  • 目前我国经济长达余年持续两位数的GDP增长如同辆高速开动的列车前进同时负担许多问题

    At present, Chinese economy keep double-digit GDP growth rate for more than 10 years, it is just like a high-speed train running and it also has many problems at the same time.


  • 目前我国经济长达余年持续两位数的GDP增长如同辆高速开动的列车前进同时负担许多问题

    At present, Chinese economy keep double-digit GDP growth rate for more than 10 years, it is just like a high-speed train running and it also has many problems at the same time.


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