• 扫罗未到耶和华已经指示撒母耳说

    Now the day before Saul came, the LORD had revealed this to Samuel.


  • 到了晚上,因为是豫日,就是安息日

    And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath.


  • 利息计至存款到期到期日支付,可供提取加入本金续存

    Interest will accrue to the day prior to maturity of the deposits and is payable on the due date and may be either withdrawn or added to the principal.


  • 模型显示股票价格主要一日的股票价格汇率价格决定

    The model indicates that the stock price on one day main decided by the stock price of one day before and the exchange rate price of three days before.


  • 涵盖面更广30个月最低点报收上证综合指数,只有区区0.2%的涨幅

    And the wider Shanghai Composite Index, which had closed at a 30-month low the day before, squeaked out just a 0.2% gain.


  • 中部丝腺中丝胶蛋白大量合成5以后,以熟前一日合成活性最高。

    A large amount of sericin protein was synthesized after the 5th day of the last instar and its synthetic activity was the highest on the last day of the 5th instar.


  • 调查发布查尔斯一个电视访谈中如果加冕成为国王,卡米拉可能会成为皇后

    The surveys come a day after Charles, in a television interview, said Camilla could be queen if he is crowned king.


  • 同时拟合结果表明降水气溶胶浓度改变量与其气溶胶浓度值存在较好的相关特性。

    The variation of aerosol particles concentration in rainy day had apparent relation to the aerosols concentration a day before the rainy day.


  • 调查发布查尔斯一个电视访谈中如果加冕成为国王,卡米拉可能会成为皇后

    Thee surveys come a day after Charles, in a television interview, said Camilla could be queen if he is crowned king.


  • 本人同意本人保险计划本人个人凭证载明的投保日期起生效至统一续保日期一日为止

    I agree that my insurance coverage is from the join date specified on my Personal insurance Certificate to the date before the scheme's common renewal date.


  • 网页一日刚刚更新,录入了最新的死于禽流感的患者统计数据增加越南人与人之间传播禽流感疑似病例的数目。

    The page had been modified the previous day to update statistics on fatalities to add the suspected case of human-to-human transmission in Vietnam.


  • 每日身体评测体重身体质量指数前一做出比较,要求再进行两项简短平衡测试而且这项测试每天都有所不同。

    A daily body test measured my weight and body mass index against those from previous days and challenged me to two short balance tests, which changed daily.


  • 大卫派亚弟兄约柜常常事奉耶和华一日职分

    So he left there before the ark of the covenant of the LORD Asaph and his brethren, to minister before the ark continually, as every day's work required.


  • 飞机工程师发现他们没有完全了解金属疲劳——四月一日,西北航空公司812航班使用的波音737-300型客机在从凤凰城飞往萨克拉门托的途中发现在机身的上半部有一个五英尺的裂纹,不得不紧急迫降

    Over the past few weeks, aircraft engineers have found they do not know quite as much about metal fatigue as they thought.


  • 半个世纪个叫安德烈亚斯·迪米特里村里的一位姑娘,从此爱上了村庄周围群山。此后的几年中,他一直梦想着有朝一日在这里建立一个旅店

    Andreas Demetriou discovered Lysos and its surrounding hills half a century ago when he married a girl from the village, and for years he dreamt of building a hotel here.


  • 大卫亚萨弟兄约柜常常事奉耶和华一日职分

    David left Asaph and his associates before the ark of the covenant of the Lord to minister there regularly, according to each day's requirements.


  • 位可能人选日本年轻有雄心国土交通大臣原诚司(SeijiMaehara)。从不掩饰自己有朝一日统治全国野心

    Seiji Maehara, Japan's young and ambitious transport minister for the top post and has made no secret of his ambitions to one day rule the country.


  • 十二月一日至二十四日德国人称为Adventszeit”,那是“圣诞的等待”意思

    The Germans call the time from December 1st to December 24th “Adventszeit” which means the time before Christmas Eve.


  • 但是为了能够得到通过这个提议必须在一月得到占债权人人数90%压倒性数量的同意。

    But in order to proceed, the proposal must be accepted by an overwhelming majority of 90% of bondholders by a deadline of 1 June.


  • 三十美国越南撤军之时,哪会有人想到摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)有朝一日在《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)头版刊登广告,说越南景大好的奢侈品市场

    S. pulled out of Vietnam three decades ago, would anyone have imagined a Morgan Stanley ad on page one of The Wall Street Journal lauding Vietnam as a promising market for luxury goods?


  • 设想一下这幅情景,坐在上海一家宾馆房间里散乱地摆放上海地图,你筹划这座大都市的行程。

    Picture this - you're in Shanghai, sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you, and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.


  • 根据佛家所言,腊八这天正是几千释迦牟尼成佛之日,从此各大佛教寺庙便在一日隆重庆祝

    According gto the Buddhist belief that on this day Sakyamuni became the Buddha thousands years ago, and that is why Buddhist temples observe this festival.


  • 直到有朝一日能羞辱可以的!

    He wasn't supposed to die until I had the chance to humiliate him!


  • 据英国广播公司报道来自弗吉尼亚科学家们发现瘦身人士如果三餐杯水,就平均多减轻5体重。

    Scientists from Virginia found that dieters can lose an average of 5 pounds extra if they drink two cups of water three times a day before meals, BBC reported.


  • 十六2每逢七日你们各人要照所得昌盛出来储存著,免得时候收集

    Cor. 16:2 on the first day of the week each one of you should lay aside in store to himself whatever he may have been prospered, that no collections be made when I come.


  • 他自己希望有朝一日瓜能来曼城

    A few weeks ago he even said he hopes Pep manages City one day.


  • 他自己希望有朝一日瓜能来曼城

    A few weeks ago he even said he hopes Pep manages City one day.


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