• 永不言弃勇往直前地去梦想

    Please keep dreaming and never give up on yourself.


  • 渊源知道议事厅前地在哪儿吗?

    Yuanyuan, do you know where Senate Square is?


  • 酒店步行可达的议事厅前地一个开始探索的好地方

    Senado Square, within walking distance of my hotel, was a good place to begin exploring.


  • 汽车车载计较机创造前地工具,都能够正常运用,任何旧地真空管根底手艺

    Older cars, the models made before onboard computers became standard, will work just fine, as will any old vacuum tube based technology.


  • 当时我大三巴牌坊、澳门历史城区议事厅前地民政总署大楼,这些都是澳门具特色旅游景点

    Of course I like it, and I went to the Ruins of St. Paul, the city center, the City Hall, Leal Senado - Macau's typical and best known tourist sites.


  • 如果没有勇往直前地拼搏过,或者不能承受拼死搏斗带来创伤,那么他就知道成功最高含义

    The man who has not fought his way upward and does not bear the scar of desperate conflict does not know the highest meaning of success.


  • 在钻下水深深地吸了口气

    He took a deep breath before he went under.


  • 法国北非殖民地法情绪正在增长。

    In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.


  • 官员聚集每一个门面办公室前兴奋地谈论着

    Officials were clustered at every open office door, talking excitedly.


  • 目光呆滞医生们坐在电视机根接一根地抽着烟。

    Doctors with glazed eyes sat chain-smoking in front of a television set.


  • 2000万年前爱达荷现在这样干旱确切地说那时温暖潮湿生长着茂密的原始森林

    Twenty million years ago, Idaho was not the arid place it is now. Rather, it was warm and damp, populated by dense primordial forest.


  • 其中一名囚犯恬不知耻地自称种族主义者,年前人群开枪射击

    One of the prisoners is a self-proclaimed racist who opened fire on a crowd four years ago.


  • 必须两点前赶到机场,但是时间地过去了。

    I had to get to the airport by two, and the minutes were ticking away.


  • 特别地震动物会受到影响观察冬眠醒来,老鼠洞穴逃走会狂吠莫名其妙跳去。

    Animals are also affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably.


  • 准备出国深造中国学生出国更多了解西方文化

    Those Chinese students who are going to study abroad have to know more about western cultures before going overseas.


  • 虽然外向的人在考验更少地感到恐惧但这并不意味着他们一定更好。

    While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better.


  • 本该英国或者一个英国殖民地担任大使的。”说道

    "I should have sent him as ambassador to Great Britain or maybe a former British colony," he said.


  • 他们一前一后蹑手蹑脚地悄悄了下去

    They went tiptoeing stealthily down, the one behind the other.


  • 大多数法国留学外国学生来自欧洲非洲殖民地国家,在美国留学的学生则来自世界各国。

    Most of the foreign students in France come from Europe or former colonies in Africa, but foreign students in America come from everywhere.


  • 足球源于英国大约150年前,英国将足球出口殖民地

    Soccer has roots in Britain, which exported the game to its colonies some 150 years ago.


  • 适量睡眠应该闹钟分钟精神抖擞醒来

    With the right amount of sleep you should wake up fresh and alert five minutes before the alarm rings.


  • 他们地把恢复到了卡特里娜飓风的水平。

    They have got the walls to where they were before Katrina, more or less.


  • 安妮犹豫了一会儿门口,随即欣喜地一张绿色扶手

    Annie hesitated for a moment before stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped delighted before a green armchair.


  • 作为名前高中教师看到学生们复一年地选择熟悉的、更便宜选项

    As a former high school teacher, I saw students choose familiar, cheaper options year after year.


  • 这些殖民地企业家帮助确定进入工业化前北美社会特征

    These colonial entrepreneurs helped determine the social character of people who came to preindustrial North America.


  • 可能驻扎这个作为罗马军队退伍军人殖民地贸易,该贸易港公元前46建立。

    He was probably stationed in this provincial trading port, founded in 46 B. C. as a colony for veterans of the Roman army.


  • 夏威夷群岛大约500万年前开始火山的形式出现海面上时,它们远离其他陆地板块。

    When the Hawaiian Islands emerged from the sea as volcanoes, starting about five million years ago, they were far removed from other landmasses.


  • 年前世界上唯一里克海龟筑巢地——贝克海滩发生了一起重大化学物质泄漏事件,导致当年几乎所有海龟无法孵化

    A major chemical spill occurred five years ago at Baker's Beach, the world's sole nesting ground for Merrick sea turtles, and prevented nearly all the eggs laid that year from hatching.


  • 大约4万6千,在一种使用工具、高度智能捕食者入侵不久澳大利亚主要的陆地生物发生了一些巨大的变化

    Something dramatic happened to Australia's dominant land creatures—somewhere around 46,000 years ago, strikingly soon after the invasion of a tool-wielding, highly intelligent predator.


  • 1995年,尼日利亚这个主要由54个前英国殖民地国家组成团体暂时取消了成员国资格,此前尼日利亚处决了9名少数民族人权活动人士其中包括作家肯·萨罗-维瓦

    Nigeria was suspended from the 54-nation group of mainly former British colonies in 1995 after it executed nine minority rights activists, including writer Ken Saro-Wiwa.


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