• 大多数工业化国家,不同资源分配问题通过长途贸易网络解决终端消费者对长途贸易网络的控制很少

    In most of the preindustrial world, the problem of different resource distribution was resolved by long-distance trade networks over which the end consumer exercised little control.


  • 今年二月工业产量下降38%,1983年以来最低水平

    Industrial production plunged by 38% in the year to February, to its lowest level since 1983.


  • 项目复兴这个城市工业地位方面起到至关重要作用。

    The project has played a vital role in regenerating this former industrial quarter of the city.


  • 如果我们处于前工业化的初级农业社会极端气候变化会是灾难性的。

    If ours were a preindustrial, primarily agricultural society, extreme climate change would be obviously catastrophic.


  • 很多方面新闻返回工业时代的形式但是互联网得影响而更加有效。

    In many ways news is going back to its pre-industrial form, but supercharged by the Internet.


  • 不仅急剧倾斜座位前工业社会背景噪音都使语音清晰度得到了提高

    Intelligibility was enhanced, not only by the steeply raked seating, but also by the naturally low background noise of a preindustrial society.


  • 数字化网络化时代的降临,工业带来了众多机会使其面临巨大的挑战。

    The digital and network age has brought numerous opportunities as well as huge challenges to the BR Printing Industry.


  • 十几年来由于电子技术飞速发展,印工业面貌也日新月异发生很大的变化

    During last decade, great changes have taken place in the BR Printing Industry owing to the rapid development of electronic techniques.


  • 比如德·豪斯所倾向政策大气中的二氧化碳浓度设定为前工业化时期平均值倍。

    Nordhaus's preferred policy, for example, would stabilize the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at a level about twice its preindustrial average.


  • 因为全球平均气温已经高于前工业化时期大约0.7摄氏度意味着未来世纪,气温上升4摄氏度完全可能的。

    As the global average temperature is already about 0.7c above pre-industrial times, this implies that anything up to 4c during the coming century is possible.


  • 资金问题外,协定设立限制全球变暖终极目标前工业时代最高气温上升2摄氏度(华3.6度)。

    Apart from cash, the Accord sets an overriding goal of limiting global warming to a maximum temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times.


  • 我们估计比例N2O制作n 2o的减少土壤剖面减少大约10月25日%,相对工业价值

    We estimate that the ratio of N2O produced to N2O reduced within the soil profile has declined by about 10-25% relative to its pre-industrial value.


  • 120个国家签署去年12月哥本哈根协议自愿温室气体减排采取行动协议旨在工业时代以来的变暖限制2.0摄氏度

    Around 120 countries have signed up to voluntary action ongreenhouse gases under last December's Copenhagen Accord, which aims tolimit warming since pre-industrial times to 2.0 C.


  • 不同国家集团希望国际社会承诺,将前工业时期以来全球平均气温上升限制2摄氏度1.5摄氏度以内,甚至有几个国家要求1摄氏度以内。

    Different blocs of countries want the international community to commit to limiting the global average temperature rise since pre-industrial times to 2c or 1.5c, though a few are demanding 1c.


  • 《自然—气候变化》期刊周末发表的一项研究表明如果全球排放2020年没有达到峰值开始下降很难使全球平均气温工业时代以来上升幅度保持在2度以内

    showed that if global emissions do not peak and begin to fall by 2020, keeping the global average temperature rise since pre-industrial times below 2C will be difficult.


  • 特别是玛丽·巴顿》这本书,对19世纪40年代英国工业时代工人苦难做出了感人回应

    Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840's.


  • 尤其玛丽·巴顿》这本书对19世纪40年代英国工业时代工人苦难一个感人回应

    Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840s.


  • 如今超过了除日本以外的任何国家。日本的工业员工每年工作2155小时,而美国这一数据1951小时,西德为1603小时。

    Today it exceeds any country but Japan, where industrial employees log 2,155 hours a year, compared with 1,951 in the US, and 1,603 in the former West Germany.


  • 几百始于欧洲工业革命现在正向全世界扩散

    The industrial revolution, which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe, is now spreading across the world.


  • 这些殖民地企业家帮助确定进入工业北美社会特征

    These colonial entrepreneurs helped determine the social character of people who came to preindustrial North America.


  • 全球气温可能回到工业水平风险两极温度高于正常水平,而热带地区的温度将比工业低。

    You may bring global temperatures back to pre-industrial levels, but the risk is that the poles will still be warmer than they should be and the tropics will be cooler than before industrialisation.


  • 一百,农业属于工业生产的范畴。

    One hundred years ago, it was industrial production.


  • 利益方面,它们冲突批评人士去年墨西哥海湾灾难性石油泄漏的石油工业管理相似。

    That's a conflict of interest, say critics who liken the situation to the regulation of the oil industry prior to last year's devastating Gulf of Mexico oil spill.


  • 莉·施耐德·翠勒,高新技术杂志记者其中包括CIO工业标准》。

    Polly s. Traylor is a former high-tech magazine journalist with CIO and the Industry Standard, among others.


  • 发表讲话道琼斯工业平均指数上涨20作证期间道指下跌160点,此后有所反弹收盘下跌109点。

    The dow Jones industrial average had been up 20 points before he spoke. It fell as much as 160 points during his testimony, but recovered some losses to close down 109 points.


  • 道琼斯工业指数大约300,比数小时市场普遍预计要高大约100点。

    The Dow Jones industrial average opened about 300 points lower, almost 100 points better than the futures market had been predicting a couple of hours earlier.


  • 道琼斯工业指数大约300,比数小时市场普遍预计要高大约100点。

    The Dow Jones industrial average opened about 300 points lower, almost 100 points better than the futures market had been predicting a couple of hours earlier.


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